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she wakes up to someone gently shaking her shoulders "miss, we have landed in Switzerland" avneet opened her eyes, to see a air hostess smiling at her.

avneet opens her eyes slowly, adjusting to the surroundings. she finds herself sleeping on siddharth's shoulder. she quickly pulls herself away from him, but his grip on her waist, prevents her. how could she forget, he has a habit of hugging someone while sleeping.

"miss?" jake comes in her view. she looks around to see the whole plane empty. "sorry" avneet said being embarrassed

they both've been heartbroken, how could they possibly sleep properly for the whole month? and now that they had each other, they had the most peaceful sleep ever.

"i've tried to wake him up but it seems.." jake pointed to siddharth, who was still cuddling onto avneet. "dont worry, he's impossible to wake up" she pauses, she wonders if she should tell the guide of the truth, but why? its gonna be embarrassing and the whole group tour is gonna be ruined then. "ill do it" she smiled at jake.

"siddharth" she shook him vigorously, he didnt move. she gave jake a awkward smile, as jake looked at them with his eyes popping out. avneet held his nose, and pinched it tight, jake shot weird looks at avneet, "sorry but thats the-" avneet is cut off by siddharth's coughs.

"what the fuck?" he says getting up from his deep sleep.
"we've reached lets go" avneet said getting up.

"everyone i would like you guys, to gather back here, at 9pm for the dinner" the guide announced giving everyone the room keys.


they both were to live in the same room now.
for a whole weekend.

avneet tired explaining their situation to the guide, but every time he had some or the other announcement to make.
"lets go to our room" siddharth hesitates.
"i really need to change my clothes "she replies.

"um, ill go have a bath first" siddharth said as they entered their room. avneet nodded without looking at him, the face she'll be stuck with for the weekend, the face she loves.

as he comes out of his bath, surprisingly he was wearing black shorts, avneet gulped as she saw his abs, they had become more muscular. "i- um sorry i forgot to take my shirt" he said as she wore a grey hoodie.

"ladies and gentle men, may i have your attention please!" jake cheerfully looked at all of them as they settled down on their tables. and obviously siddharth and avneet had to sit with each other.

(a/n: outfits^^^)

"so as you all know, im here to discuss our plan for tomorrow" jake says, as avneet glances up at siddharth, who is just staring at the fountain, nearby.

she sees some kind of sadness in his eyes, permanent sadness. she hates herself, she did this to him. she broke him.

"so, as you see on your pamphlet" jake continues, neither siddharth nor avneet had not even checked the pamphlet once.

Day 1- Thursday, 12th February -

1) In the morning, by 10am we go to the Lindt Chocolate Factory. First, we will see how raw materials are collected and chocolate is made. Second, we even get to make chocolates and cakes there.

'fuck chocaltes? damn i hope i don't finish everything ' avneet smiles. while siddharth notices her smile and smiles to himself.

2) In the early evening, by 4pm we go to in Bern at the exclusive 'art of scent - Swiss Perfumes'. First, we'll see how perfumes are manufactured. Second, you all will have a opportunity to pick your favorite flowers from the vast flower field they have. Third, you will learn how to make perfumes on your own, you can make your own perfumes.

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