Chapter 16

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Tyson decided that after he picked me up, he was going to carry me outside with Percy following very closely. "Tyson, can you put her down please?" Percy asked Tyson quietly. The head bully heard him speak and was gong to say something but I hexed him.

"Oops." I whispered in Percy's ear. He jumped but then realized it was me. Tyson put me down when the hippie said to stop and get ready for class. I sat on Percy's lap and he hid his head in my neck. Using a really good illusion charm that my Mum had taught me to do, I concealed it so it looked like Percy's was paying perfect attention while he was actually cuddling with me.

But then it was over too soon and we had to trek off too Gym class. I waited in the main gym while Percy and Tyson changed. When they came out, I had to stop myself from laughing at their uniforms.

They were wearing rainbow colored tie dye shirts and bright blue short shorts. That's all I had to think on the matter as I rolled on the floor, laughing. "Li-Li, why are you laughing?" Tyson asked, walking over. I regained my composure and stood by Percy so Tyson didn't look crazy.

"Because our gym uniforms are so ugly and stupid." Percy grumbled. I gave him a are-you-serious look.

"What's wrong?" I asked. He sighed and turned towards me.

"Because I have to be here instead of camp. Why did you even want to come?" Perce asked me.

"Because I wanted to be with you." I said He grinned and went to kiss me but then the gym teacher said that they were playing dodge ball and to make the teams even but it ended up being a ton of nerdy types plus Tyson and Percy against the gigantic and burly bullies.

"This is so not fair!" Percy whispered. I nodded but then realized he couldn't see me.

"Yeah. I'll help your team." I said in his ear. He didn't jump this time. Percy nodded.

It turned out Percy's team needed a lot of help. All the nerdy types went down right away and then it was just Percy and Tyson. They were doing fine but then one of the new students said something that gave me a heart attack. "Hold still Son of Poseidon!" Joe Bob, one of the new students, exclaimed. Percy dropped the dodge ball he had bee holding as well as his jaw. That's when all the bullies, even the new ones started morphing into something new except he man bully and a few of his friends. The main bully I had figured out a while ago was named Matt Sloan.

"Ummm.... Lia?!" Percy yelled. Everyone looked puzzled at who he was yelling at while I summoned my throwing knives and sword. Percy searched his pockets but realized Riptide was in his pants that were in his locker in the locker room.

When the bullies were done morphing, I realized they were Laistrygonian Giants from the North. "LAISTRYGONIAN GIANTS!!" I screamed. Everyone was freaked out that a voice appeared out of no where.

"Laistry-what? What's that in English?" Percy yelled as a giant grabbed a dodge ball and it lit on fire.

"Canadians!!" Anna and I yelled together as she appeared in he gym, running towards us. "Liana, where the Hades are you?" I pulled off my beanie and she screamed as I appeared. "What the Tartarus?!"

"My Dad." I said. "Probably figured I would need it." She nodded and drew her dagger. Anna hates swords and archery and will avoid it at all costs.

Suddenly a flaming dodge ball was thrown at me. I tried to stop it with my powers but it had too much power behind it. Percy went to dive in front f me but I pushed him back with my powers but then I was thrown into Percy.

Tyson had taken the flaming dodge ball for me. "TYSON!" Percy and I screamed. Anna didn't really care because of something that happened when Anna was 7 years old and trying to get to camp but I'll talk about that later.

But then the fire cleared in smoke an Tyson was perfectly fine, no burns and then I remembered, he's a Cyclops. "Why is he ok?" A giant asked angrily. I smirked at them.

"He's a Cyclops idiot." And then I sped towards the giants using my speed and shot into the air, bringing my dagger down onto the of a giants head, killing him as he burst into golden monster dust.

I landed perfectly and dodged fist and then changed into my leopard form and mauled another giant while Percy and Anna took out another giant. Tyson was lugging the dodge balls right back at the giants, knocking them out or disabling them for a moment or two.

"Avada Kedavra!" A loud voice yelled. A bolt of green light fired towards me and I recognized it as the Killing Curse.

I rolled out of the way and jumped up. "Stupefy!" It hit the Death Eater that had appeared and shot him out of the hole that had appeared in the wall of the hippie school gym.

"Crucio!!" A woman's voice screamed. I screamed in pain as it hit me but I got up, even with the pain of the unforgivable curse on me.

"Bombarda Maxima!" I screamed. The hood fell off of the Death Eater and I saw it was Bellatrix LeStrange.

"Protego." She blocked it lazily but the blast pushed her back. "I really thought you would be better at spells little vampire. Didn't your mummy and daddy teach you better? Oh wait, they didn't want you. One was the king of the gods and the other was mum who didn't even want you. I watched as they thought to kill you but then the blonde bimbo and Mr. Bulk saved you." She taunted. Anger grew in my body s she cackled with laughter.

"STOP IT!" I yelled, she was just trying to get into my head. "Confringo!!" She got hit with the blasting curse and ran away, the rest of the Death Eaters following her in fear. "Defodio!" A gouging spell. "Deletrius!" A disintegrating spell. "Deprimo!" Immense pressure falling on the target. Perce held me to him as I tried to control my anger and pain.

"AHHH!!!" Percy screamed. He let go and as I looked at him, I saw that I had burned him with lightning.

"I'm sorry." I whispered and then took off out of the burning hippie school.

"LIA!! Please, wait!" Percy begged. I didn't listen as I just kept running using my supernatural speed to run from my problems, just like I always do.

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