Chapter 8

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Currently I'm running from Sky because she wants to put makeup on me. I HATE makeup. Jake was running next to me in wolf form, laughing.

I jumped up and caught a low branch. Then I swung up and flipped to another branch and continued to do that till I reached the top. Jake didn't know where I went.

"Jake....." I taunted. He turned around and tried to find me, on the ground.

"Auntie Li-Li!!" Sky yelled as she spotted me. I thought of something. Since I'm a daughter of Zeus, can I fly using the wind? Oh well. Let's try it!

I stood up on a strong branch and opened my arms. Thinking of the wind holding me up, I jumped. Sky screamed and Jake yelled for help.

I realized that I was hanging in midair. I yelled in joy and happiness. Jake and Sky called to me but I just waved to them and smiled. I closed my eyes and thought of what came naturally to me. Opening my eyes, I saw myself flying through the air and I was controlling air!! This is awesome!!

"Daughter of Zeus, hold still and let me kill you." A voice hissed from the air. I looked in front of myself and I saw a hydra flying in midair.

"Hmm... NO!!" I yelled as summoned my sword and shield. The hydra laughed a hissing laugh.

"There is no one to save you now little demigod." The hydra hissed at me. I growled at him/her and they looked at me in shock but regained it's composure.

I thought about lightning hitting the hydra and lighting it one fire. Then I pointed my arms towards the hydra and m thought become reality. The only way to kill a hydra is with fire and Medusa's head. Seeing as if I don't have Medusa's head right now, I decided to use lightning to make fire. The hydra screamed as it burned. It got burned so much that it burst into gold monster dust.

I could hear people cheering for me from the ground. Flying down to the ground, I was attacked with hugs. My family returned from hunting and we told them about the attack from Bella and Renesmee. They were happy they were dead.

"Honey, are you ok?" Mom asked me frantically as she, Aunt Alice, Emily, Leah, and Grandma Esme checked me out for injuries.

"Yes Mom, I'm fine. Hey look!! Sale!!" I yelled and pointed to a random spot in the woods. The girls all ran that way, including Sky and Akasha. "RUN!!" I yelled and all the guys plus me ran for the wrestling clearing.

"Hey Dad, want to wrestle?" I asked him sweetly. He chuckled.

"Sure. I go easy." Dad said as he got into fighting position. I scoffed and did the same.

"Grandpa, can you fix Dad up when I beat his vampire butt?" I asked with a cocky smirk on my face. Grandpa Carlisle laughed and nodded.

"Yeah, I can. Can someone get the stretcher ready? Emmett's going to need it." Grandpa said with a smile. Dad rolled his eyes at everybody's remarks.

"Baby-Girl, no fire." Dad said. I pouted as he continued. "No lightning. Also, no demigod weapons and no wands." I shrugged.

"Ok. Bring it on old dude." I said with a smug grin. He said no wands, didn't say no wand less magic.

"Invisibilis caveam!" I yelled, using wand less magic. An invisible cage surrounded Dad and he was stuck.

"No wands!" Dad yelled at me as his temper came out. I rolled my eyes at his masculinity. All guys get angry when a girl can beat them, especially if the guy is a vampire or wolf and the girl is 13 and a demiwitch.

"Evanescunt." I said and the cage disappeared and Dad stumbled forward. He caught himself at the last second and I sidestepped him, hitting him in the butt with a large stick.

"Hey!" Dad yelled and attacked me again. He flipped me over my shoulder and I lost my breath as I him the ground. A fist was seen from above me and I rolled to the side and jumped up.

A leg swing appeared and I jumped then ducked as a stick came through the air, like a javelin. I grabbed it out of the air and flung it back, pinning Dad against a tree.

"I hate fighting you." Dad said darkly. I laughed.

"But I love fighting you. It's fun to beat an old vampire." I said with a smirk.

"I'm not old, I never age." Dad replied with an enormous smug grin on his face. The girls came back with furious looks on their faces. I backed up until I hit Harry's chest. Harry put his invisibility cloak over the two of us and we disappeared.

"LIANA QUINN CULLEN!! HOW DARE YOU TRICK US BY SAYING THERE IS A SALE!!" Mom screeched as was held back by Dad. She was sniffing the air as to where we were.

I cast a concealment charm to mask Harry and I's scents. My blood is sweeter than any mortal's blood because I have the gods blood in me. Harry just smells sweeter too because he has magic in his blood from being a wizard.

"I think she went back to my house to find Emily, she was making food for lunch." Dam covered from Harry and I. Mom sniffed as Aunt Alice said goodbye to us. They ran out of the clearing at vamp speed.

We waited a few seconds before Jake called out to us. "You are in so much trouble when they find out you were here and hiding from them." Jakes scolded. I turned to him, an eyebrow raised.

"And who says she won't punish you for not telling why we're here or lying that we're at Emily and Sam's house?" I asked with an innocent look on my face. Harry chuckled and walked over to Dad.

"Is it time for Lia to go to camp yet?" Harry asked with a devious smile on his face. Really? Trying to ship me off already? Geeze!


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