1 - Incident

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"Killua! Watch out!"


For a split second his eyes locked with Gons. Looking alarmed Gon tried to reach killua from the stadium, but there was no way he'd make it. Black mist consumed Killua as he turned around. He tried to escape, but his body wouldn't listen to him. He couldn't move, he couldn't speak nor could he hear.
All his senses got stripped away as he was sucked in a black void. Was he falling? What is this!?
His vision started to get blurry and he stardet to feel drowsy.
' shit, that's not good, I have to stay awake! If I black out I could die'
As he slowly slipped into unconsciousness, He could still hear the cheers from the crowd mixed with Gons yelling. 'KILLUAA!!!' '-LLUA!'

Next thing he knew he landed on the ground with a loud thud.

~Earlier that day~

The duo was finally gonna meet up after a whole year without seeing each other. After Gon found his dad, they went off seeking adventures. While killua had spent his time together with his sister Alluka. Recently she had insisted on wanting to learn nen like her big brother, and so that she could become a hunter. First killua had ignored her pleas and told her it was too dangerous, but after a while he finally gave in.
Now she was somewhere training for the hunter exam with the old hag. His old teacher Biscuit Kruger, was the only person besides Gon he would trust alluka with. If their brother somehow found them, he knew that she could defend them. Even if she wasn't as strong as Illumi, she was certainly smarter. They would be safe.

Killua felt anxious about meeting Gon again. 'What If he doesn't recognize me?' 'Or if he really just wanted to stay with his dad and I'm a bother?'
He shaked his head furiously, and pulled himself out of that train of thought.
Killua went over and picked up his 80kg Jojos from his nightstand, toying with them as he walked trough the small apartment he and alluka had purchased together. He was wearing a white and blue hoodie, and had blue shorts with two pockets where he put the jojos. On his way out the door he quickly grabbed a handful of candy and shoved it in his hodie pockets.

The silver haired teen took of on his skateboard, skating trough the city with a lollipop in his mouth. Looking for Gon. They had agreed on meeting outside Heavens arena.


He snapped his neck in the direction of the familiar voice. With his signature green hair and clothes, stood Gon. Waving at him with a wide smile pastered on his face.
Killuas whole spirit lit up and he couldn't help but grin at the green idiot


Before he could say anything else he was tackled off his skateboard in a hug, and they both fell on the ground laughing. After 10 minutes of rolling around laughing and playfighting, they both sat up. Totally out of breath.

" I missed you soooooo much killua!!!" Gon loudly stated

"O-oi Gon! Don't say it so loud, It's embarrassing!"Killua felt his cheeks heat up a little and he knew he was blushing.

" ha ha ha! But it's true! You're my best friend in the whole world! Of course I missed you!!"

"B-bakka! Shut up!"

"So what should we do now?" Gon asked, while killua just shrugged

"I don't know, what we always do? We'll figure it out. But first let's get some breakfast. Im starving! "

The first thing they did was catch up. They went to get food while they both shared all their adventures. Apparently Gon finally realized what a shitbag of a father he had, so he wasn't planning on meeting up with him for a while.



"Wanna sign up for some fights?"

"Hmm, yeah sure. Why not? I could use some more money anyway"


They walked into Heavens arena and signed up for one fight each on the same day. They where both still at floor 200 and pretty close to floor master.

Timeskip ~~

It was finally killuas turn to fight. Gons figth was just over and as expected, he beat his opponent to a pulp. After the chimera ant incident he had lost his nen, but he was able to regain it after six months. He might not be as strong as killua yet but he sure as hell wasn't weak. He was about as strong as he was when he lost his nen. Thanks to Ging and all his training.

"Next up we have Killua zoldyck vs Enomura!"

Killua got up from his seat and in a flash he was down at the fighting arena.

"Looks like killua is the first one to arrive! Ah! And here comes Enomura !"

A cloaked figure. This Enomura person didn't show their face, nor any other part of their body


Killua used gyo to figure out this guys nen, but apparently he couldt even seem to find an aura. Strange. Was all he thought. 'Maybe that's his power? Better be careful' With his hands in his pockets he started walking towards the figure. As killua was about pull out his yoyos and attack, the figure said something that made him stop in his tracks.

" what's your quirk kid?"

'Quirk? What's that?' When he didn't answer, the figure continued talking about pro heros, Villans and UA . Killua had no clue what any of that meant. 'This guy must really have a few screws loose' he almost snorted outloud at that and decided to end this boring ramble of his.

He appeared behind his opponent in seconds ready to knock him out.

"Look, I don't know what you're talking about "
was all killua said before he used his signature hand chop to the neck, and his opponent dropped to the floor unconscious.

" And the winner's killua!!"

He turned around to walk away, with his hands behind his head, with a slight smirk of satisfaction on his face.

"Killua! Watch out!"


A/N : Sorry for the short chapter 😅😛 I hope that the next one w
Sorry If my English is bad, it's not my native language so I'm struggling a little, if you notice anything please tell me 😁
Word count : 1051

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