16 - Quirk assessment test

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Killua's pov~

"A test of our quirks?!" Everyone yelled in unison.
"What about the entrance ceremony?! Or guidance sessions!?" Uraraka seemed to be the most shocked by the sudden start of the first day.

I'd personally never gone to school, so how it worked had always remained a mystery to me. Maybe this was going be interesting.
Or not...... I totally zoned out when Aizawa started a speech about the school and it's
'Freestyle educational system' , how boring.

Instead of paying attention I dug around in my pockets, pulled out a half-eaten chocolate bar and started eating it.
I was just daydreaming about swimming in a pool of my beloved choco-robots, when someone called my name, and I was pulled back into reality.

"Killua, how far could you throw in middle school?".
"Huh?" Aizawa looked at with an annoyed face when I just shrugged.
"I don't know. Never did any of that"
When everyone's faces turned into question-marks I just stated "Homeschooled"
With a sight he turned to Bakugo instead, he didn't have to ask the same question twice
" sixty-seven meters"
"Great. Now try with your quirk. Do whatever you need to, just don't leave the circle."
Bakugo stepped into a circle on the ground, pulled back his arm and screamed "DIE!!!!" As he threw the ball.

"It's important for us to know our limits. That's the first step to figuring out what kind of heroes you'll be." Aizawa stated, and showed everyone the device reading bakugos score. It read 705.2 m.
Everyone seemed pretty impressed. Not me though, I mean I didn't lie earlier or anything, but I knew how far (ish) I could throw a ball. Geeez, I could throw that thing ten times further without using even half of my strength. Let alone using my nen.

"Speaking of limits, Killua. Nezu told me to inform you that holding back won't do. If you slack off like in the entrance exam, that won't be tolerated."

I widened my eyes at him What!? But...! Omg does the principal want me to crush all their motivations or something!? I honestly didn't know what to respond.... So I just glared at him.

"You're up next"  Aizawa almost looked smug, almost like this was humouring him.
"Whatever" I said and walked over to the ring. I sighted 'this is really going to be a pain in the ass'

I shot an icy glare towards Mr.Aizawa and I pulled back my arm ready to throw "Remember old man, you asked for it" with that I threw the ball.

Aizawas pov~~

The wind pressure after that throw was probably enough to send cats flying!

Aizawa looked down at the device in his hands, Amazed and unable to process the number. Literally, the device was still counting.
After two minutes, it finally landed on a number
'29620 m' How...? That was more that Allmight when he went to UA!

When he looked up at Killua, he was met with a grinning face, but his eyes exposed how annoyed he really was. "Well? Did that qualify as 'slacking off? Tell Nezu that he can go and eat shit"

With that he put his hands In his pockets and started walking away from the class.
At first Aizawa was to stunned to speak, but he shock his head and yelled after Killua.
" Before you go Killua, I'll have you know that, the one with the lowest score after all 8 events will be expelled." At that Killua stopped dead in his tracks.

Killuas pov~

That fucker.....!
Well it's pretty obvious that it's only something he said. Like, to make the others take this seriously. But then again, this is aizawa. He'd probably actually do it. If he meant that they didn't have what it takes.

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