Chapter 5|Liana's POV

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Jake reached for a piece of my food. I grabbed his hand and flipped him over my shoulder. Then I continued to eat. Seth laughed at my actions and I smirked.

"Jake, remember what Lia said last time? You reach for her food and you get hurt," Harry said as he walked into the kitchen.

Seth reached for my food. I did the same as I did with Jake except I threw him into the living room, with was almost across the house. I do have some vampire qualities in me. At Hogwarts, I'm a chaser because they won't let me be a beater. I almost killed someone with a beater.

     Then Harry reached for my food. I did nothing. Jake looked at Harry with a grin, I would never do anything bad to Harry. On purpose that is.

     "Why the heck did you do nothing to Harry?!" Seth yelled at me. Jake, Dad and I growled at him. He whimpered.

     "Because I would never hurt my bro on purpose. Unless it's for one of Fred and George's pranks. I turned Harry's hair red like Ron's for a week. He was fine with it. We called him Ron's twin," I told Seth. Jake and Harry laughed.

     "Then I turned her hair gold/blonde with the twins help. We were a good pair, with the red and gold. Red and gold are Gryffindor's house colors," Harry said. Mom, Aunt Alice, and Grandma Esme all cooed at out affection. I glared at them and kept eating. I don't like Harry that way!!

     "I looked good blonde. But I also looked like those stereotype blondes. Except for mom and Annabeth. Anna is a daughter of Athena is not at all like stereotypical blondes. Neither is mom," I said quickly. Dad and Uncle Jasper chuckled. Grandpa Carlisle would have laughed but he had to go to work at the hospital.

     "Annabeth is vicious and dangerous. She's one of the most deadliest demigods at camp," Harry said.

     "Do you guys mind if we go hunting? Your grandfather will be back in minutes and were thirsty. Jake, Seth, do you mind watching them for the night? You can take them for a run or down to see the Pack," mum asked Jake and Seth.

     "Sure. The Pack misses them, especially Sam. Sam really misses Quinn," said Jake. I grinned. Sam usually can't stand kids but when you can take down some shifters than he gives you respect. He actually doesn't respect Hatry so Harry stays a long ways from him. I snickered at the thought.

     "I miss Sam too. Can I wrestle you again Jake?" I asked him. He chuckled and grinned.

     "Of course. I bet all the others would let you wrestle them too. I think it's kinda sad when you can beat us. Especially when the kid was a girl and was eight the first time she beat us," Jake said with a shake of his head. I may use my powers to my advantage but hey, they didn't say anything about not using powers.

     "I'm home," Grandpa Carlisle called as he closed the door.

     "We're in the kitchen," Grandma Esme yelled back and he walked into the kitchen. "We're going for a hunt. Harry and Liana are going to stay with Jake for the night. We need a good feeding."

     "Ok. Be back in a few-" Grandpa started but then ran upstairs. I laughed. Finally I finished my food as he came back downstairs. "Are we taking the others?" He asked with disgust.

     "No. They can go when they want. We still have to unfreeze them. I'll unfreeze them while Harry and Liana stand behind us. We'll make a wall so they can't get past us," mum said.

     We all walked into the living room where Bella, Edward, and Remesmee were still frozen. I took the opportunity to draw on their faces one more time. Mum and Aunt Alice joined in. When we finished, the vampires created a wall while Harry and I stood behind them. I was in a fighting stance just in case they broke through.

     Mum and dad broke the spells and they came straight for me. I jumped over the vampires and grabbed Renesmee's head, ready to pull it off if Bella or Edward made the wrong move.

     "I recommend that you don't do anything stupid. You need to leave this house, now. You may never come back or near this family again," Grandpa Carlisle threatened.

     "You are no longer part of this family. Liana did nothing to you and you still hated her! She is the sweetest girl ever and just to let you know, she does have vampire qualities," Grandma Esme said with death in her voice.

     I released Renesmee and she walked over to Bella and Edward. "We never cared about you," Bella hissed at me. I rolled my eyes.

     "Do you think I really care? You have told me that almost every time I see you. The only reason I even talk to you is because you did give birth to me Bella, but I hate you. No matter what you say to me, I will never care," I said with a deadly calm voice that many actually flinched. Jake came and stood by me.

     "Baby, are you going to let her talk to me like that-" Renesmee started but Jake stopped her.

     "I'm not yours! I loved you and I thought you loved me! All you did was trick me and then slept around just like your mother!" Jake yelled at her. Jake started to get hot, he does that when he gets too emotional. Uncle Jasper and I combined our powers to calm him down. It was hard because of his shifting powers but we finally did.

     "Wait, Bella, your sleeping with other guys?" Edward asked Bella. Bella pretended to look shocked.

     "I can't believe that you would think that! I-" Bella said but I cut her off.

     "You do realize that you got pregnant with me when you were a vampire because you slept with a god, right? It's not possible for a vampire to get a vampire preggers but if you have 'it' with a god, they can get you preggers," I said to her. "Edward, she sleeps with guys on a regular basis. Whenever she says that she's going for a run by herself that means that she's going to sleep with another guy. Generally from Seattle and she also drinks their blood but let's than live."

     "Fine, I'm leaving. Bella, we're through," Edward said and walked out, after grabbing his stuff.

     Well, we've been waiting for that to happen for years. I'm thankful it finally did.

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