Chapter Twenty Two

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I was pacing.

Of course I was pacing.

Drystan was in the shower, probably hearing me pace and getting annoyed at the sound of me going back and forth.

I had to talk to him. I just didn't know how to approach him. How was I going to ask my mate.. I don't even know what I was going to ask him.

I walked up to the bathroom door, standing in front of the door like a fucking weirdo with my hand hovering over the handle. Just fucking walk in, it's not like you've never been in there when he's showered.

"Ace? You can come in." I heard Drystan say, which made me freeze and then my hand fell down onto the handle, pushing it down and the door open. I walked in, went over to the sink and leaned against it.

The sound of the water tipper-tapering against the shower floor was almost deafening. It was quiet for a while, maybe he thought I was just in there for my own business and not to talk to him.

"Drystan? Could I ask you a question?" I asked, twirling my thumbs around each other as I wanted for his answer. The shower curtain was dragged to the side, Drystan showing his face and not letting my imagination picture the rest of his body because there he stood in all his glory.

He nodded with a soft smile, leaving the shower curtain open. I didn't know where to begin really, or how to ask him about everything.

"How.. did you know that woman?" I decided to go with, figuring I was allowed to ask more questions after he answered it. It was hard not to stare, I knew I was able to but I didn't want to get worked up.

This was supposed to be a serious moment!

Not one where I couldn't control my horniness.

He took his goddamn time to answer the question. Lathering himself in soap before washing it off and letting the water mixed with suds fall down his body making me clench my teeth.

"Well, she's a retired warrior. She's about 50000 years old, she fought for the clan for the first 40000 years after she joined, then she became a care taker for the daycare in the clan." He explained before pausing to lather shampoo in his hair.

He's trying to work me up, and it's fucking working. God he can be so annoying when he does that.

Why.. did you say that in such a soft.. way? - Nikko asked in disgust, but I knew he would've done the same thing if we were to swatch places. As if he wouldn't react the same way I am.

I let my eyes wander around the room, looking at every nook and cranny just so that I wouldn't have to look at Drystan's naked body. I had shit to fucking focus on not how hot he looked naked.

Drystan turned off the shower, squeezing the remaining water out of his hair before he stepped out of the shower and tied a towel around his waist. He came over to me and stood in front of me and I was still trying to not look at him.

"What is it, hm? Why are you not able to look at me, baby?" He murmured, putting his finger on my chin and turning my head towards him.

God forgive me for I have sinned,

Because holy shit he looked good, it was as if he had been sculpted by God himself.

Ace... FOCUS ON THE MISSON HERE. - Nikko exclaimed, startling me out of my stupor.

I let my eyes trail over Drystan's body before I put my arm around his shoulders and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He made a noise out of confusion, obviously believing I was going to do something more... intimate.

"I'm not done, Drystan. Will you be good and answer more of my questions?" I asked, letting my voice drop into something more smooth and seductive. Drystan blinked, clearly not understanding how I was able to stay so composed after what he did. He nodded none the less, making me grin.

"Was she just a warrior?"

"Oh, no. She was my father's right hand for about 40000 years, at the same time as she was warrior." My hold around him loosened as I took that in. She must've been there for him a lot, that's why they sent her. I frowned, looking down at Drystan, watching as he grabbed the hem of my shirt and played with it. I studied his face, trying to see if he was hiding something.

He kept playing with my shirt, occasionally letting his hand touch my skin. I didn't want to ask him, I trusted him with my entire life but he had lied. I had to ask him who's side he was on. I grabbed his arm, tightening my hand around it.

"Are you with them?" I asked calmly and his head shot up to look at me, his eyes wide with terror. I looked at him with a scowl as he stammered out a response. Realization hit me like a fucking truck and I stepped away from him.

"You're with them?!" I seethed, pushing his hands away from me. I don't know what I had expected but it definitely wasn't this.

"Ace, let me explain!" He begged, grabbing me around the waist tightly. His wet front towards my back. I gritted my teeth but stayed put, he had to have a good fucking excuse for what this shit.

He rubbed his forehead into my back and I heard him inhale deeply, as if he was taking in my scent. It made my heart ache, I wanted him to have a good explanation. I didn't want to have to send him to the dungeons like that woman.

"My dad- He kicked me out, but before he did he told me that if I got close to you, I'd be allowed back! But I... I fell in love with you, and I don't want to go back, I want to stay with you. I want to help you guys with this, I don't want to go back to my family, I want to stay with you! Please believe me." He begged and I gritted my teeth in anger.

That entire spew of feelings was laced with lies upon fucking lies. Did he think I was fucking stupid? Did he not know I could hear his heartbeat when he lied? How is heart started beating just a little bit faster than before. I shoved his hands away from me, turning around to face him with a glare.

He looked at me with tear filled eyes, as if he didn't understand my anger. He really did think I was fucking stupid.

"You.. Get some fucking clothes on." I seethed, walking out of the bathroom and slamming the door behind me.

I walked out of my room, going downstairs to my dads office. He looked up once I entered, about to greet me until he saw the look on my face and felt my anger.

"What happened?" Blake asked, standing up and walking up to me. I looked off to the side, catching sight of a vase that I made when I was younger. I wanted to fucking grab it and smash it against a wall.

And that's what I did.

Blake flinched as the vase shattered against the wall, his eyes widening in shock. Declan ran in to the room, about to ask what happened but I cut him off before he was able to.

"That fucking son of a bitch is on their fucking side."





I'm very sorry for this.


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