Chapter Two

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chapter two

Pops was indeed forcing me on a run, on my fucking birthday. I ran behind him, he was too far away from me, I wouldn't even be able to catch up. I shifted back when I couldn't see him anymore. I slumped against a tree to catch my breath. 

"Weren't you supposed to stay behind me?" I screamed in horror at the sudden voice of my Pops beside me. I looked at him and saw that he was holding his hand over his mouth to try and stifle his laughter. I groaned and slumped back against the tree once more. I leaned my head back against the tree and looked up at the sky.

"What if I don't find my mate?" Pops' laughter stopped straight away and he looked at me with a frown. He knew I had been waiting for this day forever. 

"What do you mean?" He asked quietly, he knew what I meant but he didn't want to say it out loud. 

"What if I don't have a mate?" I heard him sigh and not even a second later, my face was against the ground. I knew it wasn't Pops, he never used any type of violence against me, the only one that ever did that was Eden. I groaned and clutched my now bleeding nose. I heard Pops growl and then a quiet whimper. 

He always did this to me whenever I talked about my mate. 

"I told you to not do that again, Eden." I rolled onto my back and looked up at the sky again. I heard Eden and Pops talking but didn't pay attention to them. 


I sat abruptly at the voice in my head, I got onto my knees and looked around. Nothing. Nothing but trees around us, if someone was there we would be able to smell them. 

Where in the hell did that come from?

Come to me, Ace. 

I stood up and looked around, Pops and Eden had both started watching me, wondering what the fuck I was doing. I crouched down and shifted, I shook my head and stuck my nose into the ground, trying to find a smell of some kind. 

Ace, come to me, your mate. 

I growled lowly and shook my head at the voice. My mind is playing tricks on me. I dug my nails into the ground and growled once more. I shook my head when I heard Eden's voice in my ears. 

"What's wrong with him?" 

Ace, come to me, run. 

I snarled at the voice in my head and started running towards Silent Hill. I heard Pops shout my name but ignored him. My feet hit the ground hard as I stuck my nose onto the ground once more trying to catch a scent, but still nothing.

Good, come to me Ace. 

I snarled once more but didn't stop running. I heard footsteps behind me but didn't stop running. Something tackled me and I snarled at it, not recognizing my brother's grey coloured wolf. I saw him hesitate when I growled lowly at him. 

"Ace, stop it! Stop running!" I growled at his voice in my head now. Fuck you mind link. I turned around and was about to run again when I was once more tackled by Eden. I snarled and clawed at him, cutting his arm. He did the same thing to me and that was it when I snapped, both of us really.

We were clawing at each other, biting, fighting for our lives against each other, as we did everyday but something was different. The difference was that my white fur was covered in both mine and his blood. His was covered mostly in his but also mine. 

"Stop it!" My paw froze in mid-air just as I was about to slash at Eden's face, I looked up to see my dad's tear stained face. Eden shifted back first and scrambled away from me. That was when I saw the big wound on his stomach. I started making my way towards him but stopped when I realised I did that. 

I almost killed him. 

"Ace, it's not your fault, you just lost control." My dad said while coming closer to me. I backed away from him not taking my eyes off of Eden. 

I turned around and ran. 


"Don't, he needs to calm down. He'll come back in a couple of hours." And that was the last thing I heard before I was too far away from them. 

I ran and I ran until I came upon a field. A big ass fucking field at that. I smelt blood, something burning and most of all the goddamn grass. I scanned the field with my eyes. My eyes landed upon a pack, not a normal pack nor a wolf pack. Not even a fucking pack. 


Feral ones. 

I could tell that they were feral because of their skin. It was as white as snow, and you could see their bones sticking out. They were feasting on something. 

Something human. 

I growled lowly in my throat and started running towards them. They all perked up and started running towards me. 


Feral vampires ate anything that moved. They would even eat a fucking snail if they saw one. And that's a big if, they were practically blind. They were really easy to kill, even if they were strong. One bite and they would be dead. 

The first one that came at me was big. I tore at it's neck, and let it's shriek alert the other ones. I tore at their limbs until blood poured out beneath them. The others came at me and I let the burning anger in me take over and all I saw was red. Don't know if that was just my anger or blood.

I let myself enjoy the feel of their lives pulling away from them. I let myself tear at each and one of them. I ripped each and every one of them apart, enjoying the feel of their blood hit my skin, almost as if I was dancing in their blood.

I shifted back once they were all dead and I grew tired. I looked up at the now night sky, the half-moon basking me in it's presence.  I looked down at myself and watched as blood dripped down my talons. 

I let my gaze drop to the grass, let myself look at the blood-stained grass and the dead bodies. I focused my eyes on one of them, a tiny girl, no older than 6. I should feel some type of guilt, but I don't and never will. I looked up at the moon once again, before making my way back home. Walking through the trees, enjoying the feel of freedom and the smell of death while I could. 

Because once I made it home, I wouldn't be able to enjoy it. 


Ace you psychopath. I still love you though. 




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