Chapter 19- Liana's POV

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After Voldemort decided that I would be Hogwarts' new headmistress, I left Malfoy Manor after telling Severus and Draco. They aren't bad, Severus was practically forced into being a Death Eater after growing angry at his father that abused him all his life. It resulted into him becoming a true Slytherin but he realized who I was in an instant and took me under his wing just as he did with Draco. Draco's parents were already Death Eaters and forced him into the life unless he wanted to die.

I arrived in anger at who I would have to be as headmistress. "Lia, what's wrong? I've never seen you so worked up." I buried myself in his arms and sobbed. Percy didn't ask any questions because he could envision how hard this was for me.

"You know I love you." Percy told me as I quietly stopped crying. I looked up at him.

"And I love you too. I got the job of being the new headmistress of Hogwarts but I have to do what Voldemort says. I've always wanted this job and Albus said I would inherit the job when he died. He knew it would either be Severus or I that killed him. Albus was always fine with it and he wanted it to be us, not anyone else." I choked out. I saw confusion in Percy's eyes. "The punishment, detentions, will become torture sessions. The Carrow twins will be there too. They will be teachers and have the students practice on each other. I can't do anything to help the students!"

"Aberforth, what about Albus's brother Aberforth?" Percy asked me. "He could smuggle things into the school that you can give to him. You said that he helped you and he does know why you're doing this." Aberforth helped me on Albus' request and I explained to him the plan also at Albus' request.

"Perfect!" I exclaimed, sun finally shining through the clouds that have been placed over me. "Amazing work Perce!" He blushed and rubbed the back of his neck.

"So when does the school year start?" He asked.

"September 1st. Will you be good here? I'll come and see you whenever I can." I told him. He nodded and found the tele remote.

"TV?" He asked. I gave him a guilty look.

"I love the tele. Great muggle invention." I defended.  He laughed.

'You bet it is."



It's been such a long time since I've seen Percy!! Hera.... Hera kidnapped him and sent him to some other demigod camp, a Roman one at that! That wanker of a goddess took my fiancée from me and let Chase save him!

Suddenly I had an IM come in to me. I cast an illusion charm around me so it looked and sounded I was just doing paperwork. Piper McLean appeared on the IM and I gave her a hopeful smile. I'm actually the one who sent Coach Hedge, a satyr, to find her, Leo Valdez and Jason Grace. She has IM'd me many times but Percy is always separated from her.

"L-Liana, it's about Percy." Now that she said that, I looked at everyone's faces and noticed something was wrong. They all had tearstains on their cheeks and their eyes were read and puffy.

"What is it Piper?" I asked in a ghostly whisper.

"H-He fell into Tartarus. Annabeth pushed him in after he refused to go out with her, again." My whole world stopped.

"S-She pushed him in?" I asked, calm before the storm. Jason nodded. He's actually my half-brother as is his full sister, Thalia Grace. Tears slowly slid down my face and I cried.

"We're going everything we can do. He's going to go through Tartarus and go through the Doors of Death. We're going to meet him on the other side. I promise sis, we will get him back." Jason said. I nodded and swiped through the IM, canceling it.

I cast myself with an illusion to make myself look normal as I went to find Draco, Sev and Minerva. She had become my mother figure and figured out why I had to do it. My real mum, well I wasn't allowed to talk or contact her or else that side of my family would die.

Entering Minerva's classroom, I walked up to her and leaned to whisper in her ear. "P-Percy was pushed into Tartarus by.... by Annabeth Chase." I choked out. She nodded, not revealing her emotions but pretended that she didn't like what I sad, like I said something bad. It's what she has to do. Minerva summoned Flitwick and he took over her class as she walked with me.

"We're going to get Mr.Malfoy and Severus too I assume?" Minerva asked. I nodded and was relieved for the illusion charm. "Illusion charm?" I nodded again. I got Draco from DADA with one of the Carrow twins and then Sev from his potions classroom. They didn't need an explanation like Minerva.

We walked back to my office and that's when I took the illusion charm down. Draco and Sev were shocked but Minerva just embraced me. "I'll tell them." Minerva whispered. "Percy Jackson, her fiancée, was pushed into Tartarus, the worst place anyone can go. It's like being stuck with all the evil in the world in just a small room. You're tortured, bathed in lava and hurt-" I cut her off.

"Please, just no more!" I sobbed. Draco sat on the floor and rubbed my back as Minerva and Sev held me. "That wanker pushed him in! All because he loved me, not her. I'm just a vampire, demigod and witch freak!!" They argued with me and then Minerva stopped as Ginny Weasley burst into the room. She saw me and backed away.

"Ginny, she's on our side, she has always been. So has Draco and Severus." Minerva said.

"Ginny, I missed you." I hiccupped. Gin's eyes widened and she approached me. Then she attacked me in a gigantic Weasley hug and she needed no explanation. She felt the same way with Harry except she had no idea where Harry was, until now apparently.

"Harry, Hermione and Ron are here. The battle will start soon." Gin said. Minerva called the entire Order of the Phoenix and told me to hold an assembly. I did as she said and then we started walking down to the Great Hall, ready for the battle.

"Voldemort's going to feel my wrath. It's a good day for a battle." I growled, my animal form coming out.

"Good, stay by my side." Draco pretty much asked.

"Oh come on Draco. I'll protect you!" I teased. He glared at me.

"Really you two? Now?" Sev and Minerva asked as Gin watched us, amused.


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