Chapter Twenty

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"Okay, let us go over the entire plan." My dad started as he leaned his hands against the table in front of him. He had gathered almost the entire pack, obviously not the elders, pups, or pregnant werewolves.

We were in Blake's parents' house, which was now under my name and had been renovated, in one of the big conference rooms.

"We're going to go in quietly, Drystan has been of much help and told us we're the weakest of the territory is. We will be going in as teams, our missions is to kill Aedion Aetós, or at least capture him. We will loose many, but so will they, when it is over, we will mourn the ones we lost greatly." My dad continued, explaining who was in what group and which way the groups would be going in.

I wasn't exactly sure about the plan, but I was alpha so I wasn't able to do anything. I was only the heir of the role, I had no say in anything.

I glanced at Pops and he wasn't even standing at the table, standing by the wall and just letting Declan handle it while he observed silently. The way he stood, talked, commanded people was out of straight up leadership. When I get fit to be alpha, I'm not going to be able to be anything like him. He's a one of a kind, and amazing alpha that will be missed whenever he steps down.

He held himself high, walked with confidence and everything about him screamed strength and authority. It was honestly scary, especially if you were on the receiving end of his lectures and glares.

He never used any of his alpha pheromones on me, or Eden, whenever he lectured us because he knew we would submit to him. We weren't scared of him, he could be the goofiest one around whenever he was at home but when he let his alpha authority slip just slightly it was scary, almost making you piss yourself.

His glares were one of a kind, it was the "I make babies cry by just looking at them," glare.

"Team Alpha will consist of me, Alpha Declan, Beta Zachariah and Zander, along with my son and his mate." Pops said as he crossed his arms, leaning his back against the wall behind him. "Any questions?"

There was an echo of "no's" across the room, making my dads' nod.

"You're all dismissed." Pops said, slightly raising his voice to let everyone know if they stayed longer they'd be getting a red handprint on their ass.

When everyone was gone, he came over to the table, glancing down at the scattered paper across it. He looked as if he was deep in thought for a second before his hand shot out under the table, grabbing onto the forearm of someone. He pulled them out, slamming them down against the table and baring his teeth.

"You sure as hell are stupid to come in here n' trynna hide, you realize there's security all over this place right?" Blake seethed, I watched as the woman beneath him trembled in fear but also looking as if she was getting off on having the most feared alpha pinning her down.

"I-I-I'm sorry! I was sent from Aedion to spy on you!" She all but screeched as Pops grabbed her neck. Declan was behind them in a second, not doing anything but making sure she wasn't thinking of hitting Blake.

I saw movement out of the corner of my eye, tensing up before I turned and realized it was just my stupid brother who'd gotten intrigued. He had been in the room since the meeting had started, he wasn't involved but he had been forced by dad to come along and listen so that he could learn stuff.

Learn what exactly?

I don't know.

"H-Hold on!" Drystan exclaimed, running up to the table and slamming his hands against it. Pops moved his glare from the woman to Drystan, pinning him with it and making him freeze.

"Spit it out Aetós." He seethed as he tightened his grip on the woman's neck, successfully cutting off her air supply. Drystan sputtered, trying to come up with what to say.

"She's not a professionally trained spy! I swear! She's a daycare worker!" He fumbled out, but it sounded as if.. all of that came out of his ass instead of it being the truth. I frowned, looking at Drystan as he continued spewing lies to my father.

Blake looked as if he believed him, obviously he couldn't feel what i felt when Drystan lied and I guess Drystan didn't realize I could tell he was lying.

But why would he lie?

Isn't he.. a part of our pack now?

Blake looked back down at the girl, yanking her off the table as he commanded one of the guards outside of the door to throw her into one of our cells. Which didn't sound as scary as it actually was, it was more of an underground prison, with a full on horror-movie set out.

Dark halls, dark cells and of course, lots of torture.


Not yay.

Not yay. - Neeko echoed making me scowl.

Shut up, not now. - I scolded and he rolled his eyes.

I was still watching Drystan, while he thought no one was looking. He gave the girl a small smile and a nod as she got dragged off by the guards. I caught the girls eye, making her smirk at me before she continued yelling profanities at the guards for dragging her and not letting her walk.

That was weird.

Why would she..

Why would Drystan nod at her?

I heard a loud obnoxious cough, making my scowl return as I turned around and looked at Eden. He was frowning at me, he nodded his head at Drystan then back at me with a raised brow. Now it was my turn to frown because what the fuck was he trying to fucking ask me.

Eden groaned, walking over to me and slapping my shoulder making me jump slightly.

"what the fuck was that for?!"

"Because YOU'RE STUPID-"



I'm calm, are you calm? Because I am calm.



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