13 - Entrance exam

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Hey guys! It's been a while hasn't it? Sorry about the slow updates. Hehe😝
Actually, I'm currently moving. My parents just got a divorce, so I have to move all my stuff to my dads, since my mom won't prioritise a room for me at her place . She would rather give the cats their own room instead of me😐😐 kinda sad but oh well . I'll be moving for myself because of school next year anyways so😌 (hopefully I can finally get a snake!!)
Anyways, here's another chapter 🙃 enjoy!


President mic just didn't know how to turn his volume down did he? He'd been explaining everything in an extremely loud voice (nothing new, but still) it made it almost impossible for Killua to nap. Almost. He somehow managed to zone out and fall into a light slumber during the whole explanation. He didn't need it anyway, considering mic had already told him everything the day before.

He was abruptly awoken by someone elbowing him in the side. "Huh-what?" He looked to his side and saw a guy with purple hair and insomniac eyes (kinda like Aizawa)
"The exam's starting in two minutes, we're in the same area, so let's go"
"Huh-? Oh sure?. Thanks for waking me"
Taken a bit aback by his friendliness Killua just followed him. But the friendliness only lasted so long.
They quickly arrived at the gates to the city ( the D area) However, as the gates opened and everyone ran trough the gates, purple guy came with a strange demand.

"Now let me climb on your back. You're gonna be my horse. You beat the robots and let me deliver the finishing blow to give me points"

"Excuse me? I'm not your lap dog! Now fuck off you stupid price of shit"

Killua put one hand in his pocket and waved the other in the air with his middle finger raised. With that he skated away from the weirdo.
wtf was that about? Geez, just because he woke me up in time doesn't mean I'll do whatever he says.

On the other side, the insomniac teen was extremely confused. Why ? Why didn't his quirk work???! That was the first time someone had resisted his brainwashing. Goddamnit! How I'm I supposed to pass now!? I doubt I can catch up to the others to try and manipulate them..... and taking out the robots on my own is nearly impossible!!!
I'm so fucking screwed!'
(In other words, purple head was stressed AF)

Killua on the other hand was taking the exam extremely lightly. He used his skateboard to catch up with the others, and in no time he had long passed them.
He would occasionally swing his yo-yos at a robot or two, completely crushing their heads. But after he'd collected around 80 points that way, he got bored. So he decided to see what the other competitors were doing instead.
He put his yo-yo back in his pocket and flipped his skateboard up in the air while jumping off. He landed softly beside it while catching it skilfully with one arm.

A/N: something like this:

While he ran at full speed down the streets(Nen-less)
he helped a few people stuck under rubbles or stones. Killua assumed the secret point system prez mic blabbed about had something to do with rescuing. It seemed to him that nobody besides him had figured it out yet.
They where trying to get into the hero course, for crying out loud.
He also saved a few from 3-pointers, ending with him reaching the 100 point mark. Honestly, he lost count after 100.

After doing that for a bit he decided to just watch the others. He used a few basic parkour techniques to help him up a building, and slumped down on the edge.
As he watched the chaos unfold before him, he suddenly recognised a familiar tuft of purple hair in the distance. The insomniac was trying to fight off a two pointer by himself, but it looked like he was struggling.
Suddenly Killua grew cat ears and a cat like grin crept into his face. Time for a little payback~ he thought with mischief obviously written all over his face. He jumped from rooftop to rooftop, arriving at the building right above where the purple-head was fighting. Purr~fect~

Right as Killua jumped off the building, the other teen seemed to twist his ankle or something, because he fell straight back on his ass, clutching his ankle with a pained expression.
The robot raised his fist, about to hit purple head straight in the face, when Killua landed right in front of him, blocking the attack. The look on the other teens face was priceless ! Killua laughed to himself as the image swirled around in his mind as he let himself be attacked by the robot again.

He dodged with ease and counter attacked with a side-kick. He only put in a small amount of force, so that he wouldn't completely destroy the 2-pointer. (He wanted to show off a little more.)
The robot got pushed back a few meters and it's arm flew off. Exposing a lot of cut wires. He ran forward, sharpened his claws, and cut the robot from the right shoulder to the left side of the torso. The cut was so clean that the upper part of the robot-body just slid off.
He turned around towards the other teen with a satisfied smirk. It looked like he'd gotten over the shock, because now purple head only looked slightly annoyed. A small "Tsk" came from the insomniac as he turned his head around. Refusing to look Killua in the eyes.

"Th-thanks..... I guess.." Once again, purple-head had caught Killua off guard. But then he realised that to others, it probably looked like he just saved him from the two pointer. While in reality, Killua just wanted to scare the shit out of him while stealing his points... haha , oops?

Suddenly the ground started shaking, and the zero-pointer came up from the ground, only ten meters straight ahead of them.
Something inside Killua stirred. He hadn't felt this feeling in a while. As the zero-pointer slowly started walking towards them, he couldn't keep the excitement bubbling inside him from showing.

All the other students started to run away, some screaming in fear, running for their lives. But Killua, he was smiling. No, actually, it was more like he was grinning.

Without hesitation he ran towards the robot, and dodged as it tried to step on him. Once again he sharpened his hands and like a cat he clawed his way up it's leg. He then pulled out his yo-yos, and used them to swing himself up on the zero-pointers back.
Killua was about to smash it's head in, but then the image of the loose wires popped up in his mind. And it gave him an idea. He needed to charge up soon anyway, he hadn't used his hatsu in a while.

He cut open the robots back, and successfully found the wires. Without thinking a second time, he shoved his hands in there and cut the power wires. Killua was immediately shocked with electricity, Probably around 1000 volts. After absorbing the electricity for 20 seconds, the zero-pointer was completely out of power, and it shut down.
Before it fell killua backflipped off its back and landed on a talk building.

There he watched the robot fall down, and smash into the concrete, making a dent. Luckily everyone had made it to safety, so Killua didn't need to rescue anyone else.

With the teachers in the monitor room~~

. . . . . . . . . .
. . . .



Three seconds of complete silence filled the room, before principal nezu burst out in a maniacal fit of laughter.

"Killua zoldyck huh? Ha haha!"

'Interesting. Just how powerful are you ??'

Not gonna say much more since I already blabbed so much earlier 😝 hope the chapter was okay👌 😂🙃

Word count : 1353

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