9 - Encounter

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Aizawas pov :

He watched the kid fall off the building in terror. Was they insane! He erased their quirk ! however you look at it nobody would survive a fall like that without a special type of quirk. Besides,
any mentally stable person wouldn't just throw them selves off a building like that! Quirk or no quirk.

After the two seconds of shock had passed, he launched himself forward while shooting off his scarfs, in hopes of catching the kid in time. He was hovering with half his body over the edge when he got a hold of the ankles.

But like a shell on a seashore, the relief he felt in that moment was washed away in an instant. His scarf had without warning been cut, right above the villans ankles.
Aizawa was left helpless , forced to watch the kid throw himself into his own death. Or so he thought. (You can imagine the surprise and shock he felt when he witnessed the significant, and professional landing the kid preformed. )
After followed anger, both at himself for being fooled by a mere child and at the villanous kid for his threat.
Aizawa cursed loudly at himself as he watched him walk away from the dent in the pavement (his fall had created) and disappeared into the alleys without a trace.

~ time skip to Killuas pov ~

Well this was a let down Killua thought with a sigh. He was seated in a chair among a row of chairs and a lot of people (some kind of stadium) Crossing his arms in dissatisfaction he watched two amateurs fight each other on a caged stage. He had expected it to be at least a little bit entertaining, but all the two buff men did was growl at each other while throwing punches. They where currently tackling one another on the ground.
Sight* well it did remind him a lot of heaven's arena, at the early stages. Oh how that brings back memories. Wait..... I could just make this interesting myself! Ya know, take it up a few notches, have some fun!

Without much more thought, Killua went over to the guy seemingly in charge. (Killuas observation skills never failed him ) He tapped him on the shoulder , and when he turned around to face Killua, he raised his hand in a greeting (✋)
"yo, could you sign me up for some fights?"
The man raised an eyebrow, looking him up and down suspiciously. After a moment of hesitation, the man replied "We don't send in children like you kiddo. You gotta be at least 18 or so."
Of course, Killua wore his disguise well, so the only thing that gave him away was his height. But he'd already made up a plan for that.

Barely a second after he said that, Killua burst out in anger, leaving the poor dude shocked and slightly scared.
"With all due respect! I'm not a child. I'm 19!! Urgh I'm so sick of people bullshitting me for a kid. It's my quirk dude." "MY QUIRK!" (To add fuel to the fire he slipped out a little bloodlust with that last one)

The man felt very uncomfortable, and embarrassed. Not only had he not expected this child looking man to react like this. But he had forgotten the very obvious; Quirks varies with each person. after all, Nobody had the same quirk. Therefore any shape form and mind was present in this society.

On top of that , Killua was very persuasive, his voice was changed to a little darker , and his attitude and reaction went well with the situation.
So the man could do nothing but believe him.

Two minutes later Killua was facing a woman with long dark pink hair in the ring. She looked fierce, the way she carried herself  made her seem powerful and elegant. The coat  she wore flared dramatically behind her as she walked (snape style)
But she didn't fool Killua for a second.
she just reminded him slightly of hisoka ( only he was like x 100 times stronger )
The thought of the pedo clown made him frown in disgust, but since he was wearing a mask nobody noticed.

The guy in the microphone stated loudly that the fight was about to begin, and everyone should place their bets.
" okay everyone, today your queen is fighting what seems to be a newbie! With no name! His quirk : bone manipulation"
That was literally the first thing that had come to mind when they asked, since he'd be using his hands as weapons for this fight
(he thought of hand manipulation but bone sounded so much cooler to Killua.) Although he was going with a swift move and a chop to the neck.
He would do this until a greater opponent showed up and he could use his " bone manipulation" for other skills.

at first he thought about finding a quirk that added up with his size, but in the end he went with what he thought would pull the least attention, in addition to it being somewhat strong.


He put his hands in his pockets as he started walking towards the 'queen'.
she took a defensive fighting stance, and honestly, it was pretty good. She seemed to have at least a little battle experience, which may actually make this fight interesting.
Maybe, just maybe she'd be a challenge.

Suddenly, he got the feeling of dejavu. This scene seemed rather familiar. Like it had happened before. But of course it had! He'd done this tons and tons of times! It meant nothing . Certainly. .......

Without warning or the slightest sign of doing so, killua darter up to his opponent, swished behind her back, and chopped her neck with his hand.
Although, to the audience it looked more like he just teleported.
He was behind the queen in what seemed like a flash. And with that the 'queen found herself falling to the floor, face first with a loud thump. The audience had gone completely silent. either in shock or amazement or both. He had just taken their 'queen' after all.
Killua felt a little bit of satisfaction by the silent crowd as he walked away , but he was also bored. And it showed.

Suddenly there was gasps , and the woman Killua thought he knocked out was back on her feet, and came charging at him at full speed. 'Impressive, that was even my full strength ' he thought as
He dodged her fists and claws with ease.
But then , out of the blue she started smiling a creepy smile, and Killua could feel more clown vibes as he shuddered. It resembled the bloodthirsty smile Hisoka wore, and Killua suspected she had a plan just like that in mind.
As if on que, she pulled out two daggers and started attacking him with them instead.
But bored as he was, he placed his hands behind his head, closed his eyes, and dodged her effortlessly. Swishing from side to side, almost dancing.
He needed to practice his En anyways, and shutting off all his other senses was the best practice.

(En ; expands his aura around him in a specific radius; allowing him to sense anything that moves inside that radius)

After about 3 minutes of constant dodging the queen started looking pretty frustrated, and her attacks started to get more sloppy and desperate.
"Wh-why!, stupid child. What is this!? I thought you were weak! Like last time!"

Now Killua was starting to get suspicious, last time?
He opens one of his eyes and looked at her with a new curious interest.
"I don't know what you're talking about? Last time? I've never seen you before."
With a smug face the woman pulled up her hood and closed her coat. In that moment he froze , and he realised that this was the woman who brought him here.


The chapter's finally done! Sorry it took forever😜
Hope it didn't suck as much as I think but oh well. Enjoy~
(Oh btw, I know the picture on top doesn't have anything to do with this fanfic, but I just felt like adding it ~😈 )

Word count: 1357

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