Chapter Twenty Five

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I wasn't expecting it to happen like this. It was supposed to be easy, we go in, kill, get the fuck out. I wasn't expecting there to be this many soldiers to kill.

Vampires weren't easy to kill either.

At least my dads made sure to make armour that was almost impenetrable, only a special type of a metal was able to penetrate it which was a very hard metal to find.

I skidded to a halt when I reached a cliff, I didn't know there were cliffs here. I looked behind me, catching sight of 5 vampire soldiers chasing me. They weren't close but soon they would be.

I had two options, stay and fight or jump. The answer was obvious, one of the two were an instant death. I wouldn't be stupid enough to choose that one. I had a family, people to take care of and love, it wasn't my time to die. That's why I chose the logical answer.

"Have fun trying to catch me, pussies." I said, starting to run at the vampires before I quickly doubled back and jumped over the edge, gracefully of course. I saw one of the vampires trying to catch me but he ended up almost falling over the edge.

I felt the wind in my hair, closing my eyes to savor the feeling before I had to come back to the real world. I turned around in the air, seeing the ground coming closer very quickly.

I caught sight of... Eden? Eden wasn't supposed to be here, why was he here? Why was he on the battle field?!

He looked up, as if sensing that I was thinking about it. His eyes widened in shock and terror when he realized it was me who was falling down and not some vampire. He started running towards me as if trying to catch me.

I landed with a soft thud, on my feet. I leaned my head back, shaking my head a little and sighed. I felt a soft punch on my arm, looking at very angry brother. I had scared him half to death with my stunt. If pops was here he'd probably try and give me a beating in the middle of the battlefield.

"What are you even doing here? You're supposed to be at home!" I yelled, running at some vampires before slicing them in half with my sword. Made from some hydra skin that my grandpa got when he skinned a hydra after killing it. I looked around, trying to catch sight of Drystan but he wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"Dad brought me, he said the more warriors the better." He yelled back as he jumped over a dead soldier and running at another one to rip it's head of.

Who knew my brother was this disgusting.

I caught sight of the Aetós mansion, immediately making a run for it with Eden running behind me. He made sure not a single vampire touched me, protecting me as I ran and ran towards the doors.

Eden got thrown to the side by a vampire, making me gasp and about to turn around to help him but before I could a wolf came out of nowhere. Grabbing the vampire around the throat and ripping it open before it could even blink. I caught sight of the eyes of the wolf, one red and one gold. I smirked, knowing the vampires who'd tried to touch Eden would be dead in the matter of seconds.

I threw the doors of the mansion open, I ran down one of the hallways. Running past doors and other hallways, trying to catch the scent of the dead.

I stopped in front of one of the doors, tall and dark. I opened it slowly, only to be yanked into the room and then thrown across it. My body landed with a thud as I groaned, I shook my head trying to get my ears to stop ringing.

No one should be able to just throw me across the room like that, I was almost as heavy as a fucking boulder.

"-n't touch him!" I was grabbed and thrown onto the floor again but now I was beside somebody. I felt hands grabbing me, patting at hair, touching me all over the place. I heard a voice above me which caused me to look up towards it.

Red eyes.

"-Rystan?" I muttered with a cough, reaching up to touch his cheek. I shook my head, sitting up even though my entire body begged me not to. I caught sight of movement out of the corner of my eye, turning to face that direction with my entire body before I stood up.


Why was he with Drystan?

"Now that I have you both here, who's gonna be the one to die first?" Aedion asked with a sinister smile as he twirled a dagger around his finger. I clenched my jaw, grabbing Drystan's arm and forcing him to stay behind me in case Aedion went for him.

Aedion frowned as he walked up to us causing me to push Drystan back.  He smirked at that, putting a hand on his hip as he stared at us. He confused me, one second he looked ready to kill us and the next he looked as if he was examining us.

The door to the room suddenly opened, two vampires walking in and holding two hostages. I didn't recognize them, one of them was blonde and the other one a brunette.

They were wolves.

"Ah, guests! Now, Villin, what would you do if I were to kill these two men in front of you? They're your uncles, after all." My eyes widened in shock as I turned to look at the two men, about to run to them but I was grabbed before I could. I struggled against the person who had grabbed me, trying and failing to try and get free.

"What were their names.. Hmm.. Ah, Zachary and Zander Cain." He said with a laugh that made me clench my teeth. I didn't want my dads best friends to die because of me. Aedion laughed at my reaction, he knew what would affect me and what wouldn't. He had captured my family for that exact purpose.

He walked over to them, grabbing at Zach's hair before he yanked his head backwards and put a knife against his throat.

I wasn't able to fucking do anything, I was useless.

"Stop, please!" I yelled desperately, even though I knew he wasn't going to stop. I had to watch as he killed them. Zander yanked himself free from the person holding him, running up to Zach and throwing himself on top of Aedion. When he was on the ground, Zander ran over to Zach, tackling the person who was holding him and pushing Zach towards the door.

Zander ran towards the soldier who was holding me, yanking at his arm and somehow pulling it out of its socket. I grabbed the soldier that was holding Drystan, throwing him across the room and making sure the impact of the wall knocked him unconscious.

"What are we supposed to do about Aedion?" Zander hissed as he was punching the living hell out of a vampire. I looked over my shoulder at Aedion, knowing that nothing would keep a 80000 year old vampire down unless you killed it.

I grabbed Zander's sword, making a run at Aedion. I used a fallen vampire as a ramp, jumping up into the air and going in the direction that Aedion was in. He realized I was making a run for him, trying to get up as fast as he can but bc of his old age it took him some time.

Before he was able to get up, the sword had already pierced his heart. I grabbed a dagger from the holster on my thigh, jamming the dagger straight into his neck to make sure that he didn't miraculously make it out alive.

"Filthy wolf." He muttered as he choked on his own blood, it pooling out of his mouth in waves. I let his body drop to the ground, lifeless. His body going gray before turning into dust. I threw a dagger at a vampire who was holding Drystan down, again. 

"He's dead." I announced to the room, making some of the fallen but still conscious vampires look at me in shock and then look behind me at the remaining dust of their leader.



(you didn't hear this from me but a little birdy told me that there's a teaser for my next book on my profile? YOU HEARD NOTHING)

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