Chapter Nineteen

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"Eden, you bitch!" I yelled as I chased my younger brother around the kitchen isle. He had tried pranking me by pretending to pour milk over me, which he ended up actually pouring one me because my dad bumped into him as he was doing it.

My dad was bent over, holding his stomach as he laughed like a mad man, most definitely waking up Pops and Drystan.

Eden started looking scared the longer I chased him. He probably noticed the rage in my eyes, and in my milk-wet hair.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" He shrieked helplessly, catching sight of Pops and running over to him. As if he was going to be of any help.

The moment Blake looked at me he doubled over in laughter, making me cross my arms stubbornly as I huffed.

"You look- Pffttt- You look like a drenched puppy!" He said in between laughter, making me scowl angrily. I wasn't arguing back because I knew he was right.

My hair was wet, sticking to my forehead and neck in an uncomfortable way. My entire face was wet, my clothes were soaked and disgusting.

My dad came over, about to ruffle my hair but remember about the milk so he chose to not even touch me.

"Your hair has grown so much, I never really noticed until now. You've got yourself a mullet," He chuckled as I scoffed. So what if my hair had been growing, I didn't need to cut it.

"You have bangs." Eden exclaimed as he too started laughing. I raked my fingers through my hair, pushing my hair off of my forehead.

"Shut up as if your crow nest looks any fucking better," I barked, coming over to pull at his hair. Neither of us liked cutting our hair which was why we rarely did it.

One time my hair got so long it reached the curve of my ass, but then my dad forced me to cut it because it was a hassle to take care of.

My hair wasn't as strong as it had been, I had been through a phase where I wanted to dye my hair every single colour of the rainbow and I did.

It caused me to get picked on a lot, not only by bitches at school but by Eden as well. Which is no surprise since he almost bullied me into suicide once or twice.

The dyeing caused my hair to become weak and thin. So I decided that I would rock a buzz cut for a few years and then grow it.

No one liked the long hair as much as I did which was unfortunate, no one even liked that I coloured my hair either.

"I'm gonna go shower." I mumbled, my mood going sour. My dads nodded and Eden was no where to be seen, he must've disappeared while I was lost in thought.

When I walked into my room I instantly smiled at the sight in front of me.

Drystan was sprawled on my bed, his lower half covered in the blanket while his upper half was on full display. I walked over to him, tucking a few loose strands of his hair behind his ear.

"I'm a really lucky guy, aren't I?" I whispered, kissing him gently on the forehead before I went into the bathroom. I undressed and hopped into the shower, just for a quick rinse.

I got out, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around my waist before stepping back into my room to see Drystan still asleep.

I got quickly threw on some sweatpants, a tank top and a hoodie over it. I ruffled up my hair, deciding against styling it.

I was at home I didn't need to look good.

Not when I always looked good.

That was a disgusting joke, never say that again. - Nikko chimed in disgust a full on body shiver running through me as he gagged. I scowled, cursing the mental bond that I had with my wolf.

You love me don't even try. - Nikko smirked, which looked weird on a wolf. I rolled my eyes at his antics.

I went over to Drystan, sitting down beside him. He looked so peaceful when he slept, while it was very creepy that I was staring at him, I did not give a single fuck. He was so beautiful. He looked ethereal whenever he rested.

"You starin' at me 'gain?" Drystan murmured, not opening his eyes. I rolled my eyes, he always somehow managed to wake up when I was looking at him, it was like he sensed someone was looking at him.

"I'm gazing."

"You're staring."

"Ah-pahp, I was gazing." I grumbled, still looking at him. He opened his eyes sleepily, just to fucking glare at me.

The fucker.

"You always stare at me, then you try to justify the fact that you were staring by telling me you were gazing at me. It makes no sense, m'babe" He said, voice thick with sleep. I scowled in confusion, not understanding a single word he said.



"You make no sense." I retorted making him frown cutely. He was the cutest thing on the planet after he had woken up, not that he wasn't cute for the rest of the day but he was just extra cute after waking up."

He face planted into the pillows, mumbling something I couldn't hear but I knew what he asked. He asked the same question each morning after waking up.

The same thing day after day, month after month, probably year after year too.


"7, what?"

"Do you really think you'd sleep til 7pm?" I asked quizzically, reaching over to comb my fingers through his hair. He instantly melted like putty into the mattress, letting out a content groan.

Drystan shook his head, rolling onto his back so he was able to look at me, his head resting on my thigh. I smiled at him, leaning over and kissing his forehead softly. I knew he wanted me to kiss him properly,

Or actually I didn't, until he grabbed the back of my neck and smashed our mouths together in a rough kiss.

I let out a yelp that quickly turned into a moan as the kiss turned into something more passionate. Drystan's hands were everywhere, touching every part of my body that he could reach.

It was honestly making me dizzy and not able to breathe,

In a good way.

I cupped his jaw with my hand, while the other one tangled into his hair. Drystan let out a moan as I took control of the kiss, moving so that I was sitting on his lap instead of almost falling off the bed.

I grabbed his hands off of me, pinning them onto the bed as we kept kissing. I bit his lower lip, breaking the kiss as I opened my eyes. Drystan's pupils were blown, his hair was messy and so were his clothes.

"So.. About your hair.."

"Shut up."

"I wasn't gonna say anything!"


OKAY so this chapter was.. sort of all over the place again bUT that's okay!



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