Chapter 18

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I just killed the one man who protected me and got me into Hogwarts even though I'm half-god and half-vampire. The light leaving his eyes made me want to kill Voldemort and Bellatrix right now but I had to keep up my cover, at least Mione knows the truth.

Bellatrix cackled and I had to cackle with her. "NO!!" Everyone screamed besides the Death Eaters yelled. They rushed us and we just went up in smoke, the way we travel. I on the other had went to find Percy at Camp Half-Blood.

When I got there, he was practicing his swordsmanship with some of the best campers because he's the best swordsmen here for 400 years. "Percy!" I yelled. He whipped around and the sword From the other swordsmen came down. "IMMOBULUS!" I screamed. The sword stopped and I jerked my hand towards the side and it flew out of the swordsmen hand and to the side.

Percy ran towards me and that's when I realized I was sobbing. "What's wrong Lia?! Please, tell me." He begged. I sobbed in his arms at what I had done and I explained who I was and what I had to do.

"Y-You're a D-Death E-Eater already?" Percy asked, his voice quaking. I nodded and Percy just held me closer.

"Albus wouldn't let me tell anyone because he was scared they were going to come after me or especially the ones I would tell. I begged him to let me tell you b-but-" I broke down sobbing again and fell to the ground, unable to move.

"SHE'S A DEATHEATER!!" A girl screamed. I looked up and saw it was Annabeth with a smug look on her face. I got up and fixed my makeup, hair and clothes.

"Why yes I am Annabeth. I also just killed one of the most powerful wizards that is-was alive." I said, daring her to do something. I looked at Percy and he was standing by my side, holding Riptide in a threatening manner. "Want to do something about it?" I raised my hands without my wand and the ground rose. Then I stated to speak gibberish and lightning crackled all around me, my demigod powers at work.

"Liana!" Chiron yelled and came galloping up. I looked at him with an innocent look. Percy was a little unsure but stood by me.

"Yes Chiron?" I asked. He just looked at Percy and I in disbelief. "I was just going to go." Chiron looked relieved but looked to Percy.

"I go where she goes." Percy said, looking at me with love and I returned it. "I love her." I opened my mouth to respond but Annabeth beat me to it.

"BUT SHE'S A DEATH EATER!! I'M A NORMAL DEMIGOD AND YOU LOVE THIS HALF-VAMPIRE AND HALF-GOD FREAK?!" Percy was at her throat in seconds with Riptide right against it.

"Don't. You. Dare. Say. That. About. Her." Percy said angrily. Campers approached Percy, Annabeth, Chiron and I, getting me a little panicked.

"Clypeus." I casted, placing a shield around Percy and I. "Perce, we have to go." The Dark Lord was calling me.

"He's calling you?" Percy asked.

"If you're coming with me we have to go now or else there will be consequences." I said urgently. Percy stepped back and Annabeth swung her dagger down and I grabbed it with vamp speed and flung it into the arena. "I will kill you without any remorse." Fear showed in her eyes and Percy grabbed my hand. I went up in smoke and traveled to a house that I had been living in since I ran away that day. Albus gave it to me.

I shed a few tears but cleaned myself up and waited in Percy's arms for a few seconds till I had to leave. "You should be fine now." I told Percy. He nodded and caught my lips in a quick kiss but then I went up in smoke and appeared in Malfoy Manor.

"Why hello dear Liana!" The Dark Lord greeted with happiness, or at least his version of happiness. "I hear from Bellatrix that you killed Albus Dumbledore." I smiled with glee and he laughed evilly.

"I thought she was quite brilliant and powerful." Severus provided for me. Voldemort looked to him and nodded.

"Of course Severus, she is my prodigy!" He exclaimed. I smiled and sauntered up to Voldemort. He drew a nasty finger down my cheek and I resisted the urge to puke and kill him. "Liana will do well if something is to happen to me." That sent Bellatrix into a rage of fury.

"But I am suppose to be your successor if something happens to you!" She screeched. I looked at Voldemort and he nodded.

I gave Bellatrix a look of higher importance as she screamed in pain from a wand less and unspoken Crucio Curse. Voldemort placed a cold hand on my shoulder and I stopped the curse. "I am more powerful than you and have been chosen by the Dark Lord himself. Don't question mine or especially his command again." My eyes were blazing with fury and she coward back.

"Yes Liana." She spoke.

"Call her.....κυρία θάνατο, Lady Death ." Voldemort said. Everyone nodded and I looked to Severus with a secret look of fear, Voldemort knows I'm a demigod. "Now leave, I have to talk to Lady Death alone."

All the Death Eaters left and then I was alone with most cold-blooded killer that has ever been. "Yes Lord Voldemort?" I asked, staying stiff with fear.

"See, I have a problem, who to tend to Hogwarts and monitor the kids?" Voldemort fake wondered. I inwardly screamed with anger at what he is planning to do. "Severus shall already be there but now I need a new Headmaster, or in this case a new Headmistress."

"I shall be willing to do it sir." I said. He clapped with happiness.

"You know what to do." Voldemort said. I nodded as he walked around me in circles.

"Of course see if they know anything Potter and his little friends and cohorts." Voldemort hissed at Harry's name.

"There shall be a whole new, better, wizarding world run by us, the purest blood of wizards." Voldemot celebrated. "And nothing shall get in our way."

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