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    Liana's body began going through The Change. Her human side was being full killed, her vampire side taking over. But one thin was different than all other changes, her god side was still the strongest part of her. Liana's magic was attached to her entire body, to her core, never going away as it adapted to the new changes.

     She became even more beautiful than she already was. Magic surrounded her body in a shield and her eyes glowed electric blue as they opened. Zeus and Emmett stood next to their daughter. One a god, the other a vampire who had raised her all her life.

     "Father, dad," Liana greeted with a smile as she sat up on the table, her legs hanging off as she swung them. Then she pointed a perfect, manicured finger at herself. "Vampire?" They nodded.

"Do you want to go hunt?" Emmett asked. She shook her head no and raised her head into the air and sniffed it.

"Percy!" She said joyfully as her new electric blue eyes lit up even brighter and she took off. "Percy?!" He ran out of the condo, Liana's family sprinting to hold her back.

"Lia," he said as Liana broke through the wall of her family. They embraced and she buried her face into Percy's neck. All the vampires freaked out and rushed towards her till she pulled back and made a face of disgust.

"Your blood smells disgusting!" Liana exclaimed. He laughed and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and wasn't using any of her newfound abilities.

"Uncle Jasper, that is a nasty thought," Liana said with a smirk as she and Percy pulled away from each other. The vampires gaped at each other. "Yes Aunt Alice, we can go shopping after I am a goddess," Alice squealed in happiness.

     "Everything is perfect," Percy said with a relieved expression. Liana kissed his cheek and rested her head on Percy's chest.

     "Let's hope it'll stay that way,"

     I can't believe I finally finished this story! Thank you all for staying with me and reading this book. Hope you enjoyed it and please vote and comment!

When Worlds Collide (Harry Potter, Percy Jackson and Twilight Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now