Chapter 22-Liana's POV

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     I was fighting monsters left and right. Campers from both camps stayed away from me as they sensed I wouldn't stop to not hurt them. "LIA!" Someone yelled. I turned to look at them and then something exploded next to me. I screamed as I was flung hundreds of yards away.

     Monsters flooded over me and bound me in what I'm guessing were ropes. My ears were ringing and I couldn't hear anything. Hello Liana Cullen. A voice hissed in my head. I held my head as the hissing kept going on with no words.

     Stop! I cried out in my head. The voice sounded female as it laughed at my pain. Please! I begged. The voice only continued with it's laughing.

     You have done nothing but kill my monsters and children. You fought for two worlds but ran away from the one you were birthed into. You ran from your fate to follow a crazy old man who died because he was cowardly! The voice declared. Tears ran down my cheeks as pain was brought upon me.

     Your so called love is battling me right now, though is is greatly losing. There is no way you can ever win. No one has ever defeated me, and I won't be defeated now because two weak little kids are in love. The voice hissed. I cried out in pain and felt monsters being killed all around me. NO! My body dropped to the ground and I laid there, withering in pain as I felt poison seeping in through a bite on my leg.

     Large calloused hands placed themselves under my knees and upper back. I tried to open my eyes but realized my face was against the chest of someone. My hands frantically searched the person and found they were male and it was Percy! I knew that because I found Riptide in his hand under my knees.



     "Percy!" Lia cried out. Her eyes were shut and both her ears were bleeding.

     "Lia, I'm right here!" I told her. She acted like she couldn't hear me as she continued to cry.

     "I'm deaf!" She screamed. That made me stop as I overlooked the battlefield. I put my fingers on her eyelids and they fluttered opened. "My leg." She whispered as she looked down at the mostly destroyed leg.

     "Will!" I yelled as I entered the infirmary. He rushed over to us and sucked in a breath as he saw the condition Lia was in.

     "I need a lot of ambrosia and nectar, stat!" Will yelled. Supplies were rushed over to the cot Lia was laid on. "What the Hades happened to her?" Will asked. A few tears trailed down my cheeks.

     "I don't know." My voice broke at the end. "I saw a monster sneaking up on her so I yelled her name. Then I was dragged away by some Titans and then I didn't know what happened till I heard her screaming. By the time I got there, something had bitten her leg and her eardrums were both blown out. Will she be able to hear again?" Will ignore my question. "Will?" He sighed and turned towards me.

     "I have no way to know." Will said while avoiding my eyes.

     "Please, just try to help her." I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

     "I'll do what I can." Will said quietly. I sat there for hours as they tried to work on her.

     "Will, this isn't working! Nothing is working!" A daughter of Apollo yelled in frustration. I stood up in anger.

     "YOU HAVE TO FIGURE SOMETHING OUT!" I bellowed. Arms grabbed me and pulled me out of the infirmary before I could do something I would regret.

     "Yo, calm down Perce!" Jason exclaimed. I huffed and water swirled all around me. The ground shook and Lia's family appeared and held me to the ground.

     "You have to calm down! Liana would need you to!" Emmett yelled as he held my arms down. I heard a crack and I realized that their skin was cracking like a vase. Freezing in place, I stopped struggling and they let me up after a moment of calm.

     "One of us has to bite her. She will have to become a full vampire. The venom in her isn't enough." Carlisle said, his expression stone cold but I knew he cared so much for his granddaughter.

     "My baby girl!" Rosalie sobbed. Venom clouded her eyes and she hid herself in Emmett's chest.

     "My Liana." I fell to my knees on the ground.

     "Perseus." A strong commanding voice said. I looked to my right and saw a weak looking Zeus standing there with Jason and Thalia. They're eyes were both rubbed raw from wiping tears away.

     "I want to make the six out of the seven gods and goddesses. The exception would obviously be Chase. If my daughter is made a vampire, you can have her rule beside you as she would be made a goddess. You would live eternity together, her a vampire goddess, and you a god." Zeus spoke with a stone-cold expression he always holds.

     "Yes." I spoke quickly.

     "I shall make her a vampire. But we'll need to take her far away from civilization. Her birth-mother had a high tolerance for human blood but you never know." Emmett said. I gave him a thankful glance. "It's for my baby girl's happiness and she's happy with you. I just don't know how this will be on Harry." That thought was on no one had thought about.

     "He will either have to deal with the fact that Liana will die, or she can become an immortal vampire goddess." Alice said gently. I grit my teeth in pain as I thought of her dying.

     "We're making that choice now. She needs to become a vampire." I said gruffly. Emmett put me on his back and Jasper grabbed Lia's limp body before we all sped off.

     We reached a large house in I think Canada. "Are we in Canada?" I asked. Alice nodded.

     "The most isolated place we own, and we own a lot of houses and land." Alice answered once more.

     "You'll need to stay in a room guarded by all but one of us at a time. Newborn vampires are bloodthirsty and the most powerful during their first year. She could easily get through Emmett." Carlisle said.

     "I'll be with her first till I get hungry. Go, I'll call you when she's stable." Emmett said. We made our way to a large condo within the house.

     "Safe room." Esme said with a kind smile. I gave her a small one back and jumped in the shower. It only took a few minutes till I was done and eating a meal Esme made for me.

     "She'll be fine." Jasper reassured me. I gave him a nervous look. It was as if he could read my thoughts. "I can tell from your expression." We all let out a deep breath though they only did it to calm themselves down.

     "At least I'll have her with me."

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