12 - The day of the physical exam

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The drive back to Aizawas place was as usual quiet. After driving for about 5 minutes Aizawa cleared his throat, for the first time braking the silence.
"So, how'd it go?"
Killua who was too busy looking out the window to pay attention to his question at all. This obviously made the other quiet irritated.
"Hey brat, are you listening ?"
"Hm? What old man?"
Clearly annoyed aizawa repeated his question
"I asked how it went? The exam I mean"
"Oh. Nah it was fine"
At that Aizawa just sighted.
After that neither of the two said another word.

When they got back the dinner was already on the table. Banana hair seemed excited to see them back, and hastily rushed them to their seats at the table.
The food smelled delicious! It was chicken!
Drooling Killua threw down his food like a starving child.

"Sooo Killua, how was it!???!!!! Do you think you passed!!? I've been so excited waiting for you to get back!!" Being loud as always, Yamada bombarded Killua with questions.
"It was boring, really. I knew most of that shit already"
Killua replied with his mouth filled with chicken and fries" At this aizawa seemed surprised, wasn't Killua younger that the other kids? He thought that the written part would be challenging for someone that young. Plus he only just learned the national language.

"Whaaaaat? even I struggled with that when I went to UA. Plus I heard it's ten times harder now!!"
Yamada seemed just as surprised as Aizawa.
Killua just hummed as a response.
They continued talking about the exam when Killua got an idea. Yamada had a tendency to over-speak himself.  Maybe he'd get some useful info about the physical exam tomorrow.
"Hey, Yamada?"
"So, during the exam tomorrow........." Killua didn't really say much more before Yamada started blabbing about the cool part that he, president mic, would be playing during the exam. In the end
Yamada accidentally slipped up and told him about the robots they'd be facing, and how that was his idea and all.
At that Aizawa shot his roommate a disapproving look. When he didn't shut up and continued to brag about the pointing systems, Aizawa had enough and wacked him on the head with a whole ass chicken.

"Mic, You're not supposed to tell him that!"

"Ow ow ow oooww" Yamada now on the floor clutching his head whined back in apology. "S-sorry. I got a bit carried away"

Killua found all of this amusing, he got the info he wanted plus he got to see aizawa irritated. That was always entertaining ne-he.
"Oh one thing, I forgot to ask. But am I allowed to bring my yo-yos ??" He hadn't had a chance to use them at all during his time here. It hadn't been necessary cause these people were so weak compared to him.
"Yo-yos? Why would you bring them to the exam? Yes, in some cases you're allowed to bring weapons if you register them beforehand, but why yo-yos?"
With a cat like smirk he replied
"you'll see"

Time-skip ~ the day of the exam.

The entrance to the school was just as crowded as the day before.
He'd gotten permission to bring his Jojos in the end , and he also got himself a skateboard! So of course he brought that too.
As Killua skated trough the crowd of people, they automatically moved out of his way. Some gave him dirty looks while others just seemed curious.

He skated around for a while, since nothing had really happened yet. Then he suddenly bumped into someone while he wasn't looking.
Damn. He'd just crashed into a really troublesome person......angry Pomeranian dude, haha his hair looked just like one! His hair was ash blonde and spiked. While his eyes were a deep red and his face was pulled back in a frown. Wow this guy must be at the top of the food chain around here. Not only did he look like an aggressive son of a bitch but he seemed like the type to look down on others.

"Yo" Killua greeted in a bored tone.
"Huuuh!? What was that you stupid extra!!?? Apologise or I'll fucking kill you!"

Killua was about to come with some snarky comment as a reply, but another annoying person decided to just invite themselves into the conversation.

He made a very strange chopping motion with his hand. while he talked in a stern and serious tone.
"This is disrespectful towards this school! Have you two no shame ? You!" He said pointing at the explosives blonde

"You need to watch your language !"
"And you!" He proceeded to point in killuas direction.
"What on earth are you doing , bringing a skateboard to the exam?!"

"Whoa, take a chill-pill four-eyes" he said as he put his hands up in a surrender like gesture (🙌)

The blue haired teen was about to say something again when they heard an extremely loud voice booming all over the place .
guess that was killuas cue to leave, since the exam was about to start.

Here you go dear readers, another chapter ☺️ 😅 I decided to divide the physical entrance exam into two chapters, I promise the next one will be longer😸

Word count : 906

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