Chapter 9

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"HARRY! How dare you hide from us!" Mum yelled as she burst into the clearing, again, with Aunt Alice. I hovered above the ground. Dad started jumping up and down like the kid he is. I sighed and raised my hand in Dad's direction.

He rose into the air and started swimming. "Liana!" Aunt Alice chided. My head whipped towards her direction and Dad hit the ground. I laughed along with everyone else. Mum gave me a disapproving look and I ran. Jake ran next to me and shifted, mid-air. I jumped on his back and we ran faster. Mum and Aunt Alice were running next to us.

I gave them a sheepish smile and we arrived at Sam's house. Jake stood there while I got him some shorts. I walked back outside and threw them towards him. He walked back into the woods and walked back out in human form.

Mum and Aunt Alice stood there, waiting for an explanation. I sighed and sat in one of the patio chairs. "I didn't want you to baby me." I told them. "You always do. I'm a demigod, part vampire, and witch. I can take care of myself."

They sighed and looked down. "We just want to protect you. It's natural because you're kinda like both of our child. Alice and I think of you like your delicate China and you'll break any second." Mum said. I nodded and gave her and hug along with Aunt Alice.

"Alright, time for camp." A voice said from behind me. I turned around and saw Percy Jackson, my best friend and crush.

"PERCY!" I screamed and jumped into his arms. He had grown buffer since the last time I saw him. "Guess what! Guess what!" He chuckled and held me with my legs wrapped around his waist and my arms around his neck.

"What?" He asked. His voice had kinda dropped too even though he's 13 too.

Dad, can I tell him? I thought.

Sure, you're going to tell him no matter what my little warrior. Dad replied.

I waved my hand and tried something I hadn't tried before. I made a mini tornado in my hands. Percy gasped.

"I'm the daughter of Zeus." I told him. His grin grew to fill his whole face. My face probably mirrored his and then I heard gasps from below us- Wait, below?!

I looked down and saw that I had gotten so excited and levitated Percy and I into the air. He realized it too and started freaking out. Since Percy is a Son of Poseidon, Dad (Zeus) hates him.

I laughed and lowered us to the ground. "Don't you dare so that again Liana Quinn Cullen!" Percy threatened. I let do of him and floated up into the air.

"Or what?" I started lifting him again.

"Never mind." Percy whispered and I put him back on the ground.

"That's what I thought." And then water hit my face. Percy was standing there with his hands out, water floating around him. "Don't you dare!" I shrieked. Percy laughed and shot some water at me.

"What's wrong Lia?" Percy asked.

"I hate you Percy Jackson!" I yelled as I flew through the air, avoiding the water blasts. The air grew mugger and I realized I was doing that. I made a personal rain cloud and stated controlling the water to turn into hail and showed Percy.

He was having a had time turning the hail back into water. I laughed and then he sent a while wave at me. I shot upwards and was met with something hard. I looked up and realized a Gryphon. I screamed as it tried to fly away with me.

Percy soaked the Gryphon with water and I realized what he wanted me to do. I focused on squishing the Gryphon's head long enough to make it let go of me. I fell the rough the air and aperçu caught me. Then I shot lightning at the now wet Gryphon, causing it to die from the electric shock and poof into gold monster dust.

Percy put my down and I swayed on my feet. "Heyyyy Perceeee," I slurred. All my energy was fading away. Percy caught me as my knees gave out.

"Yeah Lia?" He asked, carrying me towards he nearest fireplace.

"I'm tirrreeeeddddd." I dragged out. He chuckled and grabbed some floo powder Emily and Sam leave at their house. Then he stepped into the fireplace and Mum placed my luggage in their too.

"Then go to sleep." Percy suggested with a slight smile. I pouted.

"Then mayyybbbee I wiiilll." And then my eyes started closing.

Percy threw down the floo powder and we were surrounded by green flames. "Camp Half-Blood, Long Island, New York!" Percy yelled and then we went up in flames.

And that when I passed out. So heroic, right?

"Then mayyybbbee I wiiilll." Lia said. Her eyes started closing.

I threw down the floo powder and green flames surrounded Lia, her baggage, and I. "Camp Half-Blood, Long Island, New York." And then Lia and I went up in flames.

I stumbled on the landing into Chiron's office. He had added a fireplace for Lia and Harry's sake. "Chiron?" I called out. He stepped into his office from the hallway.

Chiron is a centaur, half human in the upper body and then horse from the waist down. In his words, "I have a horse's ass." That's what he said the first time I met him in his centaur form.

"What happen Percy?" Chiron asked, takin Lia from me. My arms felt cold without her there.

"A Gryphon attacked us and tried to take Lia with him. I threw water on him and then Lia used her powers to electrocute him. Lia is the Daughter of Zeus. I don't think he wants us telling everyone yet so she'll stay in my Cabin again." I told him.

When I was claimed, Chiron decided that since Lia really only knew me, she would get to stay with me. I'm just fine, living in the same cabin as my crush.

Yeah, that's right, I have a crush on Liana Quinn Cullen. But I bet she doesn't even notice me in that way.

Chiron nodded and gave me some Ambrosia and Nectar to give Lia when she wakes up. He brought her luggage to my Cabin like usual while I walked next to him, carrying Lia.

I laid Lia down in her bed and sat on mine. Lia started whimpering and calling for me. I went back I've to her and got into the covers with her. She clutched onto me and muttered about a Sorcerer's Stone and a Balisik. I held her in my arms and she stopped muttering.

When I finally fell asleep I was think, what happened last year at Hogwarts?

When Worlds Collide (Harry Potter, Percy Jackson and Twilight Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now