Chapter 1/Preview

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Nina Dobrev is going to be portraying Liana Quinn Cullen. Nikki Reed is going to be portraying Rosalie Cullen like in the movies. Kellan Lutz will portray Emmett Cullen also like in the movies. The other Cullen's shall be portrayed like they are in the movies but Rosalie, Emmett, and Liana shall only be visited by their Hogwarts friends and only Jasper, Alice, Carlisle, and Esme from the Cullen family. Bella, Edward, and Renesmee have never seen Liana, Rosalie, or Emmett since they left after Liana was born. They like to keep it that way. This is a Twilight/Harry Potter/Percy Jackson Fan Fiction.

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"Bella, we have a second child, a human one. What should we do with it?" Edward asked Bella.

     "Get rid of it Rosalie, she isn't Edwards daughter, she is a demigod but I don't know her father. Or you can have it if you want," Bella said to Rosalie. Rosalie looked disgusted at Bella's decision to get rid of the beautiful baby girl, even though she was a demigod.

     "Rose and I will raise her. But we'll be moving, where she will never have to meet the monstrosities that are her birth-parents. The ones who didn't care about her because she's human/demigod. Goodbye people we love. We'll contact you when we have a chance. We love you," Emmett said and then Rosalie and Emmett packed and left America with their new child.

     They moved to London because Rosalie was a witch and Emmett was a wizard and their friends from Hogwarts lived there. Their friends names were James and Lily Potter. Emmett and Rosalie named their daughter Liana Quinn Cullen.

     When the Potters died, the Cullen's took their son, Harry, in. Harry has been living with the Cullens his whole life in London. Liana and Harry grew up with magic in their lives. Liana also grew up with the secret that she's a demigod. Harry, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, Jasper, Esme, and Carlisle know she's a demigod. But she's never been to Camp Half Blood until she was 12. Nobody knows who her birth-father is.

     Voldemort has been threatening the lives of Harry and Liana since that night Lily and James died. Harry because he can defeat Voldemort and Liana because without her, Harry doesn't have the strength to keep going.

     They must kill Voldemort and Kronos who are rising in the demigod and Wizarding worlds. It won't be easy but when worlds collide, anything is possible.

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