Chapter 15

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"Lia, you can't come to school with me!" Percy argued. I groaned and fell back against the couch.

"Sally, can I go with Percy to school but hide in the shadows?" I asked her as she walked by.

"Of course. Oh, there was a gift dropped off with you're name on it." Sally said and tossed me a box with obviously my name on it. Opening it, with Perce looking over my shoulder, I saw it was and it was a plain black beanie. A really cute one though.

"Well thanks Sally, though my birthday is on the same day as Percy's." I said, confused. She gave me a puzzled look.

"It's really not from me." She said.

"Zeus maybe?" Perce asked. I nodded.

"Possibly." I said and put it on. Percy started freaking out.

"Where in Hades did you go?!" He yelled, throwing his arms around and hit me in the face. I hit him right back and took the beanie off.

"OWW!" I exclaimed and hit him in the arm. "I was right here!" His eyes widened.

"It made you invisible then." He deducted. I shrugged and handed it to him. He tried it on and he disappeared.

"See and I don't freak out-" I felt a force that I'm guessing is Percy pulled me towards them and carry me around the apartment while he ran. I laughed with happiness when he ran faster as Sally just shook her head and laughed at our antics.

"You're going to be late." Sally reminded us. Percy put me down and turned visible again. I held my hand out for the hat and he handed it to me and grabbed my hand, twirling me before kissing me.

"Thanks, let's go, I don't want you to be late for you're last wee of school." I said with a smirk. He groanedand grabbed his backpack while I grabbed my weapons in jewelry form plus my purse. Perce gave me an odd look. "My Mum." He nodded in understanding as we walked out the door but not before kissing Sally and in my case, getting squeezed to death and to keep Percy in line.

We walked down the hall and out of the building holding hand but as we neared the bus stop, I put my beanie on and turned invisible but still held Percy's hand. "Hey dork!" A very large person yelled while toting a backpack. I'm guessing the school bully that's been held back many times. I resisted the urge to pull out my daggers as tried to trip Percy. I caught him and kept him from pulling out Riptide and cutting the kid into ribbon.

A bunch of the bully's friend walked over and I'm guessing some new transfers because the other kid didn't seem to know the new kids but definitely knew the bullies. They all started jeering at Percy but then I poked a few in the back with daggers and whispered in their ears.  "You keep annoying and jeering at Percy and you'll be very, very ugly ribbon." That stopped them till we all got on the hippie school bus that pulled up.

Making sure n one would sit on me, I sat in Percy's lap and put my daggers away but pulled out my wand. Percy held me to him but made sure to not make my shape know. "So, hex or ribbon?" I whispered in his ear. Percy stifled a laugh because of everyone around us but one of the bullies noticed.

"What is it Jackson?!" He yelled and got in Percy's face. "Somethin' funny?!" I put the tip of my wand to his chin and he quickly shrank back.

"Want. To. Hex. Idiots." I muttered. Percy nodded ever so lightly as to not be noticed a second time. This time it did go unnoticed and we made it to the hippie school without anymore confrontations.

Hurrying into the school and helping Percy dodge through the crowd of students wasn't that difficult. We arrived at his locker and saw a large student waiting there, looking nervous. "Hey Tyson." Percy greeted the student. He smiled, relieved that Percy was here.

"Hi Percy!" He greeted in a childish manner. here was something about Tyson's face that seemed to be mixed with his eyes. Peering through the Mist that the gods and goddesses have put up with their powers, I saw that Tyson was a Cyclops. He had one eye and if he was raised on the streets, then of course he had a childish manner and I'm guessing he was part f the schools outreach program that they choose a child from he streets to go here as a gift to the community.

The bell rang and then Percy walked with Tyson to a classroom where the chairs were all beanbag chairs. Percy sat in one near the edge as did Tyson, following Percy's lead. I hen sat on Percy's lap and he kissed eh top of my shoulder when he found it with his hands. "Hi miss!" Tyson said and waved towards me. I waved back and then it hit me, he was able to see me.

"Perce, he can see me." I whispered, panicked. "He's a Cyclops too." I added. Percy hit his forhead as it hit him.

"That makes sense. Tyson, you can't say anything about Lia, she's my girlfriend and one of my kind. She'll explain it to you later, ok?" Percy asked. Tyson grinned and nodded.  I got off of Percy's lap and sat in between Percy' beanbag and Tyson's two beanbags.

"Hi Tyson," I whispered. He smiled and grabbed my hand, swinging it like a child would. Tyson didn't know any better.

"Hey freak!" The min bully yelled as he walked in. Tyson lowered his head in shame and let my hand go as his fell limp. Anger flared in me but I wasn't allowed to use my wand. But I can use wandless magic.

"Locomotor Mortis." I whispered. The main bully's legs locked together and he fell to the ground. "Revertatur." His legs unlocked as he realized what had happened. Tyson looked at me in amazement.

"Magic lady!" He exclaimed. I giggled and repaired his clothing, making it fit him better and look nicer than it was. "Thanks!" I gave him a slight nod and then motioned for him to be quiet.

"My name is Liana Quinn Cullen." I whispered in his ear. He smiled and gave me a hug that squeezed the breath out of me. I grabbed Percy's hand and pulled him towards Tyson and I.

"Tyson, can you let Lia come back to me please?" Percy asked urgently but covered it up by being caring. Tyson nodded and let me go as I fell back into Percy's lap.

"Alright class," The hippie teacher said, probably high with something. "Let's go class outside since it's such a nice day. Bring you're beanbags."

"Come on Li-Li!" Tyson said cheerfully. I giggled and Percy chuckled as we gathered our beanbags. Tyson grabbed me from Percy and threw me over his shoulder and made sure to be careful with me.

"Lia?!" Percy whispered, panicked as we were herded outside.

"On Tyson's shoulder." I whispered back to him. He was right next to Tyson, making sure not to get separated just in case Tyson had me and in this case he did.



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