Chapter Fifteen

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Life update, I got my nails done which is making writing really hard, but I'M GONNA DO MY BEST AND TRY TO WRITE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE.

I'm gonna try and publish chapters every week, I have to either use my phone or laptop to be able to write because MY NAILS KEEP GETTING STUCK IN MY PC'S KEYBOARD.

It's honestly hell. I didn't actually think it was gonna be this hard to write with longer nails but it's even harder than I imagined.

At least I'm still able to play my favorite games even though nails do get stuck.

Love you.

- Mel

I leaned my hands against the bathroom sink, looking at myself in the mirror and grimacing at what I saw. It wasn't that I found myself unattractive, it was more the fact that I got reminded that I looked nothing like any of my family members.

It was one of the things I hated most about myself.

Okay, Ace, stop mopinh.

The fact that I had an entire vampire clan after me was crazy, really. While if anything it was supposed to make me stressed, but I was peachy, Drystan on the other hand? He hadn't been able to sleep after, which was weird because he usually slept soundly.

But he was too worried and didn't want to let me out of his sight. I hadn't been able to go to the bathroom alone, it was like he was experiencing some sort of attachment issues, while I didn't hate it exactly, I didn't like it either.

I wanted to be able to go pee in private.

It was a miracle that he had let me go shower without him being in the bathroom with me.

I picked at my hair, wondering if I should colour my hair a different colour. Like red. I scoffed at myself, walking out of the bathroom and to my room to get dressed. I wasn't surprised when I saw Drystan laying on my bed, on my phone, in my clothes, looking like he was about to pass out.

"Tired, hm?" I whispered loud enough for him to hear and his answer was a grunt. I chuckled softly while grabbing some clothes out of my closet and putting them on.

Same jazz as always, white t-shirt and sweatpants.

"C'mere." I turned around to face Drystan, smiling when I saw the pleading look in his eyes. I slowly went over to him, loving the way he watched my every move like a hawk. His brown eyes always lit up whenever he caught me looking at him, as if it was the most amazing thing he had ever seen.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me onto his lap, when I thought of it, I didn't remember when we got this close to each other. I used to push his hands off of me whenever he touched me, but now I welcomed the feeling of his warm hands caressing my skin.

It was like a drug, the feel of someone else's hands on your skin was the best and worst feeling. Like a drug, you could get addicted to it.

And I had gotten addicted.

I couldn't go more than a day without hugging him, touching him in any sort of way. He was warm, much warmer than I was and if I got cold, which was almost never, he could always warm me up.

In more ways than one if you get what I mean.

"We gotta talk though." I stated quietly as I wrapped my arms around his neck, resting my head against his shoulder. I felt him tense under me, making me go absolutely still.

"No, we don't."

"We have to talk, Drystan. About our bond, about an entire vampire clan wanting me dead." I stated firmly, leaning back while putting my hands on his shoulders. I put on my fiercest 'don't you dare fuck with me' face as I stared at him.

He glanced to the side, looking as if he was debating whether or not he should run. I grabbed his chin, turning his face towards me. I smiled in disbelief, shaking my head at him.

Whenever he really didn't wanna do anything, he looked away as because he couldn't see me, I couldn't see him which was just bizarre. He must've been able to do it when he lived with his care takers.

"Okay, so about the vampire clan. do they have any reason to come after me except for the five them together with you?" I asked watching him frown, he rubbed his neck as I continued to stare at him.

I could tell he didn't know how to answer, he didn't know why they were after me, he was as confused as I was. I got off of him stretching my arms above my head.

"They haven't met you, so I don't understand why they would want to kill you. I think it might be because it said that you took me in. " he answered after a while now looking sad.

He really didn't like the fact that I was being hunted neither did I. I mean who would? I haven't exactly been hunted before maybe once when I was still living in the woods. But I don't remember that, my biological mother must've chased the animals off.

I groaned, making my way towards the kitchen and grabbing a glass out of the cupboard. Drystan followed me and grabbed a class of his own. I filled both of the glasses with water, giving Drystan his.

We were quiet for a moment before he came over to me and hugged me. I wasn't expecting it, but it still made me all warm and fuzzy on the inside. I melted into the hug wrapping my arms around his neck, and rested my head against his shoulder.

"I don't like that my family is hunting you, I wish I was able to do something. this is going to cause an uprising amongst the werewolves." He mumbled, whilst I nodded against his shoulder. I didn't exactly know how to respond, because he was completely right.

Me being hunted was going to cause an uprising, sooner or later The wolves were going to hear about it and get mad. They might even go to Blake and demand an explanation.

And he didn't even have an explanation no one understood why they were after me.

They probably wanted me dead because of the fact that I was Drystans mate. they didn't know how important and strong our mate bond is. They had no idea who they were coming after, the only thing they knew was the fact that I proved that their son was gay.

When me and Drystan finally meet we're going to be sharing our powers with each other. Destined mates shared their powers And strength with each other. when one of them died both of their powers would go to the one who was still alive, and kill them too.

One couldn't hold that much power. The power that destined mates have is almost as powerful as a god's. that is why it has to be shared between the two, so basically when only one of them is left, the power to much and they basically explode not literally but figuratively.

They won't explode like a bomb, in my opinion I don't think it's the power that kills them I think they die because of a broken heart. I understand that the power can be too much but destined mates are one of the most powerful creatures in the supernatural world.

We don't just share our powers, we become our powers. we become each other we get a small part of their soul, and we also become each others supernatural creatures.

Not as in we become hybrids, more as in I get his vampire speed and he get gets my wolf sight. and much more of course.

There's so much information about Destined mates and I've been researching every chance I get.

And I fucking hate researching.


If I'm being honest I legit came up with every single thing, every single fact, myself.

I'm very proud.

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