18- Combat training pt.2

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I ended up napping trough out half of the lesson. The only interesting thing that happened was the fight between Bakugo and Izuku. Other than that it was nothing to brag about. Except for maybe Todoroki, his quick had quiet the potential. With the right training it could easily become powerful.

The last pair ended their fight and it was finally my turn. "So who am I gonna fight?"
"I was thinking you could draw lots !! You pull two names from this box and see who you'll fight !" Allmight smiled creepily at me....
"Alright..." I walked up to him and put my hand down in the box and pulled out two pieces of paper.

«looks like I'll be fighting Todoroki , and kaminari" I said as I read their names.
"YESSSSS!!!" Kaminari fist pumped while Todoroki just kept his monitor face.

"Okay Killua, you go on ahead to where the bomb i-" I didn't really bother hearing the last part as I ran out of there into the building.

Allmight pov~

"Okay Killua, you go on ahead to where the bomb is and act like the villain. Kaminari and Todoroki will follow you shortly. And remember to not overdo it , like young Bakugo here"
*silence - (Aka no response from killua)

"?!! "HE DISAPPEARED!??"  My class yelled in total disbelief.
Even jirou with her super hearing quirk didn't notice him leave...... this kid..... I would never admit it in front of my students, but even I didn't notice. Suddenly Kirishima pointed at the screen " Ah! There he is! Holy shit how did he get there so fast?! Dude, that's so manly" Everybody looked really impressed, except for Bakugo. He looked ready to explode, "that damn extra!!! Thinking he's better than me!"

Back with killua~

Ne-he, this will be fun, I though with my infamous cat like grin plastered on my face. If only they knew how well I actually fit into my role as a villain . This will be a piece of cake!

The bomb was hidden on the third floor. I activated my en so I could locate the two others if they came in a 10 meters radius.
On my way down the stairs I sensed kaminari on his way up, Coming towards me. I'd already activated my zestsu, so he wouldn't sense my presence. I quickly hid by the corner at the top of the stairs, blending perfectly into the shadows, waiting to ambush him.
As expected he walked right past me. When his eyes fell on the bomb a few meters in front of him , he let his guard down completely. At that moment I pounced.
My nails was at his throat in an instant, and a few drops of blood hit the floor.

"Move and I kill you, Use your quirk and I kill you, make a sound and I'll kill you"
I had no problems restraining kaminari after that. He was totally frozen in place. Maybe I let out a little too much bloodlust?

With the rest of class 1A~

The room was completely silent. Nobody had quiet grasped what had just happened. In a matter of seconds killua had beat kaminari. With his knife like hands at their friends throat.
They could all feel it, the cold, pure killing intent coming from killua. it made shivers run down their spines. His eyes looked dead, detached and cold. Gruesome eyes that could kill you with one look.
In the next moment kaminari was on his knees being tied down by killua.
The worst of it all was the state kaminari was in. he looked empty, scared and totally petrified! What on earth did killua do to him?!

Suddenly they noticed someone else approaching , While Killua was busy tying Kaminari, Todoroki had found them! He took the chance and shot a huge blast of Ice at killua.

Killuas pov~

I knew Todoroki was there the moment he approached the stairs. I pretended to be busy with pikachu while I grabbed my yo-yos out of my pockets. When he shot his ice i flung one of my yo-yo straight for him, crushing the ice into a million pieces.
He seemed shocked by this, but he quickly got over it and got into a defensive stance.

"It's useless, just give up. Or do you want to die? You'll never beat me, you wanna be Hero."
I filled my voice with venom, as I directed a little bloodlust at him.
Todoroki backed up a step in fear, and I took the moment to attack. I swung my yo-yos, aiming for his arms and legs. He dodged one and tried to block the other. The one he dodged went straight through the wall behind him, making a huge hole. While the other crushed his ice once again and hit his shoulder , knocking him off his feet.
The loud sound of cracking bones echoed between the walls, and Todoroki let out a scream.

For a few seconds I just stood there, hovered over him as I looked into his agonising eyes.  "It's over hero. Now watch me as I send you to hell."
And with that I chopped his neck and he blacked out.

A/N: hope you liked this chapter 👍🏻 next chapter will be out before 7th of December :))

Word count: 887

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