6 - Nezu

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Killuas pov~

"You fell trough a roof?" Eraser asked questioning.
"Yeah, I guess that's why I look like Shit. Damn it, and I don't even have any spare clothes. Awww, my poor hoodie." Killua said with a small whine and a crying face, looking down at his ripped up outfit.

"That's what you're worried about? What about you?! You could've gotten seriously injured !" Allmight said, obviously worried.

"Don't worry big guy, I've had worse". (If only you knew)" rolling his eyes, he added that last part to himself.

Before the topic could be expressed any further the detective decided to speak up again.

"Ehem, Okay killua. We need to figure out what to do with you next. First, we're going to inform a few heroes, and the police will work together with them to find you a way home. Although I think our first priority right now should be finding you a place to stay. I've looked through some things and we can easily place you in a temporary foster care or up for an adoption."
At this Killua shot the detective one of his iciest glares. With a cold expression he simply just said


Nezuz pov~

The principal was just sipping some tea at his office late that evening looking trough the application papers for UAs entrance exam. when he got an unusual call from one of his teachers, Aizawa


"Nezu, it's aizawa. We've got a situation. Could you come down to the police station? Me and Tsukauchi will explain when you get here. Great thanks."
Mr.aizawa didn't even wait for a response before he hung up

The little mouse/bear was now very intrigued. Interesting he thought

Killuas pov~

The doors to the interrogation room opened and in walked a mouse? But it also looked like a small bear? Well whatever.
And then it spoke
" ah, you must be killua! Aizawa here told me all about you!" He said pointing in Eraserheads direction.
Killua just stared at him emotionless. in a bored tone he statet "damn, It speaks."

Everyone except the mouse sweatdropped at killuas rude words. But the animal just contiued speaking like he wasn't just called an 'it .

" I understand it so that you refused the detectives decision to put you up for either adoption or a foster care solution?"

Killua scoofed while crossing his arms. That stupid detective, thinking he would agree to something like that. Apparently that's what they should do, In the mean time while the pros looked for a way for him to get home. But killua had straight up refused, Threatening to run away and figure it out on his own.

"Hell no. Don't treat me like a kid. I can take care of myself." He crossed his arms in refusal. But then his face morphed into mischief, and a grin streched across his face

" Besides, even if you tried it'd be impossible. I would be gone before you could even blink."
He said that with his confident grin still plastered on his face, mockingly.

Without as much as batting an eye , the mouse/bear replied (obviously exited). Showing no obvious reaction to killuas last statement

"Great!" He chipped
"I have an offer for you then! I would like you to attend to my school!"
The mouse smiled a creepy smile, and it sent a cold shiver down killuas spine. It reminded him too much of the ants. Well, he knew that it wasn't a chimera ant but still

" What's it to you? I don't even know your name, Let alone what you are. To me you just look like a stupid chimera ant. So no thanks"

"Now now, don't haste your decision. My name is Nezu. Principle of UA high-school of heroes"

Before killua could answer or say anything more. Eraserhead stepped In.
" if you don't mind me asking, but what's a chimera ant? You mumbled something about that earlier. And you looked... spooked ..."

" Actually I do mind" was all killua said.
Everyone just looked at him.

"Aaargh fine. While I'm at it any more questions??" Killua complained. He needed to gain their trust anyway.

"A last name would be great!!" Nezu added with a happy tone.

"Sight* Zoldyck . Killua Zoldyck."
"And to answer the first question briefly: Chimera ants evolved from small ants to giant man eating creatures. These vicious human-ants would simply just eat and devour any other species they came across. Well, these guys took a special liking to humans. so, In the beginning whole villages was captured, brutally murdured and fed to the queen"

"Young Zoldyck.... are you saying you've encountered such a dangerous creature, and came out of it alive?" Allmight looked shocked, not unlike the other 3.

"First, call me killua. Second, Yes. Well, the lower classes weren't that powerful, but the royal guards were real nasty to deal with. " killua shivered at the thought.
"I'll admit that I almost died a couple of times during the ant incident yes, but a lot of skilled Hunters did die. that's just how it was. They died for the cause of saving humanity."
(He had explained the term of hunters to them earlier. While waiting for nezu.)

The way killua talked about this so calmly scared the pros, Like death was just a normal everyday thing. Little did they know.
(All exept for nezu. He just got a lot more interested in this kid)

"Well killua, it was nice chatting with you. Based on what you just told us, I'm even more determined to have you in my school! Sounds like you have a lot of experience as well." He got up from his seat and walked towardas the door.

" You can stay with Aizawa until the entrance exams, which is in about a month."

"there's an exam? Is it hard??" His eyes hid a spark of excitement, and his voice sounded curious .

" Aizawa will explain it to you on your way to his place. Have a good night" with that the strange bear/mouse left.
After that nothing more interesting happened so Killua followed Eraser out of the police station and into a smal Black car
The drive was silent, but killua didn't really mind. He liked the quite so he could think some stuff trough.
After a little more silence Eraser decided to speak up. Explaining the basic terms of society and about this UA. And it's entrance exam.

"So in conclusion , the exam is devided by two. One written and one physical? THATS IT!? "
He couldn't believe it. Wasn't heroes supposed to be strong? If it was this simple, about anybody could become a hero. This was probably gonna be a pice of cake compared to the hunter exam.

"Yes, but the physical part is going to be extra tough. Remember that the acceptances rate is barely 0.2%." Aizawa defended.

Killua was still sitting in the back seat of Eraserheads car. Or Aizawa, like he told him to call him.
After Aizawas long boring explanation, he finally understood most of this wierd ass society. He was basically living in a comic. There were heroes defending innocent everyday people, and villans. Villans just ment the same as criminal. Pluss, about 80% of the population had these so called superpowers named quirks.
Well he kinda picked up on all this earlier but now he was sure.

How the actual fuck was he supposed to find his way home? Gon and Alluka needed him.....

A/N: I'm sorry this chapter took longer than expected 😅 but in the end i hope u liked it (even tho I had a few more timeskips this time 😅)

Word count: 1274

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