Chapter Three

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Oh by the way if Ace says Pops he's referring to Blake and if he says dad he's referring to Declan, hopefully it's not too confusing.

chapter three

I let the front door slam shut behind me, not taking off my shoes, I was too exhausted. My muscles were tense, I could feel my body healing some of the scars and wounds I had gotten fighting the feral vampires. I looked around the living room as I passed it, seeing Eden laying on the couch watching some weird cartoon. I scoffed, shaking my head and continued up the stairs, to my room.

"Douchebag." Eden sing-songed without looking at me, if anything he was the douchebag. I would've normally said something back, but I was too exhausted to even open my mouth and snap at him.

"Ace." I heard my dads voice call from his and Pops' bedroom.

"Too tired." Was what I answered with and continued to my room. The sound of a chair scraping the floor and footsteps behind me made me walk faster.

"Ace, we need to talk." I ignored Pops' demanding voice and walked inside my room. I closed my door tightly and walked over to the window, looking out at the forest I had just been in. It was beautiful at night, even with the hundreds of creatures crawling out there.

I turned around when I heard my door open and it hitting the wall with a slam making me flinch slightly.

They were mad.

"Ace, where were you? It's 3 am-" Dad stopped talking once his eyes met mine. Pops looked up too when he realised Declan had stopped talking, his eyes going wide in shock as he looked at me.

"Ace.." I looked away from them, my eyes landed on a picture frame that was hung on the wall. A photo of the four of us, happy.

We'd taken the picture when we had gone skiing, I was a couple of years younger then. Eden was still a kid in the picture, he couldn't have been older than 8.

"I killed some feral vampires. Nothing special." I said with a bitter chuckle. I heard Pops growl and I immediately shut up. I tighten my arms around myself, hugging myself tightly.

I knew they were disappointed in me. They always were, the moment Eden came into our lives was the moment they saw me as a disappointment. Eden came and was like a ray of sunshine's while I was his shadow.

None of the blood that was on me was my own, most of it was from the vampires.. The blood had splattered all over me. Some of them had even tried throwing sand into my eyes, sand mixed with blood wasn't a good combination. 

"Killed some things? You are covered in blood!" Pops snapped, his voice getting louder by each word. I let my eyes drift to his, one red and one gold eye very different from my blue ones.

"Technically it's just dried mud.. Can we talk about this some other day? I have school in a couple of hours." I said with a sigh. I looked at my dad and he looked back at me. I take in the colour of his eyes, amber, another reminder that I don't look anything like either of them. 

They both stared at me, as if for the first time not seeing me. I look down at the floor when looking at them becomes too much.

"You can't continue behaving like this." Pops said with a sigh, scratching the back of his neck. I swallowed tightly at his words, I dug my nails into my biceps before letting them fall beside me. I look up at him and saw the guilt and regret in his eyes but ignored it.

"Like what?" I whisper and let my eyes fall back to the floor. My heart was thumping violently against my chest. I felt my eyes start to sting and shut them tightly.

I didn't want to start crying like a baby just because I was getting scolded by my parents.

"You can't go around killing every creature you come upon. It's inhumane! We didn't raise you to behave like this." I opened my eyes and looked at him. I saw both disappointment and guilt in his eyes. I already knew something they didn't know I knew.

They wanted Eden to become alpha, not me.

It was what they had always wanted.

I've always secretly known, he's always been the golden child and they always wanted him to become alpha not me.

Because I wasn't apart of their bloodline, I had the name but not the blood. I came from a completely different bloodline, I was like the ugly duckling but wolf form? 

"Inhumane.. Inhumane? No, that's just another excuse to make me step down and instead make Eden alpha. Have you forgotten that he's 16? And I'm 18? Do you want him to become alpha that fucking desperately that you're making him alpha at 16?"

"Ace, that's not tr-" Pops started but I cut him off.

"I get it! I fucking get it!" I ripped my closet doors open and crouched down. I grabbed a packed duffel bag, filled with my clothes. I had packed it a long time ago, in case something like this were to happen and I felt like I needed space from my family. 

"Ace... What are you doing?" I ignored my dad's question and his silent cries. I walk past him, bumping my shoulder against his and ignoring his silent cries. Once he started crying, it was always hard for him to stop. He was someone who always bottled up his emotions and never showed them to people, but once in a while he would explode and cry for days.

Dad was much more emotional than Pops, even if he was a demon. Demons weren't supposed to have emotions, not really. They were made just so that the devil could have some followers since he didn't have any, yeah the devil had a name but I have no clue what it is.

I stopped in front of Pops, he looked at me with pain in his eyes. I knew he loved me, but he didn't love me as much as he did Eden. I ignored his tear filled eyes and walked past him. I almost stopped when I saw Eden standing outside of my room with wide eyes.

"You finally got what you've always wanted." I seethed and running down the stairs and out of the house, ignoring the calls from my parents.

And ignoring the yells from Eden, telling me he's sorry.



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