3 - Heroes?

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Aizawas pov~

Eraserhead was on patroll, jumping from building to building looking out for anything suspicious. He was also on a secret mission. In fact, about a few weeks from now, he was going on a undercover mission to stop an illegal fight club. It was growing every day now. The police had gotten more bodies peiling up at their doorsteps. Not litterally, but bodies where dumped, scattered everywhere around the city. They had figured out that this was the results of that very same fighting club.
Before they could do anything, Eraserhead needed to locate the organization. Apparently they changed location every figth, so eyes and ears on the inside were essential. They needed as much info as possible.

Eraserhead stopped at the top of a building, over an alleyway. He could hear shuffling and muffled voices. Sounded like some kind of struggle.
He looked down and saw a man tackle and push a white haired kid face first into the wall.
He was about to take action but for a second the kid surprised him, by fighting back. He had grabbed the mans wrist and twisted it , and turned around to face his attacker. Unfortunately it looked like the villan still had the upper hand, he held the white haired kid in place. But the kids efforts seemed to only anger the villan more.
Y-you! If you don't come with me, I'm gonna fucking kill you! " he shouted at the kid angrily.
He said something to the villan. But Eraser couldn't hear him
The villan looked at the kid with wide eyes.
But by then the hero had stopped observing and jumped into action. If he didn't do anything soon this kid's probably gonna get hurt.

He jumped off the rooftop and wrapped his scarf around the villan, pulled him away from the child, and landed behind the culprit. Knocking him out in the process. It looked more like he fainted, the villan also pissed his pants, huh? Well guess Eraserhead scared him more than he thought.

With the villan wrapped in his scarf he turned to the kid.
Now that he got a good look at him, the kid seemed to be around the age of 13-14. Fluffy white hair and dirty clothes. His shorts and hoodie were ripped some places and the withe on his hood was smudged with dust. And he was bleeding. From a wound on his ankle and a cut to his elbow. But what shocked the hero the most was how calm the child was. As if his safety wasn't at stake moments ago, or what the hell happened to him before Eraserhead found him

"Yo" he lifted his hand in a greeting. Totally casual. This made the pro hero wonder. And a little suspicious.

3 person-pov~

The tired looking hobo just stared at him for a few seconds

"Yo" killua put his hand up in the air

"You alright kid? You're injured"

"Hm? I am?" He asked this more to himself than the hobo , and looked down at himself. Killua realized first now that he'd been bleeding, from both his leg and elbow. Not to mention his clothes were torn and dirty.

"Aww man! That was my favorite hoodie to!"
At that aizawa sweatdropped 'that's what his worried about!?'

The hobo coughed twice and looked at him. " where are your parents? Why are you wandering around here alone?"
The whitehead just looked at him, slightly alarmed but didn't show it.
After a few seconds of silence killua just shrugged
"Why do you care? Besides, why should I trust you?"
To say that the pro hero was shocked was an understatement. Didn't he know him? He was a pro! Besides, what else could he be since he just saved him.

"Eh.. Im a pro hero. It's my job to help you, and I just saved your ass from that villan" the tired looking man nodden towards the still unconscious thug.

Now killua was confused. And it was written all over his face.
"Pro hero? Don't you mean pro Hunter? And why'd you call him a villan? Isn't it the same as abcriminal? It's wierd, sounds like something straight out of a comic book" killua put his finger on his chin and tilted it slightly downwards. As if he was thinking hard about something.

Aizawa was speechless. Was he just messing with him? How could he not know Heroes and villans!? It was like the basics of society.

" you need to come with me. To the police station, or do you have a home I could take you to? And what's your name by the way?"

"I'm killua. And no. Actually, maybe you could tell me where I am? I'm kinda lost?" Killua said that last part more like a question that a statement.

Aizawa just sighted. This kid....
"You're in musutafu city. In the Darker part that is."

Killuas pov~

Musita-fu what now??does that even exist?? He was tired. And in a bad mood. After just reuniting with gon, he was now somehow teleported to this wierd place. So far two people had tried to kill him, and now this homeless guy is calling himself a hero and claiming that he come with him? What the actual fuck? And he doesn't even know what a hunter is? To him that sounded suspicious. For now killua decided to tag along. Get as much information as possible without drawing attention to himself. That would be the best conclusion right now.

Soon enough the hobo pulled him out of his thoughts "are you coming?"

"Sight * sure old man. I'll go with you to the station"

With a disapproving look at the kid, the hero turned around and told killua to Call him Eraserhead

This made killua snicker.

"Eraserhead! Bwahahah! That's your name!?"
Soon that turned out to a full out bawl of laughter
"HAHAHA! OI OI, What? Can you like, erase things with your head? Hahahaha how lame!" Killua couldn't keep himself from falling to the ground, laughing harder than he had in months. Eraserhead just glared at him.

"Listen up Brat, learn some respect. That's my hero name, it's just an alias. Heroes doesn't go by their real names, I thought everybody  knew that. but apparently I was wrong. So shut up and follow me. Or do you want me to use the same method as I'm using on the villan"
he pointed at the dude wrapped in his scarf.
Killua wiped his tears and got up still chuckling a little
"Yeah yeah, whatever you say. Eraserhead~" with a mocking smirk he followed Eraserhead out of the alley.

A/N: third chapter of the story's finally out! Woo-hoo.  It's finally starting to look like something now 😅 hope you liked this chapter as much as the others 😛❤ until next time peeps 👍

Word count : 1133

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