Principals office

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I ended up having to drag them both with me back to the others, although a little help would've been nice. Gee, did they go back without us or something?
With kaminari passed out over my shoulder and Todoroki slumped under my arm, I made my way out of the building and towards where the others were staying. I hadn't hear a word from Allmight trough the mic he gave me, which was a bit odd.

When I opened the door I was met with complete silence. Everyone was staring at us with concern and fear. "What?...Did I miss something ?"
I asked as I returned their now confused expressions with my own. The tension in the air was so thin it could've been cut with a knife.

After what seemed like hours of awkward silence, Allmight finally seemed to get ahold of himself .
He cleared his throat with a small cough and walked slowly towards me.
"Killua..." he started , and put his hand gently on my free shoulder. for a moment he just stood there, He seemed unsure of what to say, and for once he wasn't smiling. His expression looked more stern. Okay? Now I've done it. But What the hell did I do though?

When he finally spoke up, his signature smile was plastered back onto his face. Only it didn't reach his eyes. "I'll take these two with me to recovery girl, meet me in the principals office in 15 minutes." And with that he left and we where all dismissed.  Okay?

Time-skip ~principals office

"So killua, do you have an idea of why you're here ???" I lifted an eyebrow at the mouse rat looking thing in front of me.
"Nope" I popped the p at the end, and just looked at him like he was stupid. I mean, I hadn't even done anything this time.
« Allmight here told me what happened. So you can be honest."

" *sight* like I've said, I got no clue of what you're talking about. Can I leave now? This is just stupid" I said with a roll of my eyes. I hadn't even been here for more than a few minutes, and I was already so done with everything.

"Killua, this is serious. What you did in class today was not okay. You took things way too far."
Allmight burst out in frustration as he took a step towards me, looking down on me seriously.

"What in the world are you talking about? I just did what you told me to do!!"  With that I got up from my chair and shoved my way past him towards the door.
I can't believe these people, they think I went too far? Pfffft, what a joke.
Unfortunately muscle head wasn't done yet. He spun around and grabbed my wrist to stop me from leaving. "You threatened to kill someone! Twice!"

"That's funny! Because Bakugo threatens people with death all the time, but yet I'm the one getting in trouble?! What a joke" I snapped back.

"Bakugo doesn't pull a knife at someone's throat or crush bones. The pure killing intent coming from you in that moment... even I could feel it." He squeezed my wrist tighter as he recalled what I did in training, making it harder for me to not knock him on his ass.

"Let go if me you muscle freak! I'm done here. If my classmates can't handle me in training, then good fucking luck to them in the future fighting real villains."

When he still didn't let go of me I stepped closer and twisted my arm out of his grasp, almost sending him stumbling back in the process.
For a second he seemed surprised, but he quickly dismissed it and continued with the argument.

"That's Not an excuse! It's not heroic of you at all! Kaminari and todoroki will probably be left with serious mental scars after this. It's not something to take lightly" all might snapped back. He looked really pissed off at this point.
Instead of answering, I just looked at him in disbelief.

"You don't think that's a bit over dramatic?"
This time Allmigh was the one looking at me jn disbelief.

«I mean I didn't even injure them. Sure a few scratches here and there , but that's nothing to freak out over, seriously what's your problem?!»

"You call that a few scratches?!" At that Allmight seemed shocked, and so did the rat.

"Yeah? It's not like it'll scar, and they'll heal fast"
"Y-you... th.." at that allmight had no words, instead the rat spoke up.
«Killua please sit down, I understand that you're used to living in a bit rougher environment, but it's different here, you'll have to hold back in training. No serious injuries. Or use of your blood lust. Got it?"

I was about to open my mouth with another rude comeback when the door flied open with a loud bang.

It was none other than our home room teacher.

A/N :
Sorry its sooooo late ☠️ Thank you all for being so patient with me. I really appreciate it. And thank you all for encouraging me to continue:) I'll post the next one as soon as I can.

Word count: 872

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