2 - Unfamiliar

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That was all he could feel. Well that bitch's a "good old friend'. He thought sarcastically. Being a trained ex-assassin and all. He grunted as he dragging himself up in a sitting position, clearly dissatisfied. "Aww fuuuck that hurt." He whined to himself while rubbing the back of his head. He looked around, scanning the room he was currently finding himself in. He Furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and annoyanc when he realized he couldn't recognize anything at all.

What? Where the fuck is this? He was sitting in the middle of a bar. With pretty dim lighting. Killua automatically started counting all the different hindigspots and escape routes. Other possibilities or outcomes where he for example needed to make a quick escape where racing trough his head in seconds. Due to his years of training this was burned into him, and was pretty much like second nature to him.

He heard people running on the floor above him and rushing down the stairs to his left. probably heard him crashing to the floor. He looked up and realized not only did he land randomly in some bar, but he actually fell trough their roof, and then the second floor. No wonder everything hurt.
That actually sounded pretty funny.

He shifted his focus towards the new people in the room, not even bothering standing up. All of them was staring at him either suspiciously or with curious gazes.
Killua just stared at them. His mind racing. How long was I out??
Where was gon?
If he remembered correctly that's where he sould be, besides his best friend. The last thing he remember was fighting in Heavens arena, and after that.... blank...
The girl in the middle was the first one to open her mouth and speak. Snapping him out of his thoughts.

"HI! I'm Himiko Toga! Nice to meet you! So um... where exactly did you come from? Are you okay!? What's your name? Awww you're so cuute!"

"Wow wow, toga. Calm down. He could be a treat to the LOV" a man with a bunch of burning scars and pearcings stepped forward. His blue eyes eying killua suspiciously.

" er... well you see I was hoping you could tell me. Where is this exactly? LOV? Oh and my name is killua by the way"

he got up from the floor pretending to wobble a little on his feet. Seeming weaker would mean he's less of a threat right? Hehe.
A man with a lot of hands spoke up, his interest picked. "You don't know the league of villans? That's unusual" His raspy voice sounded both surprised and threatening at the same time.
I just shock my head in confusion

He spoke up again. This time with a little laugh " How did you even get here? Why shouldn't we just kill you right now? You're obviously suspicious. And a threat."

At that killua just snickerd " Yeah, I'd like to see you try old man."
"What?!" "Old!? Why you little !.." he was about to explode in anger when killua interrupted him

"Oh wait sorry, sorry. My bad. It was just that all the dry and bad skin made it look like wrinkles. My apologies gramps" killua snickerd obviously making fun of him.
The funnies was the look on this manchilds face. He looked absolutely pissed.
Toga snickered and killua could se that the two others where struggling to hold their laughter.
The mist guy behind the bar couldn't hold it in and started laughing quietly.

"Shut up kurogi! Dabi! Kill the Brat."
"Whatever shigi"
Scarface stepped towards him and put his hand out , while killua just stood there with his hands in his pockets with a shit eating grin. Dabi sendt a stream of blue flames at killua but by then he was already behind dabi. He chopped his neck and a wide eyed dabi smacked to the floor, face first. For a second everyone stood frozen. To shocked to move. Killua took this as his opportunity to leave and bolted for the door. When they finally realized what had happened, killua had smacked the door shut behind him.


By the time killua stopped running it was already starting to get dark. He had used his en to try and locate other nen users but found none. Further more not even a single person with any aura at all. No nen nodes. Nothing. But then again, he'd spent the whole time running trough alleyways trying to find his way to the main city. Obviously he was at the dark side of the city. The underworld. Probably oozing with people from the underground community.

Walking down a dark alley he bumped into a guy, the thug obviously ment for killua to fall backwards given the strength he put into that. But killua just kept walking. Ignoring the idiot who dared try knock him over.

Instead the thug turned around, a little taken aback by the white haired kids strength. He quickly got over it, dismissing it as his quirk. Instead he ran over and grabbed his shoulder in a harsh manner.
"Hey! Apologize when you bumb into someone Brat!" The thug spat

"Let go" his voice was cold, and it made a shiver run down the others spine.

"W-what's a litte kid like you doing here anyways, you lost???" the thug ignored the warning and kept presiting him.
He squeezed his shoulder tighter and pushed him face first into the wall.

That was the line. killua grabbed his arm, and turned around to look at him. At the same time the thug grabbed his collar
"Y-you! If you don't come with me, I'm gonna fucking kill you! " he shouted at him angrily.
"I'm only gonna say this one more time. Let go" this thime there was real venom in his voice.
When he didn't let go he gave him his killer death stare and slipped out some of his bloodlust. directing it at the thug.
He was scared shitless. His feet started to wobble, his whole body was shaking in fear 'this- this kid ain't normal!'
Just when killua was about to snap (probably would've killed the guy)

A white Scarf wrapped around the thug and pulled him away from the boy.

A/N: hope you all liked it so far! ❤ I'm planning on posing a few more chapters during the weekend. Since I'm pretty much bored to death and I find writing this story pretty fun 🙃🙃

Word count : 1080

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