Chapter Twenty One

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Why thank you, myself.

"Oh my dear brother could we please have a very important and serious conversation?" My idiotic brother asked the moment I stepped foot in the kitchen. I scowled, looking at him as if he was stupid, which he was.

"About what?"

"Ye know what." Eden stated, catching me off guard by the seriousness in his voice. I leaned my back against the kitchen island, paying attention to him since his entire demeanor told me this was way too serious.

I nodded at him to continue, making him sigh and start pacing which only meant he knew what he wanted to talk about but he didn't know how to start. This could take awhile.

"Ye saw what I saw, reit?" He asked, his accent coming out thicker than usual and that could only mean one thing. He was really stressed and worried about something, he had hung out around Callum more than I had when I was a child which had made him grow up with a familiar type of accent as Callum.

I had to choose my words carefully, not that he would explode or anything but he would get even more stressed if I didn't know what he was talking about which caused him to start stuttering as well.

"Saw what, Eden?" I asked, choosing to go with something short that he could answer with a short answer. He shook his head, stopping his pacing to turn and face me.

"Drystan an' 'at girl yesterday." He said, making me nod. I do remember them both, and what they did. The nodding to each other.

Which was fucking weird.

"You don' find 'at suspicious?" He asked and yeah, I did think it was suspicious and weird for them to nod at each other like that because who the fuck nods at someone like that? Cuz that wasn't a "Hello" nod.

"I mean, yeah, but Drystan wouldn't betray us.." I trailed off, not trusting my instincts that were screaming at me to tell Eden what I really thought about the situation.

If I was being honest, I would've told him that I had my concerns about Drystan, that there could be a chance that he was lying when he told me he was disowned. That he lied to our dad but.. he was my mate and..

He wouldn't do that.


"You sure? Because that shit was not normal. If she was just a caretaker, she would've never made it inside of our walls, she had scars too. I don't think small vampire kids give their caretakers scars, Ace." Eden argued and he had a point too but Drystan wouldn't betray us.

He'd never do that, he cares about people, that's why he didn't let me beat Nick..

My eyes widened in realization and my breath left me in a quiet gasp. Nick worked for the Aetós'. I kicked him out like a week before I met Drystan, Nick wouldn't have gone and run for the Aetós help, right?

He wouldn't do that, he's not stupid.


"Did the woman have a microphone on her?" I asked, grabbing Eden's arm and making him frown at my hastiness. Eden nodded, making me freeze completely.

"It was hidden in her bra.. Why did you want to know?" Eden asked quietly as I let my hand fall down.

"The technology isn't modern over there, while they use GPS's they have no clue how to use microphones or walkie-talkies." Drystan had said when I asked Nick if he had a mic on him.

"He.. lied?" I murmured hollowly, feeling tears fill my eyes. Eden noticed and started panicking, asking me a bunch of questions but I didn't hear anything against the loud hammering of my heart beating against my ribcage.

Drystan had lied to me, did that mean Nick had also had a mic on him? Was that why he lied to my dad? Was he still a part of the vampire clan and just trying to get on our good side before they attack us and kill all of us? What if I hadn't realized this and they would've killed all of us?

What if-

"Ace! Fucking breathe!" Eden all put screamed in my ear and that's when I realized I was sitting on the floor with Eden in front of me shaking my shoulders. I gasped, taking in a big gulp of fresh air as if I was drinking water.

I coughed slightly, grabbing Eden's hands and looking around noticing nobody was there expect for us. I had figured someone would've heard Eden screaming at me but nobody had.


"You started hyperventilating. You said, he lied, who lied? Drystan?" Eden asked and I nodded, still trying to get my breathing back to normal. I didn't know how to explain it to Eden but I knew he would understand, he always somehow understood even if he got only a small bit of information.

"Drystan said that they didn't have enough technology to make microphones and now this lady shows up and has a mic on her." I breathed out, reaching up to run my fingers through my hair. Eden frowned before he scowled.

"I'll fucking kill him." Eden stated and stood up making me sputter and flail my arms. I grabbed onto his arm, hoisting myself up.

"No! I- No, Eden. I love you, but he's my mate. He must've had a reasoning for his lying." I said hopefully.

Yeah that must be it. Maybe he lied to protect someone, or just the pack in general. That must've been the reason. He wouldn't betray us. He's too kind for that.

He wouldn't betray a single hair on my body, he's my mate. He's not even logistically allowed to do that.

Eden looked at me as if I was stupid, which I might be. He sighed, shaking his head in the process. He put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed as if he was reassuring my racing thoughts.

"Okay.. Whatever you say, big bro. I just don't want to see you get hurt. Again." He said with a sad smile and I responded with a grin. Throwing my arms around him and crushing him in a bear hug that made him grumble.

"Love you too, little guy." I said, leaning my head against his as his arms went around my waist, hugging me even tighter. I heard the front door open and then close and I felt Eden try to get out of my grip but I just grinned and hugged him even tighter forcing him to stay in the hug.

Declan entered the kitchen, 5 grocery bags in his hands. He stopped short when he noticed us hugging. I saw Blake come up behind him and look at us with a grin.

Of course me and Blake had the same smile.

"You're hugging without me?!" Dad exclaimed before throwing himself on both of us causing us to topple over with him on top of us. None of us cared and just kept hugging until we were suddenly hoisted up in the air, put in a standing position and then engulfed in yet another pair of arms.


Okay, I loved how this chapter ended.


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