14 - Class 1-A

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In the end, the exam was pretty disappointing. Like yeah it was fun messing around, especially with the purple haired guy, but everything had been way to easy. These people wouldn't survive a day in his world, that's for sure.

He still couldn't believe it. Killua.... That child was something else entirely. He'd crushed all the school records without as much as braking a sweat!

Flashback to the exam

" This years first years are quite interesting, don't you think aizawa?" Principal Nezu was intently observing the screen in front of them, they had a lot of impressive students this year indeed. But a certain white haired kid had especially caught their attention.
Before Aizawa could answer nezu, midnight butted in "Yes, you're right. But doesn't it bother you principal!!? That white haired kid isn't even trying! He's good, but with that attitude how could he become a hero!?"
At this nezu only chuckled.
"Yes you're right midnight, he looks extremely bored, and he's obviously not trying at all. To top it off he's actually two years younger than the others. Hehehehhehe, I wonder how far I could push it. I wanna know his limits"
Like a maniac, Nezu started pushing like over a 100 buttons, and suddenly Killua was attacked by multiple robots at once. To their surprise it didn't seem to face him at all. Barely within a second he had snatched all their heads off, and they simultaneously fell to the ground.
Everyone's jaws dropped 'How!?'
'If this kid was a villain..... they'd be screwed.'

After that Killua didn't show any interest in continuing taking down robots, he just sat down on a rooftop and observed the others.

For a while they changed their attention towards the others. A kid with blonde hair was crushing the robots with a fierce expression. He was quiet skilled in close combat and seemed to have a certain control over his quirk.

On the other hand, a purple haired kid in the same area as Killua was struggling. He hadn't scored a single point trough the whole exam. Right now it looked like he was about to be crushed by one of the robots. However, Just then something unexpected happened. Killua saved him.

"Hmmmmm? Interesting he just saved that other student, like what happened earlier, he took the robot down with extreme precision. Ahh! And now he's taking on the zero pointer?"
A shiver ran down his spine when he saw Killua grin at the huge robot. And before they knew it, he'd also taken the 0-pointer down with minimal effort.

But the concerning part about that was the way he beat the 0-pointer. He'd cut trough the wires and electrocuted himself! By absorbing the robots electricity, it eventually went out of power, and fell to the ground.

End of flash back

Aizawa let out a loud sight while rubbing his eyebrows. Not only was his physical abilities outstanding but he's smart too. Midnight had told him how he'd passed the written exam with flying colours. Apparently he was done barely after an hour, he even took a 2 hours nap.

Honestly, it was impressive. He must've had a rough childhood, In order to get that strong at such a young age. He had a feeling that killuas universe was much crueler than he let them think.

Back with Killua ( first day of school)

Killua woke up three hours before starting his first day of school. Since Aizawa was a teacher, they'd be leaving early anyway, so he didn't bother going back to sleep. Instead he got up and started doing push-ups. After 30 minutes he'd done
10 000 x 3 , so he stopped there and went to take a shower.
After he was done showering he went to find his uniform. It had arrived yesterday, but he hadn't bothered looking at it before now.
He took it out of the bag it came in and cringed hard the second his eyes landed on it. He folded it out and laid it out on the bed to get a better look at the whole thing, hopefully it didn't look too bad......
But no, his hopes were crushed in a heartbeat. It looked absolutely TERRIBLE! No way he'd be wearing it like THAT!
After arguing with himself he finally decided to just wear the pants together with the white shirt like jumper. No way would he wear the tie or coat. It looked so unfashionable it made him feel like trash.
Okay maybe not trash, but definitely a walking fashion disaster. Urgh how he wished he could wear his own clothes . He missed his good old turtleneck....

After brushing trough his hair and putting on his usual amount of eyeliner, he went downstairs to make himself some breakfast

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After brushing trough his hair and putting on his usual amount of eyeliner, he went downstairs to make himself some breakfast. In the middle of the stairs he ran into Aizawa.
"There you are, I thought you were still sleeping , We're leaving in 5 minutes"
He didn't comment on the way he wore his uniform, he just looked at him with tired eyes. Probably deciding that arguing with him so early in the morning was too bothersome and a waste of time.

"Okay, I'll just go grab some breakfast and I'll meet you in the car" he hurriedly entered the kitchen and rummaged trough the cabinets, looking for a specific snack.

Time-skip ~ walking into UA

"You know Hobo-sensei, the design of this schools pretty weird ? I mean c'mon. The place sticks out like a sore thumb, it's just asking for trouble."
Aizawa only glared at him for a moment before replying
"first of all, don't ever call me that again. Second, yes you're probably right, I don't know why they designed it like this, but this is UA high after all. It's The best school for future heroes."

While Aizawa continued to talk about the school, and started pointing out some of the rules, Killua reached for his pockets and pulled out a chocolate bar.

"Whatever you say old man"
*Sight* Aizawa seemed to officially give up on him then and there. While Killua just inwardly grinned while eating his chocolate.

as they entered the school, they were met by complete silence. Not a single soul was to be seen nor heard. It wasn't really surprising, considering that school didn't actually start before 8am, about 2 hours from now.
They parted ways when they reached the 1A classroom as Aizawa headed for the teachers lounge, while Killua went to find himself a seat.
He chose one of the seats by the window, completely at the back. To make time pass he decided to take a nap.

7.54 am;

Killuas sleep was disturbed by the loud commotion going on in the classroom
'Urgh...Those bastards.... They dare disturb my nap? '

He grunted and turned his face around, resting his head on his arm, still laying over his desk.

Great....angry Pomeranian and blue glasses are here.
Blue glasses was yelling at the Pomeranian to take his feet of the desk, while chopping his hand up and down like a robot. mr.anger-issues just yelled back and called him a rich stuck up.

Killua was about to yell at them to shut up, but he got distracted as he saw a tuft of green hair walking into the classroom. For a moment he thought it was gon, and he could feel butterflies fluttering trough his whole body. Unfortunately, as quickly as they appeared, they dropped like stones down his stomach.
Looking clearly he saw it wasn't Gon, they didn't really look alike at all....except for the green hair... and the gentle expression....

fuck! I miss you... Gon...

Sorry the chapter took so long 😅😉 Had a lot of stuff going on and shit, plus the teachers litterally tried to kill us with assignments.....😱 so I had to prioritise school first🤷‍♀️
I actually wanted to write more before posting, but I decided to put that in the next chapter.
Anyways, here u go, hope it's not too badly written 🙃

Word count: 1342

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