Chapter Eighteen

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The song above is for later in the chapter, I'll tell you when you can play it! <3

"So... Your plan was to come over here, back home, to come up with a plan to defeat the Vampire clan and then go at it alone?" My dad said after our very needed hugging session and I nodded, hearing nothing wrong in what he had said because that had been my plan. 

"Are you fucking stupid?" He growled, making my eyes widen. "Do you not realize how ridiculously stupid that is?! All alone, with no back up if something goes wrong?! Have you completely lost your mind!" 

"Well when you put it like that it does make my feel stupid," I answered lazily, making Declan glare at me which made me stiffen. It wasn't everyday that you saw him mad. 

"And you told your mate to go to hell with the mate bond? After a small fight?" He demanded, coming to stand in front of me with his arms crossed over his chest. I shrugged, glancing to the side at Blake and silently asking him for help which caused him to shake his head. 

"Look at me when I'm talking to you, Ace. I understand that the mate bond is new, but that is one of the most hurtful things you can tell your mate. I basically said the same thing to your father when we were younger. I'm surprised he didn't beat me up then and there," I looked at him in surprise, not really knowing how to respond. 

He almost.. 

He and Pops almost didn't end up together because of a thing he did? 

"I don't want you to do the same mistake I did, I almost lost the person most important to me because of a stupid thing I said. And you can't do shit alone, I understand that you think you're some big dude who can take down an entire clan but you can't. There's strength in numbers, we have more wolves than they have bats. We're stronger than them, we can take them down. Together." He stated, putting his hand on my shoulder. 

I found myself nodding, suddenly feeling embarrassed that I had thought I could've done it myself. I knew I was strong, maybe even strong enough to take on an entire Vampire Clan myself but.. My dad was still right, there is strength in numbers. 

I shouldn't have said that to Drystan, I shouldn't have told him I didn't give a fuck about the mate bond. Because I did give a fuck about it, I loved every second of it, ever since we met. 

I've loved every single moment with him. 

I heard the front door slam shut, breaking me out of my thoughts. Immediately I recognized who it was without even having seen or heard him speak. I knew who it was. 

"Ah.. I know it's none of my business and that I shouldn't butt in to your relationship but I had Eden call Drystan and... He's here now." My dad said, giving my shoulder a squeeze with a thin smile as if he didn't know if he did the right thing.

As much as my mind was screaming at my dad for calling him, I was actually thankful. I'm glad Eden called him, because if no one had, I wouldn't have been able to. 

I sat down on my bed, staring at the wall ahead of me in hopes my dad would get the hint to leave me alone and he did, he always understood. 

Play song. Keep repeating the song if needed. 

Before I was even able to start thinking, to be able to go over what I was going to say and how I was going to apologize, Drystan walked into my room. His eyes were sunken, red and puffy as if he had been crying. 

I was the cause of that. 

I knew that. 

I stood up, but didn't walk over to him because I.. I just couldn't. 

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