Chapter Four

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chapter four

It's cold as fuck. Why did I leave home again? Oh yeah, my parents fucking lied to me.

I sat on a bench, in a very flowery and green park. I watched with boredom as parents with their kids screamed and played around. Why did people choose to have kids again? I looked up at the sky and cursed, I had already missed my first lesson, it was like 9 am and school started at 7:45. 

I got up, grabbing my duffel bag and started walking to school. I knew my brother would be there, he was probably going to try and talk to me, but I wasn't in the mood to talk with any of my family members. The park I had been at was near the school, maybe a 5 minute walk or so. I almost walked back to the park when I saw the familiar bushes that were planted outside of the school.

Do you fucking know how many things have peed in those?

A lot.

I glanced around the parking lot and saw both Eden and my parents' car. I saw two figures inside my parents' car and knew I was fucking done for. I looked up at the blue sky once more and then continued walking. I heard two car doors open and then slam shut which caused me to walk faster.

I opened the school doors with force drawing the attention of everyone inside. Not only were they looking at me but they were looking at something behind me. I saw the cafeteria doors and made a beeline for them but of course, I didn't make it in before someone grabbed my elbow forcing me to turn around.


"Shut up. I don't want to hear anything from you, or you and definitely not you." I said, pointing my fingers at my dad, Pops and Eden. It was pretty surprising to see him here as well, he never came to school, and he definitely did not come to school with red puffy eyes.

But now looking at all of them, they all had red puffy eyes. Dad had tears running down his cheeks and Pops' eyes were rimmed with tears but he wasn't letting them fall. I gripped the strap of my duffel bag tighter and turned around.

I walked away from them, ignoring all the stares and people already starting to gossip. I went out of the back doors and straight to the woods. I could feel someone was following me, I heard their small sniffles and heavy breathing.

I knew who it was.

"Eden stop following me." I turned around to look at him, he was one ugly fucking crier. He stopped when I stopped, he looked at me with wide teary eyes. The next thing I knew, I was being crushed to fucking death by him.

"Why the fuck are you crying, you're supposed to be fucking happy I'm gone." The arms that were around my neck tightened, but he said nothing. I let him hug me for a few seconds before shoving him away from me. I heard a sob come from him and knew if I didn't walk away, I wouldn't be able to leave him again. So I walked away, ignoring his cries and calls for me to come back and not leave.

Ace, come to me, now.

I ignored the voice in my head and continued walking, even if I didn't know where I was going. I found myself at the field, where I had killed the feral vampires. But I wasn't alone. It felt as if someone was watching me, but when I looked around, scanning the trees, I saw nothing.

Maybe some bird in its nest but nothing else.

Ace, I'm right behind of you.

I stopped walking immediately. I heard the sound of water running in a nearby creek but paid it no mind. I heard the faintest sound of footsteps coming closer to me which caused me to turn around and run. 

I ran until I couldn't feel my legs anymore, I ran until I was breathing so hard my fucking ribs hurt. What stopped me though was the smell of honey and wood, I never knew I would like the smell of honey and wood mixed together.

"Finally. You're a fast fucking runner." A deep masculine voice said from behind me and I practically melted. I turned around slowly and saw the most beautiful man I had ever seen in my entire fucking life.

He had burgundy coloured hair and the most beautiful brown eyes I had ever seen in my entire life. He seemed to be at least 6'8. His honey coloured skin was practically glowing under the sun and that made him even more beautiful. He wore a pair of black jeans, a black t shirt that looked as if it was stuck to his skin the way it molded with his rippling muscles. 

"W-What the fuck?" I whispered and he smiled at me, and fuck, his smile angelic. He walked up to me, looking at me intently, as if he was looking for the many flaws that I had.

"Beautiful." He murmured as he lifted his hand to graze his knuckles against my cheek. I stilled slightly, he was a stranger and he was touching me like this? I slapped his hand away and turned around quickly and once again ran.

Fucking hell. 

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