8 - Flight

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Killua waited an hour after Aizawa left for nightpatrol, and then another hour after Yamada went to bed before sneaking out. There was one place he hadn't properly explored yet. He was curious about the place he had first landed. In other words the bar, and the underworld. Killua felt like he needed to figure out how strong he was compared to these so called quirk users,  and had a hunch that nen was much more powerful. However, he shouldn't underestimate these people too quickly. That could be dangerous.

Killua spent the last hour waiting by looking for a specific location, an illegal fighting club. He had heard Aizawa talk about it to Yamada a couple of nights ago. As soon as he heard how extremely difficult it was to find, it triggered his interest. Nobody had managed to track their location since they started switching it up every other day. In conclusion, it was nearly impossible to pin point.
Well, if you don't count killuas hackingskills and his capabilyti to find information. ( just some basic skills Milluki had taught him when he was eight.)

After some typing and inputs he easily entered the dark web. From there on it was just like a walk in the park. In less than ten minutes he had the location and he was out the door, or more like out the window. 
Nehe, he bet even the walking lie director couldn't get his hands on this gold mine of information. Even intel on the so called LOV was available. surely if they had had this kind of info from the start, things wouldve been so much easier for the police and heroes.

He was soundlessly making his way towards the destination by jumping from rooftop to rooftop. It would've been completely dark if not for the moonlight, showering the rooftops and dark buildings in a cold white light. His steps were completely silent, not even the best trained dog would be able to hear him running in between the shadows.
He quickly noticed a certain hobo, and decided to mess with the hero, Just for the hell of it. To make his presence known he released some of his bloodlust

With said hero~~

Aizawa felt terrible chills run down his spine, and his blood suddenly ran cold. For as split second he was frozen in place, feeling scared for his life. His eyes quickly scanned the surroundings, looking for the culprit. They landed on a dark silhouette jumping from one rooftop to another. As if the fact that it was in the middle of the night wasn't suspicious enough, the person was shooting so much killing intent that even a hero would freeze up in fear. This was obviously a villain. So Eraserhead decided to follow , to make sure this person didn't kill anyone. 

Back with Killua ~~

Eraserhead was now on his trail, Exactly as planned. This was gonna be fun, maybe I'll help hobo-sensei out a little
He snickered internally at the new nickname , Aizawa was gonna be his teacher, after all.

Killua picked up the pace, using only half of his normal speed and strength, and without his nen. As suspected , Aizawa could barely keep up.

After about 10 minutes of running around playing this game of tag , Killua got bored. So he let Eraserhead catch up to him a little. After that, Barely two seconds passed and he was close behind him again.
Without warning he was forced into a state of zetsu. This made him stumble on his feet, and like a bolt of lightning, alarm shot trough him. Someone with the power to erase nen. He didn't really think it was possible.....
Killua was now forced to rely only on his assassination techniques and brute strength, and he didn't like it one bit.

As soon as Killua stumbled, Aizawa took advantage of that opening and shot his scarf at him. Going for a capture. Killua managed to jump to the side, barely dodging by twisting in the air. He landed on all fours, turning to face Aizawa.
He locked eyes with the insomniac of a hero and couldn't help but chuckle at the sight.
To say that the teen was surprised by his temporary guardian's appearance, was an understatement. His long black hair was floating, and his eyes where shot wide open, glowing red.

Thank the gods that he had put on a disguise. Or else he'd be fucked. He hid his white hair in a hood, tied back with a hairpin so it wouldn't fall over his eyes. And a mask to cover the lower part of his face.

The hero didn't wait for the next opening before he came charging at him. Attacking with both of the sides of his scarf.
Killua jumped over the first and cut trough the second, but Aizawa kept coming at him, pressing him closer to the edge.
However, Killua just kept on dodging with ease, even though they where getting dangerously close to the edge. Then he suddenly got an idea, grinning under the mask he purposely stepped onto the ledge.
Looking the wide eyed hero dead in the eyes, he fell straight backwards with a mocking wave.
It was a 10 story building, but that didn't really matter since he had jumped off cliffs taller than this small building. Both as a part of his training and because of Gon. That dumbo would just jump of random cliffs for fun all the time. Without even thinking. He didn't even know how to land properly but he still did it. Most of the time Killua ended up having to catch him so he didn't brake his neck or something. That dumbass.....

He felt a sudden pang in his chest with the thought of his best friend. He really missed that idiot, more than he'd like to admit. Killua didn't have separation anxiety or anything, but at the moment he could feel himself slipping into it.
Not now he told himself. He was literally falling here , so thinking about that shit now wouldn't help.

He flipped in the air and prepared for landing.

A/N : so I've had some slight inspiration problems, hehe. I keep on imagining one specific scene  in one of the future chapters, and it's really starting to bug me. Grrraaah, I wanna write it so bad. annyways hope you enjoyed, nehehe. c u next time ;)

Word count : 1077

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