Chapter Five

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chapter five

I ran again, but this time I didn't hear footsteps behind me. The only one that knew where I was going to be staying was Uncle Elijah. He knew, and I knew that no matter what he would never tell my parents. But that was just the thing, my parents could threaten him. 

Elijah had done many things when he was younger, and some of those things could even get him banned from the pack. 

Uncle Elijah had actually built it for me, he knew I hated speaking to people, and that I hated people in general. Considering the fact that werewolves were usually social people, Pops was surprised when I started first grade and made no friends, after realising that I, in fact, hated people, he didn't care nor force me into making friends.

I felt relieved when I saw the familiar entrance of the cave that the house was located at. I walked in and barely missed the arrow that was aimed right for my heart. I looked up and was not surprised to see a mop of bright red hair sticking out from behind a rock.

"Nick, I let you stay here because your parents kicked you out. I did not let you stay here just so you could almost kill me." I said as calmly as I could, my accent rolling off my tongue thicker than usual. Once he recognised my voice, the half-tiger half-angel stood up and looked at me with a sheepish grin.

"What in the hell happened to you?" I asked once I realised I had to look up at him instead of down, he had gotten taller. I glared at him when I saw him smirk, my eyes softened when I saw what his eyes held.


Nick had been in love with me the second after we met. I didn't know that until a couple a year ago though, yes I did love him but not the way that he loved me. I loved him as a friend, nothing more. 

I looked down at the duffel bag in my hand and then back up at him. I gave him a lopsided grin and shook my duffel bag gently in front of his face. His face instantly lit up and he engulfed me in a hug which I returned hesitantly. I felt him place a gentle kiss against my shoulder and sighed.

"We can't do this anymore, Nick.. I love you but I'm gonna find my mate this year, and I don't want to lead you on." I pulled away from him and put a distance between us so that he could understand that I was 100% serious.

The first time I had tried saying this to him was when I was 16 and he was 14, he had just been kicked out. I had told him I didn't want to lead him on and we had to stop having sex and acting like a couple, he didn't want any of that, instead the next day he had came at me, begging me to have sex with him, in the end I had to say yes because he wouldn't stop asking and I was getting annoyed.

"One last time?" He asked hopefully, his voice already thick with lust. A year ago, his voice and accent would've won me over right away, but I had gotten used to his voice, so it didn't do anything to me. He was such a sex-addict, he doesn't even realise how much having sex was ruining our friendship. Plus he was two years younger than me, a minor, while werewolves nor elves really cared about age when it came to love, I did not want to have sex with a 16-year old anymore. 

Most werewolves didn't care about age, but I did. The mere thought of having sex with someone that was a minor made my skin crawl. Two years isn't a big deal but I still didn't like it, if me and Nick were together in a relationship I wouldn't have sex with him until like a couple of months before he turned 18. 

"No." I walked past him and made a straight beeline for my room. My room was more like a weapons room, yes there was a bed in the room but there were more weapons in there than normal bedroom stuff. 

The only reason there were that many weapons was because I hated intruders, often druids asking for a place to stay or just breaking in thinking no one was inside. I've killed one or two druids before because they were very demanding, either demanding me to let them stay or demanding to sleep with me.

I changed into more comfortable clothing, a pair of black sweatpants and a black sweatshirt. I settled down on my bed with a dagger, cleaning the old blood off of it with a wet towel. I don't remember what I had killed with the dagger, maybe I had even stabbed Nick for sneaking up on me. I did that on occasions since he was a sneaky bastard and really good at staying quiet when he tried doing something without me knowing. 

I heard a knock and I looked up just in time to see Nick making his way to open the front door, I clicked my tongue loud enough for him to hear it and stop dead in his tracks. He looked over at me and I shook my head at him, making my way out of my room.

I usually made sounds at him when I wanted him to not do something, clicked my tongue when I wanted him to stop walking, snapped my fingers when he did something bad, like, i don't know, blowing the kitchen up. 

Which did almost happen. 

I walked quietly to the front door, pressing my ear against the old wood to listen. I heard hushed voices and soft crying. I gripped the dagger tighter in my hand and opened the door swiftly with my other. I grabbed the first person I could see, I pinned his arms behind his back and pressed the dagger against his throat.

"W-Wait! Ace!" My eyes shot up to the familiar voice of my dad. I looked down at the guy that had the dagger against his throat, my uncle. He was looking at me with both calm and fearful eyes, pleading me silently not to slit his throat.

"Why in the hell did you bring them here?" I asked lowly and pressed the dagger more against his throat, he swallowed tightly and looked at me with pleading eyes. He knew what I was capable of, he was the only one that did. He knew I wouldn't hesitate to kill him, even if he was family. 

"Tell. Me." I seethed and tightened my grip on his arms. I heard my dad say something again but I had blocked him out and was only focusing on the backstabbing son of a bitch that had my dagger against his throat.

"They asked me to, Ace. Blake threatened me." I glared at him before taking the dagger away from his throat and shoving him away from me. I knew that Pops had threatened him, he wouldn't have brought them here if he hadn't been threatened. 

"What?" I asked, my voice far from calm. Eden opened his mouth but before he could say anything, someone from behind me spoke.

"Who's this?" I almost threw the dagger at Nick out of frustration. I looked over my shoulder and glared at him, he chose the wrong time to open his mouth.

"No one, go to fucking bed already." I said and turned back to look at my parents and Eden, they were now looking at Nick, their eyes had a hopeful gleam in them and I knew before my dad opened his mouth what they were about to ask. 

"Is this your mate?" I looked at him blankly, hoping to fucking god Nick wouldn't open his mouth and say yes, but god wasn't on my fucking side today. 


Nick, I am going to kill you. 

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