5 - Investigation

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3-person pov~

Without warning killua bolted up from his chair, causing a loud noise from the chair, and a small bang echoed between the walls as it knocked over.

"Ahahaha! Would you look at that. Time fly by fast right? I need to get back to where I came from so c ya!"

He bolted towards the exit but allmight blocked the door.

"Move it big guy. Im in a hurry and I don't really wanna hurt you "

"Young killua. I'm afraid I cannot do that. We're only trying to help you out here "

He gritted his teeth, and turned around to look at the other two. Obviously not threatened by him, they just looked at him with pity. And he hated it.

He let out a little bloodlust and walked closer to allmight. Directing it mostly at him. He sharpened his hand and brought it up, pointing at allmight.

"Let me out " his death stare bore into allmight. His knees almost started woobeling. The look in the kids eyes. They didn't belong to a young boy, but a killer. A predator looking down on its prey.
Even The detective and Hobo guy could feel it. It was suffocating.

In a blink of an eye killua was at Allmights side. He put his hand on his sholder and just simply pushed him to the side. He let go of his bloodlust and turned the doorknob violently. But it didn't move an inch. What..!?
He turned around and looked at the heroes. Allmight had managed to lock the door with his key. Damn him

He could always just push the door down (he doubted that it weighed more that the testing gates at his home anyways) or in worst case scenario brake trough the walls, but he decided against it. Maybe this could work as a benefit. If he told them half the truth, without lying, they would probably help him. So he didnt have to sleep on the streets tonight. Or go through much trouble to find a job, and a place to stay. He also needed an identity. Considering he didn't actually exist in this world.

Before he could say or do anything aizawa wrapped his scarf around him. He looked at killua with a frown
'This kid's dangerous '

Killua just looked amused.
"Yeah, yeah you got me."  Then with unbelievable strength and skill, he pulled himself out of Eraserheads scarf. Jumping in the air and landing a short distance away from the detective.

In a dramatic manner he held out both arms "here you go officer. Take me away" he faked a tear rolling down his cheeck and looked dramatically away. His eyes locked with aizawas and he smirked

"Aww common guys, did you really think I would hurt anyone? Aaeww, my heart. Im wounded" he clenched his chest as he fakes a stab to the heart.

'He's...is he..mocking us?!' The three heros though at the same time

For a moment killua reminded aizawa about a cat playing with his prey. And he didn't like it one bit.

Killua gave up his act and scoofed as he sat down in his chair again.

"Sigh* If you wanna know so badly, I'll answer your stupid questions. But you have to promise that whatever I say or ask will never leaves this room"

Everyone but allmight had recovered from the shock moments ago. They sat down, and looked at each other nodding their heads at killua.

"So. Killua. How old are you? Really" the detective asked for the third time

"I'm actually 13. But I thougth that 15 would benefit me more so I lied"  this time his answer was honest. And Tsukauchi nodded.

"Now my turn. How exactly did you know I lied??" Killua asked both fascinated and curious at the same time.

" That's my quirk. It allows me to work as a human lie detector."

Killuas only response was forming his lips like an O . 
So in other words he was fucked? Shit.
How am I supposed to hide my background!? He could absolutely not tell them about his family.
He would probably be looked at as a villan. Given all the innocent people he had killed.

"What's your quirk?" The detective asked.
"Eerg... eh. Good question. I don't know"
This seemed to upset Eraserhead.
He slammed his hands in the table
"Stop screwing around! What do you mean you don't know?! Sto-" the detective cut him off

"His telling the truth"

Hobo man sat down and asked, more calm this time "mind explaining that one a litte?"

Killua took a deep breath. Well here goes nothing  "I actually have no idea what a quirk is. And heroes? First time I've heard of em " he paused a second. As if to make sure the rest was following. When nobody said anything he continued.

"Don't laugh, but I think that I might be from another universe"

It was dead quiet. The only sound were of a pen falling to the floor

"H-hes telling the truth! Oh my God. How?!" Tsukauchi gaped at killua
And killua just shrugged.

"Thats what I would like to know. This  morning I was just meeting up with my friend, and we decided to sign up for some fights at Heavens arena. You know, cause we were bored. And the next thing I know I was falling through some roof and landed in a bar."

A/N: I had so many ideas for this chapter, you guys have no idea 🤣🤣 picking one was hard.
Hope you enjoyed 😉

Word count: 932

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