Chapter Nine

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"Wait.. we've met before." I stated, remembering him as the weird stranger who practically pounced me in the woods a few days ago. Drystan scratches the back of his neck, as if he was embarrassed.

"Yeah... About that.. I'm so sorry. I- Well I couldn't really control myself, you know? It's just, you and I are basically destined mates, it's like written in the books. A vampire and an orphaned Werewolf destined to become mates. Even though my father did threaten your dad a few years ago, I knew the moment I saw you that we were mates."

Excuse me, what?

I stared at him as if he had gone completely crazy, him and I, destined to be mates? Yeah, right. I didn't feel anything when I saw him, yes I felt happy but that's not the only feeling you're supposed to feel when you see your mate for the first time. I'm supposed to be able to smell the scent of him from a mile away.

"We can't be mates.. I'm not gay and I don't feel anything?" I say, it sounded more like a question than a statement. I wasn't gay, at least.. I don't think I am. I've only been attracted to women.

"Huh? wait.. you are 18? Right?" Drystan asked, ignoring what I had said completely. I started to nod but stopped midway. I was found in the woods by Blake as a child, there's no way they could've gotten my birthday right. No possible way, even if we had one of the best werewolf doctor in the world. Our doctor could easily tell how old a pup was, when-ish they were born, how many days ago they were born.

But getting someone's birthday right, when they're a pup? That could go really wrong, by days not weeks or months. The way our doctor could tell which month we were born in, was by the colour of our fur. The lighter the fur, the closer to summer we were born.

My fur, was almost as white as snow, I had a few specks of brown here and there, the tips of my ears were brown. My birthday was someday in August, right now, the pack doctor had told my parents my birthday was August 8th. That was 4 days ago, and I was obviously not 18.

There was a tiny spark between Drystan and I, I could feel it. Barely there, but I could still feel it. Which meant, I wasn't 18 and that I would have to talk to my parents.

"Shit, okay, my birthday was 8 days ago. The pack doctor usually only gets birthdays wrong by a few days, so my birthday could be today, or tomorrow, or the day after that. I don't know." I say honestly, because I did not know. The day didn't exactly matter in the werewolf world, more the time mattered.

"So... it could be your birthday right now? Today?" He asked and I nod because that could be a chance. The more I think of it, there might be one person who could tell me my exact date of birth.

But that would mean.. having to go back home.

Home Home.

"Okay, I know how we're going to do this. But you're going to have to come with me, because if what you say is true and we're destined mates, then I'm not doing this on my own. You're going to be with me, stand by my side, take my side, do whatever the fuck you can to make sure you and I come out of this.. together." I say firmly, making him nod ecstatically.

I nod at him, grabbing his arm and pushing him in front of me, ignoring his quiet yelp of surprise. I could tell he was wondering where we were going, but he wasn't asking me, so I wasn't about to tell him either.

"Okay, where are we?" He asked just as I was about to enter the pack lands, once again. Now that I think of it, we shouldn't be entering here, the alarms would go off on Drystan bc he's a vampire. We should go towards the alphas' house, so that we're basically in their backyard.

"Right outside of The Silver Crescent Pack lands, aka where my family lives and my pack. There's someone I have to speak to, who can help me with my birth date." I say, starting to walk right on the edge of the perimeter. I heard Drystan hum behind me, jogging slightly to catch up to me. We didn't need to walk for long, I knew exactly where we should go in.

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