Chapter 17

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Nobody but one person has see Lia for four years. I see her nearly everyday through messages, dates, an our anniversaries. She disappeared that day when we nearly burned down the hippie school I went to. Bellatrix LeStrange really scared another and also, another person knows where she is and talks to her too, Albus Dumbledore. They have a plan that I don't like.

"Lia!" I called out. She turned around from her seat at the cafe I was meeting her at in New York. Her smile was the brightest thing I had seen since I had seen her last, three days ago.

"Percy!" She yelled and ran to me. I opened my arms and was crushed by her hug. "I missed you!" I laughed and kissed her, long and hard in front of a lot of strangers. We really don't care.

"So how is my beautiful fiancée?" I asked her. She grinned and wrapped her arms around my neck. And yes, I proposed a month ago, when the Titan War ended and we won. Lia helped, just really well  in the background.

"Great! But I talked to Albus earlier and he wants me to get the plan going..." She trailed off and led me to the table she was sitting at before she saw me.

"When does he want you to go to the Dark Lord?" I whispered. She looked into my eyes, guilty.

"Tomorrow." She whispered. My jaw dropped. "I know. We we're suppose to announce me being alive and not missing tomorrow but Albus doesn't want me to do that." I held my head in my hands as a few tears ran down her cheeks, she misses everyone so much.

"At least we have today." I said with a weak smile. She nodded and grinned but it didn't quite reach her eyes. "Where are we going to be going to today?" She grinned with a sly looked in her eyes.

"How was Seattle sounding?" She asked. "We have to avoid London and Brittan in general due to the was that's approaching. I don't want to fake being a Death Eater. I have to get the Dark Mark and everything. At least I'll have Severus and Draco." But then her phone started ringing like crazy as I growled at the idea of Draco Malfoy. He has a thing for Lia, I can really tell. 

She answered it with an odd look in her eyes, she look... scared almost. "What?" Her voice rasped out. "I'll be there." When Lia hung up, she had a hollow look in her eyes. "Hogwarts is being attacked, I have to go and join the Death Eaters now."

"I'm going to miss you." I whispered. We got up and embraced. I kissed her on the forehead and then she ran, apparating as she rounded the corner.

"So she's alive." A voice said behind me. Whipping around, I saw it was Chiron, Annabeth, and Grover.

"She left you! How can you just wait for her! I've loved you for the longest time and I don't know how obvious I sounded!" Annabeth screeched. After she took a poisonous dagger for me during the Titan War, she's been trying to like marry me or something. I groaned as she stalked off. Grover just stood there with a smirk on his face.

"I suspected she was live and you two were still together. You were happy, even when she had left and you never even looked at any other girls, even if you could have pretty much any girl as the Savior of Olympus." Grover said with a sly looked on his face. Chiron just looked happy to see Lia.

"Let's head back." Chiron said and started wheeling away. We followed and I was so worried for Lia, nothing could calm me.


So here's the thing, I'm already a full fledged Death Eater. Albus knows it but only him, not even Percy. I apparated to Hogwarts and charmed my clothes to change into my badarse Death Eater outfit. It's a long black cloak with a hood, a really pretty silver Death Eater mask, leather heeled boots, my beanie that cause me to go invisible when I will it to, my lightning bolt necklace that Percy had given me from Harry. He was going to give it to me when he got to Camp but by then I was gone. Then I topped it off with some blood red lipstick and my hair simple and down. Bellatrix helped me with getting the whole outfit and training to become a Death Eater and getting the Dark Mark.

"Oh Liana!" Bellatrix called out as I strutted into the Great Hall where she and the other Death Eaters were fighting the students. Everyone turned in shock besides the Death Eaters as I stunned a student I didn't know.

"Trixie! I was going to make an entrance! You ruined t!" I took off my mask and made it disappear. "Hello darlings, miss me?" This sent some students that know me to come running for me but I hexed them. "Oh darling, you didn't tell me that battle was so much fun!" I said with a smirk towards Trixie.

I really hate being this whole person I've created.

"I wanted to surprise you with it!" Trixie said with a crazy grin. We walked with each other towards the Astronomy Tower where Severus was suppose to have Draco kill Albus. I really don't want this to happen but Albus said it needed to happen.

"So, what happened while I was off terrorizing muggles?" I said while fending off weak students. They really need to do a better job at classroom training for defense and offense spells.

"Just snuck through the wardrobe into the Room of Requirement with Draco, help of course." Trixie said with a sigh. I nodded and we just aparated up to the top of the tower. Draco had Albus in the middle of the tower room. Severus was standing off to the side. Death Eaters lined the room and I felt anger in the pit of my stomach. I noticed the Draco had already disarmed Albus. I made eye contact with Albus as my eyes slightly watered. He gave me a look of kindness and waited for Draco to kill him but he never did.

"Change of plans." Trixie said with a smug voice. "We're to make it public in the courtyard and have Liana kill him, in front of everyone." I nearly attacked her right then and there but I had a cover to keep up.

"Really?" I asked excitedly. Trixie grinned and nodded. I started cackling with Trixie and then forced Albus down the tower steps when Trixie told me just to apparate with him into the courtyard, they would get all students and staff. I did so and then minutes later, students and staff were being forced into the courtyard with spells and the other Death Eaters. I put up my hood and my mask, to keep up an appearance.

"Alright students. We have special presentation to show you. We hope you learn a lot from this." Trixie cackled.

"Some of you may know me." I said. "Most probably won't." And with that I threw off my hood and mask. There were gasps and cries of shock and horror.

"Lia what are you doing?" Hermione Granger, one of my best friends said as she made her way to the front. I gave her one look that said it all. Her eyes widened as she knew why I was really doing this. Ron as next to her and then an empty space which I assumed was Harry. I entered her min to speak to her.

(Bold is speaking in someone's head.) Tell Ron and Harry, they deserve to understand and I really don't want to do this. Harry is a horcrux and he will have to die. She nodded discreetly and I nodded back.

"Because, the Dark Lord is the one who will win, he is right you Mudblood!" I sneered. Her eyes watered but she knew I didn't mean it. Ron went to lunge at me but many Death Eaters stopped him with more than one Crucio.

"Now, everyone watch close. This is a very important lesson." Trixie said with a sadistic grin.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" And with that, I saw the light leave one of the best people in my messed up life, the one who had done everything to give me a normal life at being a witch. I had killed Albus Dumbledore.


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