15 - Scars

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"You're..." glasses-kun looked in greenie's direction trying to say something, and once he did, so did everyone else. This seemed to make the other pretty uncomfortable.
Almost panicked he looked around the classroom, while nervously trying to say something
"Oh, um..." before the green head actually managed to say anything,  glasses-kun walked over to the other male in a very uptight and serious manner. (Heheh he looked like a robot)
"Good morning! I'm from somei private academy, my name is - "

"I heard! .... Um.."
"I'm midoriya"

Oh yeah, the other guy had introduced himself as... uh.. Lida?? Yeah I think that was it
Killua thought while continuing to silently observe from his spot.
Nobody seemed to have noticed yet, but the teacher had already arrived. Hobo-sensei was actually laying on the floor in a yellow sleeping bag. Killua was fighting the urge to laugh at him, and his teacher, the hero he was, noticed killuas struggle almost at once. So he shot Killua a dirty look, he got the message and he keep quiet about it, to not expose his new teacher.

The other students kept on with their conversations and bickering, totally oblivious to the disappointing stare they got from their teacher.

At this point Killua was dying, oh boy this was gonna be funny. Aizawa was gonna grill them. He could tell that his mood wasn't the best already (probably because he was tired) but the students friendly talk seemed to make aizawa kinda ticked off?

As if on cue the hobo decided to make his presence known  "If you're here to socialize then get out. This is .....the hero course"
Almost everyone jumped at the new presence, those who didn't, still looked startled.
As their new teacher climbed out of his sleeping bag and stood up in front of the students, he continued speaking

"Okay, it took eight seconds before you were quiet, time is li-" Only to be interrupted by killuas sudden burst of laughter.

"OH MY GOD BWAHAHAH!!! Look at all yaa faces!!! Ahahaha, uauwhha"
Aizawa, obviously not in the mood for his bullshit, scolded Killua at once.
"Killua. I'm not in the mood to put up with your crap today. So Shut up and listen like everyone else"

At this everyone's faces morphed into confusion, and it took all killuas willpower not to laugh even harder.
With his infamous cat like grin plastered on his face, He threw his hands up in defeat.
"Fine fine, whatever you say old man"
With that the teacher continued.
"I'm your home room teacher, shota Aizawa. Nice to meet you"
Nobody actually got to respond to that because barely two seconds after, Aizawa pulled out what looked like gym uniforms? From inside his sleeping bag? "It's kind of sudden, but put this on and go out onto the field"
Before anyone got the chance to complain, he tossed us our uniforms and walked out of the classroom, instructing us to follow him.

On their way towards the changing rooms, midoriya apparently decided it'd be a good idea to try and approach killua. Together with the girl with chestnut brown hair , midoriya caught up to him.

"Hi! I'm izuku midoriya! And this is-"
"Ochako uraraka! Nice to meet you!"
Killua just hummed in response, while popping a new lollipop into his mouth, not really caring.
When nobody said anything he just sighted and decided to at least tell them his name.
"I'm Killua"

"O-oh, um Killua, we both noticed how you weren't surprised at all at aizawa- senseis arrival! Did you know he was there all along ?! In that case that's soo cool!! Nobody actually noticed you either when I think about it, maybe that's a part of your quirk!?"
Midoriya started rambling about quirks, and it never seemed to end, even when we reached the changing room.
In the end it got annoying so when killua was about to turn the doorknob to the changing room, he turned around and looked him straight in the eyes.

" Izuku, shut up" midoriya looked taken a back, but not by killuas bluntness, nor by his flat apathetic voice. But simply by what he had said.
"I-izuku? W-wait are we on a first name basis already!?" Midoriya stuttered. his face had changed colour, and he was now red as a tomato.

Now it was killuas turn to be confused, but then he remembered something Aizawa mentioned.
oh righ....the old man mentioned something about names...
why did names have to be so complicated here?
"Oh , well actually, I'm not from around here, so sorry if I offended you? Where I come from we call everyone by their given name"

"O-oh, well in that case! You can call me Izuku! I presume your first name is also Killua then. Thought it was a little weird for a last name so that explains it"

Izuku smiled a smile of sunshine as they joined the other boys in the changing room. It made him think about Gon again, and the little smile he had on his face disappeared.
Damn it!

Without thinking much about it, like everyone else, Killua took off his school uniform to change into the gym clothes. It hadn't really sunk into his brain yet that the scars littered all over his body, might not be as a normal to them as it was to him.

Suddenly the room went completely silent, no one dared say a word. The atmosphere was thin and the mood cold. At first he didn't understand what had happened, but the intense stares burning trough his back pretty much explained it.
Ah shit. Didn't think about my scars. You dumbass Killua!

"What!?" He snapped at them.
Surprisingly it was the pickachu guy who spoke up first.
"D-dude. What... what happened to you?"
"Oh, you mean these?" He said pointing at his scars.
When no one responded he just shrugged,
"Just training. Nothing flashy, really."

He left no trace of emotion whatsoever in his voice, neither on his face. Giving away nothing.


At that moment everyone in the room understood. "This kid went trough hell"

Hello! It's been a while :) I'm sorry for the slow updates, Hope u all liked it and that it wasn't too badly written😌 next chapter will be out shortly😝

Word count: 1061

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