Chapter Sixteen

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"No! Drystan! That's not fair- WoaH-" I barked, a thousand different emotions going through me in the span of three seconds.

First, pure anger, Drystan wanted to go out on a run but decided to use his vampire speed and leave me in the dust.

Second, whininess, because he left me in the dust.

Third, pure terror, because I tripped over a branch and landed on my face.

I rolled over onto my back, knowing I didn't need to wait for long before Drystan came back around and found me. The ground wasn't the most comfortable laying place, considering there were like a million of rocks on the ground and all of them were poking me.

"Ace! Oh my god- Are you okay?" I heard him before I saw him, he skidded to a stop beside me before getting down to his knees to inspect me. I rolled my eyes ay him and grabbed his hand.

"I'm alright, I tripped." I murmured as I looked up at him, watching as he frowned and seemingly scolding himself in his head. I smiled softly at him, sitting up and grabbing his chin gently, turning his head towards me.

I stared at him for a long while, taking in his features and his presence overall. I was really lucky.

I let out a quiet huff, starling him out of some sort of trance and making him look at me. I chuckled quietly, leaning my head against his shoulder.

I was about to call him an idiot but before I could I heard the rustling of leaves which indicated that we weren't alone. I looked around, making Drystan do the same out of instinct.

"Let's go home.." I muttered suddenly feeling paranoid, something or someone had been watchin us. Drystan nodded, getting up and pulling me with him. The entire walk I couldn't shake of the feeling of being watched, it was as if it was following us.

Not even 5 minutes after we had gotten inside, there was a knock on the door and a familiar scent wafting from underneath the door, making me tense.

"Drystan, take ur shirt off." I commanded quietly as I walked to my room, taking my shirt off in the process. I pushed my sweatpants down a little, so they rested on my hips, I ruffled up my hair and rubbed on my lips just a little to make them red.

Drystan obeyed me without question even though he was confused as fuck. I ruffled up his hair, rubbing my thumb against his lips for a second as well. I opened the zipper of his pants, hearing him let out a gasp.

"Okay, I think you might know what to do, just go with the flow okay? I'll go open the door." I whispered, walking back to the door and pausing to look at it.

I opened the door and the one person I hated the most in the world was standing on the other side.


"Oh, Hi, Nick. What are you doing here?" I said breathlessly, reaching up to run my fingers through my hair as if I was fixing it. He didn't respond at first, he just stared at me. He blinked as if snapping out of a trance before he smiled.

"Hi, Ace. I've missed you. I need a favo-" He started but was cut off by Drystan yelling from my room.

"Baby? Who was at the door? Can you come back so we can continue-" Drystan said as he was walking out of my room with a lazy smirk, he froze when he saw Nick. He stood up straighter, giving Nick a tense smile.

Nick looked confused, as if he hadn't been expecting someone else in the house. Like he was expecting me to be in shambles after I had kicked him out.

"Ah.. uhm.. Nick, meet Drystan, my mate." I said, reaching my hand out to Drystan who immediately grabbed it and came up behind me. He placed a soft kiss on my cheek as he wrapped his arms around my waist, making butterflies erupt in my stomach.

"O-Oh.. Nice to meet you, Drystan."

"Likewise." Drystan said with so much sarcasm you could practically see it dripping out of the wood walls.

"Could I come in?" He asked, he said it so kindly that I almost forgot about the shit he did to me. I didn't trust him while I could protect myself, I was still glad Drystan was here to protect me if Nick tried something.

When I didn't say something, Drystan took it upon himself to invite him in. Opening the door wider for Nick while also shielding me from him. I hadn't told Drystan the entire story, just that I did not trust Nick what so ever.

Nick went straight to the living room and sat down on the couch and before I was able to follow him, Drystan stopped me with a hand on my shoulder. I knew what he wanted to ask me, I could see it in his eyes.

Are you okay?

I gave him a reassuring smile, watching as he relaxed a bit. I went after Nick, coming to stand in front of him with my arms crossed.

"What did you want?" My question was blunt, my tone sharp. NIck looked up at me, his expression shocked as if he wasn't expecting me to go from, kind and "shy" to "I'm not fucking around".

"I... was just wondering if your spare bedroom is still empty?" He muttered sheepishly not meeting my eyes. I scowled, tilting my head to the side while I looked at him with a not so kind stare. He whispered out a 'please?' as if that was going to help.

I was 5 seconds away from beating his ass and kicking him out of my house but before I could, Drystan stepped in. He pulled me away from Nick which made me scoff in disgust while Drystan just stared at Nick, wondering why he had come back after I had kicked him out a few weeks ago.

"You're not here just for that are you?" He asked menacingly, giving Nick's shoulder a shove making him look up at us. Drystan's lip pulled back in a snarl as he grabbed Nick's shoulder, pushing him back against the couch and forcing him to only look at him.

Nick was hesitant to meet Drystan's eyes, which wasn't a surprise either considering the usually so kind vampire was terrifying under all the layers of fluff. His eyes glowed a beautiful crimson, his fangs glinting in the light as he snapped them in Nick's face causing him to flinch.

"What the fuck are you doing here for? I know people like you, you were sent by someone. Who?" Drystan demanded as he got in Nick's face, I watched as Nick tried to push himself back, away from Drystan but failing as he was still sat on the couch.

I smirked, sitting down on the coffee table to be able to look at Nick's face, to be able to watch in satisfaction as my mate terrified the living shit out of him.

"Who?!" Drystan snarled, grabbing Nick by the collar of his shirt and clenching his fist, ready to punch him if he even tried to lie.

"I-I- He- He never told me his name! It- He was a vampire! A strong one- His people called him, Master, I heard someone call him Aetós too," Nick rushed out when Drystan was about to hit him, holding his hands in front of his face. Drystan let go of Nick, taking a small step back before looking at me with a lazy smirk.

"That wasn't so hard, now was it?"

Ace, honey, If you don't get your ass up and marry that man, I'm going to do it instead.




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