Chapter Eight

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Eden didn't move, it was as if he was frozen in place. Like some sort of statue. I don't know why I had said that, I wasn't exactly thinking I suppose. We used to yell at each other on a daily basis when I was still in the house. 

"As I said I was just getting my spare key from Elijah, so that's where I'll be headed now." I said, as if I hadn't just yelled at him. Eden didn't react when I walked away which was odd, to say the least. I was expecting him to have jumped me and beat me up for yelling at him, not be frozen. 

Obviously my words affected him, they had to. I didn't feel too bad. I knew that if I told uncle Elijah any of this he'd be on my ass for about my entire life, he'd keep bringing it up whenever he had the change that was why I was choosing not to say anything to him. 

Elijah lived deeper into the woods, still on pack territory but away from the others. He wasn't much of a social butterfly, he liked being alone rather than with people. The only person he really tolerated was his mate, Mallory Jones, pops' best friend. Mallory is older than Elijah, so she found out earlier than he did, which was sort of bad. 

Mallory had to chose whether or not to wait for my uncle to turn 18 or tell him when he was 16, she chose to wait. In those 2 years of time they got closer, became like best friends  but when my uncle finally turned 18, Mallory kissed him straight at midnight. She had not wasted any time. 

I've always thought "what if Elijah was her mate but Mallory wasn't his" cause that shit would've been awkward ass hell. Someone kisses you the moment you turn 18 and then you find out they think they're your mate but they're actually not. 


It's happened, but it doesn't happen a lot. 

"Ace? What are you doing here?" I looked up at the voice, I obviously recognized it I'm no imbecile. My uncle was staring at me with a raised brow, he knew why I was here. I rolled my eyes, walking past him and inside of his and Mallory's house. 

"I want the spare key." 

"Straight to the point, no 'Hi uncle Elijah, 'Hi auntie Mal and Uncle Elijah, how's the pregnancy goin?'. It's on the counter by the sink." He said, laughing slightly. Mallory came down the stairs, she had probably smelt my scent when I came in. 

Even though, technically Mallory wasn't my actual aunt, I still treated her like she was. She became my auntie when her and Elijah started dating.  She was always going to be like the mother figure I never had. 

"Ace! Hi sweetheart, I heard what happened between you and your dads, how are you holdin' up?" She said, in that sweet motherly voice of hers. She was made to be a mother, you could tell by the way she cared for the pups in the pack. She was going to be an amazing mother and her child will be absolutely blessed. 

My uncle on the other hand..

He was like a child himself so Mallory would have to take care of two children at the same time, which wasn't the best thing ever but he was gonna be an okay dad. Their kid would be strong, independent, mature. 

If they got Mallory's traits. 

I stayed at their house until dark, I hadn't hung out with them both in a really long time and if I'm being honest I really missed Mallory. 

I knew my way around the forest like I knew the back of my hand, it was easy walking around in the pitch black woods. The moon reflected some light as well so it made things easier. 

"Got that edgy bumpin music, got that edgy fuckin' taste-" I sing-songed to a song I heard on the radio while I was at Elijah's, I barely understood what the person sang but it was catchy. I heard a twig snap behind me, not thinking anything of it and kept singing quietly with a slight dance in my step. 

I was in a good fucking mood. 

I heard another twig snap and slowed down, still slightly bopping my head just in case someone was behind me to make them believe I was in my own little world. I felt someone start gaining on me quickly which made me spin around, my fist up in the air within a second and about to hit the person when a high-pitched scream stopped me. 

In front of me stood a guy, about the same height and body as me, and he was screaming like a high school girl who just saw her favourite singer.  I tilted my head in confusion and surprise, how the fuck was a guy this size able to scream this high pitched. 

"Woah! Yo dude! Calm the fuck down!" I yelled, slightly panicking and a little bit scared. The guy stopped screaming after a second, looking relieved. I looked at him in disbelief as he straightened up his slightly wrinkled blouse, it was as if nothing that had just happened phased him. 

"Phew, I really did think you were going to hit me there." He said, which snapped me out of my panic-stricken daze. I looked to the side and then back at him, this guy was weird as hell. He smirked at my action, as if I was amusing him and it felt like my breath had been knocked out of me. Sudden heat came rushing into my body as if I was on fire, my heart felt warm and I had a weird feeling in my stomach.  

It was a really nice fucking feeling. 

"Who the hell are you?" I breathed before coughing to cover up my sudden bashfulness. He smiled and holy fuck did he look good when he did. It was like he was some sort of a god by the way he was making me feel. The faint light coming from the moon reflected on his face and I got a real good look at him, everything about him screamed mysterious and.. sexy. Dark hair, brown- almost black eyes, plump pink lips that looked so fucking kissable. 

What the fuck is this guy doing to me? 

"I'm Drystan Aetós. Nice to meet you, love." 

This man is going to be the death of me, I just know it.  


The song Ace was singing was Tattoo by Layto. 


- Mel <3 

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