Chapter 21-Harry's POV

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I saw that Lia was falling towards the ground and I rushed to catch her. "Not my baby sister." I said as she blacked out.

Mum and dad ran over. Dad grabbed Lia and ran off, leaving me with mum. "I have to die, don't I?" I asked. Venom flooded up in mum's eyes as she hugged me.

"I love you." She said.

"I love you too mum." I told her. "I am so glad that you and dad raised me and Lia. Our weird family." She laughed and it sounded like her usual bell sound.

"Ah, you must be Liana and Harry's adoptive mother." Voldemort said as he strolled up towards us. Mum pushed me behind her as she snarled at Voldemort.

"I shall take that as a yes." He cackled. Suddenly his wand was pointed at mum. "Avada Kedavra!" There was a green flash of light as mum and I we're pushed out of the way.

"Protego!" A girl spoke. "Hello Tom." Lia stood where mum and I were standing seconds ago.

"Liana, or should Lady Death?" Voldemort said. Lady Death? Oh, those Death Eaters called her that.

"I prefer Liana." They circled each other.

"Then you won't mind becoming an only child. AVADA KEDAVRA!" The green curse hit me and I fell into an all white Kings Cross Station.

"Mum, he's fine." I said. "He was another Horcrux." She held him in her arms and sped off making Aunt Alice speed over to me.

"He's dead darling." Tom cackled.

"Would you quit cackling? It's quite annoying." I said. He scowled and I smiled.

"Yet you still are ugly either way." I taunted. He growled at me and shot nasty spells at me. I deflected them without even thinking about it.

"You trained me Tom, made me a stronger, more powerful witch." I hissed. His face was emotionless and then turned to pain.

"Nagini!" He howled.

"You are weak Tom, there is no turning back. Expellarmus!" He battled me with the Killing Curse but in the end I was more powerful. "Goodbye." Tom Riddle dissolved into flakes of himself, eventually floating away by the wind.

"Ok, have to go." I told Aunt Alice. She looked confused but ready to fight none the less. "By myself."

"No!" My dad exclaimed, running over to us. Jacob appeared behind me in wolf form.

"I have to. If I don't Gaea will take over everything, a worse ruling than Voldemort." I apparated to Camp Half-Blood where the Romans and Greeks were fighting each other.

There was a whine and I turned around to see Jake holding onto the back of my shirt in his jaws. "Jake!" I screeched. He released and came to stand by me. "Shift!" I demanded. He shook his large head no. I glared at him and he shifted, naked like usual.

"See." Jake said, ticked. I waved my wand and a pair of jeans appeared on him. "Thank you."

"I'm going to send you back to Hogwarts." I raised my hand but Jake caught me in a tight hug. His face was in my stomach and I rested my hands and head on top of his head.

"Nope, or else you're going back with me." He retorted, muffled by my stomach. I was at least a foot or more off the ground by the way he was holding me.

"Fine. But you have to stay with me." I said. He nodded.

"IT'S THE WITCH!" Someone screamed, pointing at me. Jake dropped me to the ground and shifted while standing protectively in front of me. Demigods surrounded me and the Roman's decided to take fire on us.

"Look out!" I yelled. "Reducto!" The large catapult rock blasted into tiny pieces, the size of raindrops.

"I did that because Annabeth Chase didn't want me to take Percy away from her! I'm engaged to Percy and he was taken from me. When Chase and the rest of the Seven found Percy, she pushed him into Tartarus when he saved her life!" I sobbed. Thals pushed people out of the way and hugged me to death.

"My baby sister." She cried. I cried into her shoulder and everyone went back to fighting the Romans. "Annabeth did that to you? To Percy?" I nodded, my vision blurry.

"But I'm here now." A familiar voice said to my right. I cleared my eyes, only to cry out when I saw Percy standing next to Piper and Jason.

"Percy!" I screamed and ran to him. He picked me up by my waist and swung me in a circle, pulling my into his arms.

"Lia, I missed you so much." He said into my hair and I clung to him.

"You left, you were taken!" I cried into his chest. Tears soaked my scalp and hair, telling me he was crying.

"Hera took me. I went to sleep in our room and woke up the next morning with no memory and in a wolf den." Percy said.

"I tired to look for you but Tom Riddle was watching me closely as his second in command. I was never able to get away, let alone look for you. Piper and Jason promised they would find you and they did." I told him, my eyes connecting with his. We leaned in till someone cleared their throat.

"Excuse me, he's mine." Chase said. I let go of Percy and walked towards her.

"Wrong, he's mine." I showed her my engagement ring and then punched her in the nose the knees her in the stomach, making her run off after she recovered.

"That's my girl." Percy said as he came up behind me, wrapping his arms around me waist.

"I love you." I told him. He leaned down towards my ear.

"I love you more. To Tartarus and back." He whispered. I giggled when his breath tickled my ear.

"How bad was it down there? I asked. He cringed. "I'm sorry, I needed to be with you." Percy just kissed my jaw.

"You're here now. Let's fight some monsters." Percy said. I realized monsters had appeared for Gaea. The Romans and Greek were all fighting together, it was amazing.

"Do what we do best?" I asked. He nodded and pecked my lips. I pouted at the quick retreat of his lips.

"More later. Let's do this." Percy said. I kissed his cheek and then we charged into battle, together.

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