Chapter Twenty Three

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"You gotta talk to him, you know?" Eden said for the 10th time, he was trying to make me lighten up about the situation. I gave him a drool look, pushing him slightly away from him causing him to almost fall into a bush. 

We were going to the dungeons, to do something. Eden wanted to go there to talk to Drystan and ask him what his plan was, he probably wanted me to talk to him about everything too. 

"About what? How he lied? How he betrayed our fucking family?" I grumbled angrily causing Eden to let out an exasperated groan. He gave up trying to convince me to talk to Drystan. I felt uneasy going to the dungeons, I didn't want to see him. 

I wasn't able to just forget about it, it's not something you can just sleep away. I can't just forget about my feelings towards him and I didn't want to end the bond. 

It would kill me. 

I scowled as we were allowed entry to the dungeons, the guard having put up a fight with us because of Eden and his "young" age.  The dungeons were scary, it was the last place you'd wanna be in that was why we kept prisoners in here. 

We still had Aedion's brother down here, he'd been captured years ago. He had been trying to pursue one of the women in the pack. Blake didn't like that and threatened to castrate him if he showed up again, which he did and he was captured. 

I walked past the cells that were empty and straight to one of the backrooms were we kept the "dangerous" prisoners, they weren't actually dangerous they were just stronger than the rest of the prisoners. 

I caught sight of Drystan in one of the cells and I grit my teeth when he noticed me. He tried running up to the metal bars but ended up falling and having to crawl instead, pleading at me to let him explain and I just.. ignored him. Eden looked at me disapprovingly, as if he would understand. 

It took everything in me not to run at Drystan and hug him and forgive him. It was harder than what it seemed, as much as I told Eden how much I disliked him.. it was a lie, and he knew that. 

"Go fucking talk to him, you don't know what dad's gonna do to him. Please, hear him out, he probably lied for a reason. Talk to him." Eden pleaded and I scoffed, I don't understand why he was so keen on me talking with Drystan. I looked over at the cell that Drystan was in, finding him already looking at me. He looked horrible, mud and blood caking over his face. 

I walked over to his cell, kneeling down in front of his cell. I knew they used.. inhumane tactics in the backrooms because that was the place my dads rarely visited. 

The woman that he knew looked worse than he did, she was curled up in a fetal position in one of the corners of the cell. Her hair was matted and covered in what looked like dried blood, her back was covered in red irritated marks, probably made from some sort of a whip.. 

"Eden? Why are they getting tortured down here? I thought Pops forbade the guards from torturing them." I said which earned me a confused stare from Eden as if he had no idea what I was talking about. 

"He never forbade them from doing anything, Ace.." He said slowly, coming to stand next to me. He nodded his head towards Drystan and gave me a nudge as he walked towards the woman's cell. 

I looked over at Drystan again, his hands were cradling the metal bars as if they were his only lifeline. I sat down on the disgusting floor in front of Drystan's cell, causing him to crawl over to me. I bit the inside of my cheek to not let out a noise of agony. 

They had done something to his legs.  

"You.. Why did you lie?" I asked, my voice quiet and I didn't try to hide the hurt in my voice. I wanted him to know how he had hurt me. He hurt me, but he did not deserve to get tortured like this. No one did, no matter what you had done in your fucked up life.

"I was scared. I didn't lie about loving you, or wanting to stay with you. I lied about my father letting me come back, and not wanting to go back to my family." He started, breathing in a shuddering breath as his eyes filled with tears. I swallowed the lump in my throat, taking in what he had said. 

"I don't know if you remember, you were pretty young when we first met. Old enough to call your dad "pa". My father had tried making a deal with your father, that his first born was going to have to be mated with me. A.k.a forced to be my mate. Your father didn't agree, and my father has been planning your death ever since you were 4 years old. He thought if you were forced to mate with me, he was going to come to terms with my... problem. And then I actually fell in love with you. I met you again, when you were 16. Outside of your old school and I fell in love with you, my father found out and he tried forcing my sexuality out of me." He stopped to take a deep breath before continuing. 

"He forced me to go to multiple brothels, sleep with multiple woman and I hated every single second of it. That went on until I met you again, a few days before your birthday and he officially kicked me out. As much as I want my family back, Ace, I want Aedion to die, to suffer painfully, slowly and in pure and utter agony. I want you and I to rule over the pack and the clan together, to bring vampires and werewolves together as one. Aedion isn't apart of my family anymore, he's a monster. I just want my mother back." He said, slumping back against the cold concrete wall. 

He.. didn't lie that time. 

I gulped, trying to fight every fibre in my body that wanted to forgive him. I couldn't hate him, 

I just couldn't. 

Before I realized it, tears were pouring out of my eyes and I was trying to contain my sobs. I grabbed at Drystan, as much as I could anyway considering he was in a cell and I wasn't. I leaned my forehead against the cold metal bars. 

"You can't do that again, I don't think my heart can handle it. I can't forgive you just yet, but I can get you out of here." I said with a sniffle, bringing my hand up to wipe my tears away. I looked at Drystan as he nodded and smiled at me softly. 

I just hope I wasn't making the wrong decision by letting him go, 





So.... thoughts? 

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