Chapter Thirteen

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I shifted the moment I left the house and took off into the woods, making sure I didn't walk onto pack territory. It wouldn't have been a problem but I didn't want to be the reason the alarms rang, for the third time this week. I ran to the quietest place in the forest, which also had the most animals.

Silent Hill.

I laid down on the ground, near the stream still in my wolf form. Some birds landed next to me, nuzzling my fur before taking naps.

While having the word Hill in it's name, it wasn't located on a hill nor near a hill either. Ever since I was a child, I gravitated towards Silent Hill. I never understood why, I had asked Blake about it but he never told me the truth.

He just sort of bended it, told me white lies to make shut up for a while. The white lies might've been somewhat him trying to tell me the truth but not being able to, he had told me that I shouldn't get distracted by the beauty of silent hill because it could cloud my judgement.

My great grandmother was buried near here, I used to visit her grave quite often when I was little but the older I got the less I went. I stopped going when.. me and Eden got into our first violent fight.

I must've been 16 at the time, Eden was 14 then. I remember the reason we fought of, but knowing Eden, he had said something that pissed me off.

Something along the lines of, "You'll never, ever be my real brother, your were just a puppet before I was born. How does it feel being left in the shadows?"

I remember the fight vividly, while I try not to think about it often, it still lingers in the back of my mind daily.

We broke Pops' piano during the fight.

I had shoved Eden away from me because I had gotten angry and I didn't want to become violent with him, but he obviously had other plans. He had grabbed me, sort of thrown me at the piano, making all of the keys from the keybed fly everywhere.

I had seen red after that.

It ended up with me and Eden bleeding like crazy and our parents screaming at us for being reckless. They blamed it on me, though, since I was the oldest I was supposed to keep it together, not become violent but I had failed them.

"You're the older sibling! You're supposed to make sure Eden doesn't get hurt! Control yourself better!"

I hadn't even started the fight, but I still got blamed and grounded, while Eden got no sort of punishment. Not even the amount of pleading I did made them believe me, because I was the oldest and they never believed me and Eden always got what he wanted.

He had been smirking while they yelled at us.

While they yelled at me.

That was the day I stopped thinking my parents were gods, sent from heaven to grace everyone around them, they were as shitty as the rest of the world.

Pawpaw believed me though.

He was the only one that did.

He yelled at my parents for only punishing me, for only yelling at me because I was the oldest. I was supposed to take care of Eden while they were gone, but I hadn't. Declan was pissed, I had never seen him that angry before and all of that anger was directed towards pawpaw and me.

That was also the very first day that I had ran away. Elijah had found me later that same night, seen me sitting in the cave that is now my home. He helped me build it, he did most of the work but I helped, just a little.

I wiped my face with my paw, before shifting back and wiping my tear stained cheeks with my hands. I was always as surprised when I cried in my wolf form and the tears that once had stained my fur also stained my cheeks in my human form.

I had asked pops about it, but he had said he doesn't cry in his wolf form and even if he did it wouldn't be possible. After that I never told anyone about it.

Thought everyone would think I'm crazy.

I was just.. closer to my wolf than other werewolves. While I do sometimes control my wolf, I don't all the time. It's like my wolf had a mind of its own, sometimes I've even imagined what his voice would sound or what his name would be, if I was able to communicate with him.

Most werewolves.. they don't classify their wolf as an individual like themselves, they classify it as them as in they control the wolf as well.

I on the other hand, classify my wolf as it's own being, when I turn I let my wolf take the reigns while I drift off in the back of its mind until it lets me take the reigns back.

I do like to believe that my wolf is smarter than others', he's got a mind of his own, while also sharing the same mind as me... Now that I think of it, it sound really confusing.

"Oh my fucking god, what the hell am I even thinking." I muttered to myself, shaking my head in disbelief.

You've got some great thoughts. - A voice said suddenly and I froze before I looked around wildly. That.. was in my head, right? That was not Drystan's voice, we don't have a mind link.. yet. So who the fuck's voice was that?

I'm Nikko. I'm your wolf. - Nikko said proudly and I felt the way he was just radiating with excitement.

"Uhm.. you're my wolf? I'm not supposed to be able to communicate with you?" I asked out loud, before almost slapping myself in the face by my own stupidity, I could've just said that in my head.

That is true, I have had a lot of practice under the years and I have evolved into.. a speaking wolf. I can now speak to you, the way we did centuries ago. - Nikko stated, and I felt like I was in some sort of a history lesson, but it was actually fun and not too confusing.

So.. Nikko? Badass name.. Are you the voice that I've been hearing all these years? I thought it was my inner voice talking to me in my head. - I chuckled slightly, everything connecting in my head.

Yes, that was me, I'm very sorry for scaring you. - Nikko admitted sheepishly, making me snort.

Now that I thought about Nikko, I've always had a better connection with my wolf than other werewolves. I'm not too surprised I'm able to communicate with him.

Oh. My. God.


Nikko is such a handsome name.


FYI The Italic font, this, I'll use it when somebody is talking with Ace telepathically or as Nikko's commentary when he's talking to Ace.

I know it might be a little confusing, since this is new for the book but I hope it's not too confusing, I will be trying to explain it some more in upcoming chapters. Nikko and Ace are going to form a brother like relationship, as one has with their wolf.


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