Chapter 11

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I have decided that I want Robbie Amell to play Percy Jackson instead of Logan Lerman. To me, he fits the qualities and looks of Percy Jackson better than Logan Lerman. Sorry if this offends you but it's my book so back off.

It's official. I'm in love with Percy Jackson.

We broke apart and everyone was shocked. Percy was smiling like an idiot and I probably was too. "It's official, I'm in love with Liana Quinn Cullen." Percy breathed.

"You too? Because I was just thinking I was in love with Percy Jackson. I must be mistaken though." And before I could think, Percy's lips were on mine again.

Grover had somehow made the crowd go away with the help of our friend Annabeth Chase. "I always knew this would happen." Annabeth said with a smirk on her face. Percy and I broke apart. His face was bright red and I imagine mine was too.

"The two of the prophecy." Chiron said as he galloped up to us. I hid my head in Percy's shoulder. He laughed but held me and let me hide. I couldn't see anyone but I was guessing that they were smiling at Percy and I.

"Percy and Lia, sittin in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love, than comes marriage, than comes a baby in a baby carriage." Anna sang with Grover. I hid myself more, not used to getting a ton of attention. Percy hid me with his arm and we snuck away from the two singing birds with Chiron.

We walked towards the Big House. Percy had his arm around my waist and I had my head in his shoulder.

"So, are you two a couple now?" Chiron asked. I looked up at Percy and he looked down at me.

"Liana Quinn Cullen, will you do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend and go out with me?" Percy asked. I giggled, something I rarely do.

"Of course Perseus Jackson." He wrinkled his nose at his full name. I laughed along with Chiron.

"Yes, yes we are." Percy informed Chiron. He chuckled and led us into his office. We sat on the love seat and Chiron backed into his wheelchair that hid his horse behind. It's what he does when he needs to sit.

"What do we need to talk about Chiron?" I asked.

"The prophecy." Chiron concluded. "It is obvious that you and Percy and the two forbidden children that fall in love. You two are falling in love with each other so that part is solved. You're also born on the same day and that's third part. The last part refers to the Great Prophecy that was placed on Percy, or any child of the Big Three. It could mean Liana too."

I froze at that and so did Percy. "What Great Prophecy?" We spoke together. If it wasn't at this time, I would have thought that was adorable.

Chiron sighed. "I guess it's time to tell you two.
A half-blood of the eldest gods

Shall reach sixteen against all odds

And see the world in endless sleep

The hero's soul, cursed blade shall reap

A single choice shall end his days

Olympus to preserve or raze." Chiron spoke. I was froze. Percy moved so that he was in a protective pose.

"It's about Riptide, isn't it?" Percy asked, his voice tight.

"It's a possibly-" That's when Percy got up and left. I went to follow him but Chiron tried to hold me back. I whipped around to face him.

"I am going after him. Even if I wasn't his girlfriend, I would still got after him because he is still me best friend right next to Harry. I've known him for 2 years now and I will do anything to protect him because I love him! I loved him since the day I met him but was too scared to admit it! I'm going after him and you can't stop me!" I screamed. I ran out the door and went to the place Percy always goes to cool off, my cabin.

I reached my cabin and heard sobbing. When I went in, I saw what I never expected. Percy was sitting on my floor, looking at all the pictures of us and our friends we took on our quest last year and mine from Hogwarts.

"You'll leave me and then I'll be all alone." Percy said in a small voice. I went and sat next to him. He wrapped his arms around me and buried his head in my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around him. "Why can't I come with you?" Percy asked. "What happens if it is Riptide that is the cursed blade?" I didn't know how to respond.

"Percy," He moved his head from my shoulder. He had tear stains down his cheeks. It broke my heart to see Percy hurting. "I'll see if you are able to come to Hogwarts next year. But I have no promises. If Riptide is the cursed blade, I will stick with whatever you do because we are a team. I would do anything for you." I told him. He gave me a small smile.

"Ya know our Dad's are going to be angry with us because we're dating, right?" Percy said. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm a big girl and can make choices. However, both my Dad's are strong and my Mom could probably kill you in a matter of seconds. I'll protect you from the big bad Daddy's and Mommy." I said in a baby voice. Percy scowled and grabbed a picture.

It was one of my favorites. Percy and I were sitting on the dock behind his cabin. Our shoulders were inches apart but our hands were on top of each other. We were oblivious to the camera behind us and just ignored the butterflies in our stomachs. "I love that photo." Percy said. I turned to look at him.

"And I love you." I said. He smiled and lean down to kiss me.

"I love you too." And then we kissed.

I could get used to this.

When Worlds Collide (Harry Potter, Percy Jackson and Twilight Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now