Chapter 12

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"Why do you have to go back to that hippie school?" I whined. Percy sighed and closed his suitcase.

"Because I have to finish the last two weeks. Mom said that it was ok for you to come and stay with us though." Percy said with a smile. I squealed and jumped into his arms. "Did I just hear Liana Cullen squeal?"

"Nope." I said, though it was muffled through his shirt. "Something's wrong with your ears."

"I don't think." Percy said and continued packing as I cling onto his torso.

"Ready Percy? You're mother is here for you outside of the gate. Liana, you're staying here." Chiron said at the doorway. I detached from Percy and walked over to Chiron.

"No thanks. Sally said I could stay with them till Percy comes back." I said. "Perce, I meet you on the way to the gate. Just going to walk around camp for a few minutes." And left a confused Chiron at the Poseidon cabin.

I swung my bag into my back and started walking around camp. Then a little wolf ran up to me. I started petting him and then I noticed something.

He had a card next to him too. I grabbed the card and started walking towards the Poseidon cabin. It said, "Dear Liana, I thought you would like a pet that you're adoptive parents wouldn't eat. This wolf is your protector and will grow when you grow, die when you die but is invincible. He is a pup still so take good care of him. -Love, Your Father."

I stopped and bent down to my pup's level. "I'll name you.... Hmmm.... I'll ask Percy. I bet I can get you to Hogwarts too!" I cheered. The pup wolfed and ran around my legs.

"Lia!" Percy called out and walked towards me. "Wolf!" He yelled. My pup went into defensive mode in front of me.

"Percy! My dad gave him to me. He's only a pup and I need help naming him." I said. Percy approached my pup and I with caution. "Pup, down." My pup sat on my foot. I giggled.

"Hmm... How about Hercules?" Percy suggested. I scoffed.

"Hercules was a huge man whore and a power hog. I don't care if he's my half brother and a minor god." I said with a dismissive tone. Percy laughed

"Not Jason." Percy said. "It sounds more like a human name. Not Leo either."

"What about Polemistí̱s ?" I suddenly thought of. "It means warrior in Ancient Greek. We'll just call him Warrior, easier for people to pronounce." Warrior gave a bark of joy.

"Perfect. There's my mom." Percy said. True to his word, Sally was leaning against her car, waiting for Percy and I.

"Hey Sally!" I greeted. She opened her arms for me. I helped save her from Hades. Technically he's my uncle but he's so mean and rude.

"Hello Liana." She said. I waved that off.

"Call me Lia. Everybody but Chiron and my father, Zeus, calls me that." I said. Sally looked surprised. "Oops, don't tell anyone yet. He said he'll claim me later." Sally nodded.

"Of course I won't tell sweetheart. Hey Percy, ready? I made cookies." Percy and I's eyes grew huge. Warrior barked and danced around Sally's feet.

"He likes you." I said. Sally bent down and pet him.

"Gift from your father?" She guessed. I nodded.

"He gave me a lot of gifts. I'll tell you in the car. Can Warrior come in?" I asked. Sally nodded.

"Not clawing the seats though or rubbing your scent on everything. No peeing or pooping either." We burst out laughing at this.

"So Percy can't come into the car?" I teased.

"Nope. Stay." Percy just stood there, dumbfounded that his girlfriend and his mother were ganging up on him. "Good boy!" Sally praised. Warrior went and lightly bit Percy's leg. He snapped out of his trance.

"Come on Seaweed Brain! Or else I'll let Warrior go to your school." I said. He smirked.

"I'll be fine with that." Percy sat on the ground.

"No kisses for a week unless you get in this car." I said, getting in. Percy sprinted and jumped into the car.

He just smiled hopefully. "Lovesick puppy. And I'm not talking about Warrior." Sally said. I laughed. Percy growled. Warrior growled right back at Percy. I laughed with Sally while Percy just sat there, shocked Warrior growled back at him.

Warrior was in shotgun so Percy and I were in back while Sally drove. I started getting sleepy so I moved over a seat and put my head on Percy's shoulder.

Before I fell asleep, I felt him shift his position so I was laying against his chest with his arms around me.

"So how long have you two been together?" Sally asked Liana and Percy.

"A day." Percy asked. "Try and whisper. Lia fell asleep." Sally nodded.

"You guys seem really good together." Sally whispered. Percy chuckled.

"We're the two in that prophecy I told you about. The two forbidden children and we fell in love with each other." Percy whispered. Sally cooed at that part.

"I'm ok with having her as a daughter-in-law." Sally whispered with a smile.

"And I'm good marrying Percy." Liana mumbled in her sleep and shifted positions. Sally was smiling like a maniac as was Percy. "And Josh Hutcherson." Sally laughed lightly while Percy grew angry.

"I'm good with marrying Lia." Percy whispered in her ear.

"I love Percy." Liana mumbled. Percy grinned and kissed her cheek. "I'm not asleep Seaweed Brain." He froze at this while Sally was dying with laughter up front. "But I do love you but no marriage yet. My parents, godly and undead, will kill you if we get married at this age. Night." Then she passed out again.

Percy breathed a sigh of relief. Sally was still dying with laughter. "She is perfect. Can keep you in line and do that same stuff you do, demigod stuff." Sally said. Percy sighed with happiness and looked at Liana's sleeping form on his chest.

"Yeah." He breathed.

"So, she's part vampire?"

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