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"so what do you wanna play today" Vaishnavi asked bringing a rack of beer and alcohol. "i want whiskeyy" reem pouted "everything is over okay, this is the last stock we have" abhi said bringing the glasses. "ugh" sid groaned. "so lets play king'c cup aight?" jai asked everyone. "oooh i know that game" avneet said as she came and sat beside siddharth on the floor in front of the sofa. they were currently at one of their group mates house, well its a weekend and they gotta enjoy c'mon!

"so for this drinking game with cards, we'll need a deck of cards, a cup, and plenty of beer and alcohol. A separate cup is placed in the middle of a ring of cards face down and we should sit around it. then we take turns picking a card from the deck, so if we get
Ace: 'Risky' The player has to do a dare given by the others
Two: 'You' The player who picks the card chooses a person to drink.
Three: 'Me' The player who picks the card takes a drink.
Four: 'Floor' The player who picks the card and everyone else playing has to immediately touch the floor. The last person to touch the floor drinks.
Five: 'Guys' all the guys have to drink
Six: 'Chicks' all the girls have to drink
Seven: 'Heaven' The player who picks the card puts their hands in the air, as do all other players; the last to raise their hands to god drinks.
Eight: 'Pick a Mate' The player picks a friend to drink with them for the rest of the game.
Nine: 'Bust a Rhyme' The player picks a word and each player takes a turn saying a word that rhymes with that word. This continues until a player can't think of a word, and thus has to drink.
Ten: 'Categories' Similar to nine, but the person who draws the card picks a category, such as Disney Movies after which each player says a movie until someone can't think of one. That person drinks.
Jack: 'Create a Rule' The player who picks the card has to create a rule that will take effect for the rest of the game. For example, everyone has to speak in accents before they drink.
Queen: 'questions' The player who picked the card asks someone a question. Without answering, that person asks someone else a different question, and then they ask someone else, and so on. When a player answers a question or can't think of another question to ask, they drink.
King: 'Kings Cup' Add your drink to the cup in the center. The person to pull the fourth King loses and has to drink from the cup in the center
and the one who drinks the most, obviously passes out and he/she loses." explained jai

"whoa okay lets playyy" reem giggled. "so who's gonna start? wait ill go take the cards" abhi said going somewhere."ill go dim the lights a bit" reem said as she moved towards the lights.

"uhuh i got five" vaish said being giddy. "yesss now all of you one shot each" avneet said pointing towards the guys. "she's cheating" abhi whined. "what no" vaish defended. "stop it, lets continue" sid said trying to stop them. "oh i got eight" avneet smiled "and i chose sid" she winked at him. "ughh fine" sid groaned.

"can you go play more music now, some high beats?" reem asked randomly."aight" jai said changing the playlist.

"oh look i got ace" sid making a cute pout at which avneet internally awed and melted so bad. "soooo your dare is-" abhi got cut in the middle by a ring of his phone. "ughh wtf why is Mr. Kapoor calling his rn" vaish said making a disgusting face. "i dont know, i swear i hate this man so much" abhi said before he took the call. "dont you guys have any shame? its 2am in the night and you are playing music in a high volume. Learn to care abt your neighbors especially old ones like me" mr.kapoor spat on the phone. abhi just cut the call not bothering to reply.

"what happened? " asked avneet. "oh nothing mahn, he is just a oldie who cant stand young adults like us having fun" abhi said shrugging. "you guys know once, me and abhi were really drunk coming home from a club. and this abhi kissed me and that oldie saw it. you wont believe that grandpa legit shouted at us and came running with his stick to hit us. like dude what-?" vaish said trying not to laugh. everyone busted out laughing.

"oh wait, your dare siddharth" abhi said smirking. "ugh bolo" sid groaned again."make out with avneet infront of that oldie house" abhi said smirking. "oh myyyy thats horrbilee" vaish said laughing. "wait cover your faces so he wont know who you are" jai snickered. "when did i say im gonna kiss him" avneet said making a disgusting face. "its your dare siddharth, you have to take her or else, you lose and the punishment is a surprise" jai winked at him. "fine" sid said as he took hold of avneet's arm dragging her to the kitchen. "ooye what?" avneet said stopping him
"he'll now bribe you avneet, have fun" reem said winking at avneet.

"what?" avneet said annoyingly as sid pinned her to the wall. "wait" he went to check if anyone is peeking thru the living room, he came back and found her standing in the same position. "did you just say no to kiss me" he said pointing towards him "like me? you said no to me? huh?" he said gripping her arms. "yeah i said no to you, so what?" she said acting cocky, cuz she knew when sid becomes angry, his punishment is gonna be a pure bliss to her. "such a slut arent you" he said smirking as he read her eyes. "only for you" she whispered in his ear lobe, as she started slowly licking them sensually. "stop it someone might see" he said pulling her away and brought her back to the living room.

so yes! they have fucked a couple of times you know, and their group knows it hahaha. some people never learn from their mistakes. being friend with benefits with someone when you have feelings is the worst mistake ever.

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