10 - killuas switch

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Sorry the chapter came so late! 🥺
On top of school, Some stuff came up and I couldn't find the right time to write🥲 on the bright side, since I'm done with all my assignments I have plenty of time to write more chapters!

With Aizawa~

This kid.... What's he doing? The trail that he left was too obvious, they where without a doubt left on purpose. He had slammed in the wall, like every tenth meter.

But however fast or far he ran he couldn't catch up. After 10 minutes of running he still hadn't run into a single soul. Then he heard something, it was... many many people? Cheering ?
He came to a halt, and stopped right before the alleyway ended. What he saw surprised him, the kid.. had led him straight to what he was looking for. The Fighting-club.

Killuas pov~••

The queens face was scrunched up in a crazy expression, and with an evil giggle she sneered at Killua.
"Recognise me now! You little peasant !"
He didn't know how to react. (All he could think about was how the actual fuck he ended up here). But wait .....If she was the one that got me here, she could also get me home! Right ? Back to Gon.

He could feel his heart ache at the thought of his best friend.... And he automatically brought his hand to his chest, clutching his shirt.
He missed him, he missed him so much, no... he loved him. Wait what! No no no Killua , get it together! He's just your friend.... Besides... even if you felt that way, he wouldn't like you back....

"What? To scared to say anything?" The queen laughed, and with that she took the opportunity and practically jumped on him, pinning a flustered and distracted Killua to the ground.

He managed to block her two knives as she tried to stab him.(still thinking about Gon) He shook  his head furiously to snap out of it. He couldn't really afford to be distracted right now. Damn you stupid brain! He cursed inwardly

The queen and Killua locked eyes, and then she grinned. A vicious and victorious shit eating grin.
At first Killua was confused,
ohh, She's Probably got something good up her sleeve and she thinks victory's ensured. He dead panned, seriously? She's so arrogant ...... never let your guard down in a fight! That's like the first rule when it comes to fighting. Cause literally anything could happen.
Oh well, guess it works for me

The queens cloak waved behind her, exposing a scorpion tail. Unfortunately he didn't notice it before it attacked him, aiming for his heart. Killua barely managed to dodge but he was still stabbed in his side, or more like his shoulder was grazed.
At first he thought that nothing happened, she simply failed at stabbing him. But then he saw her evil smile growing, and he figured she must've used her quirk or something.
Then he felt it, like a knife piercing his heart.
The familiar feeling of poison burned trough his vanes. It was like everything was on fire, and he was supposedly paralysed.
First he fell to his knees, then he slammed to the ground face first.

"Ah-haha! Aaaahhh, this is the best! I've won! Yet Again. See! nobody can beat my poison!" She yelled in joy at no one in particular.

She focused her attention on the body laying limp on the ground before her.
Then she licked her lips while she stepped on his back, and then rolled Killua over so she could look him in the eyes.
"Aaahh beautiful, the look In one's eyes as they slowly perish, and die." The queen let out another ugly laugh.

" haha, seems like your friend sacrificed himself to save you for nothing! Look at you! You're dying anyway, what a shame. Say hi to him for me on the other side will you?"
Was she talking about Gon!? What did that idiot do!???!!!
"Oh ? your question is written all over your face. Fine, as a form of mercy I'll tell you what happen."
She inhaled and let out a chuckle
"When I opened the portal you where sucked into, I was about to follow you and finish you off. But that green headed friend of yours managed to stop me before I could do anything!! Urgh, I'm still pissed just thinking about it. So, I did the same to him as I'm doing to you now. I inserted my poison in him. I didn't have time to enjoy watching him die, but nobody's ever survived my poison so. Te-he"

Something inside Killua snapped. All the light from his eyes disappeared as he let out all of his bloodlust. directing it all at her, how dared she hurt Gon!?.
Her smirk was wiped away from her face immediately, and it turned white as a sheet. She stumbled backwards, almost falling over. (She even peed herself. )
"Wh-what  i-is g-g-going on!? How are y-you still standing!?"
In under a second Killua was on her shoulders, holding her head in place as he said in a low and dark tone
"Did you know, I'm actually immune to poisons?
"Now prepare to die"
The venom in his voice was undesirable, all the bloodlust and venom made her weak to the bone. And she thought that that alone would kill her.

Without any hesitation Killua snapped her neck like it was a toothpick.
He jumped off her shoulders and landed softly in front of her. Cold, dead eyes met shocked terrified ones. "See you in hell"
Without letting go of her gaze he sharpened his hands and smashed her skull.
Blood splattered everywhere as her head was reduced to a mush.

Finally done with the tenth chapter !!! Thank you so much for reading, hope u all liked it 😊 this is my first story with fighting scenes , combat stuff, so I hope it's not too bad.

(For some weird reason, I'm always more in a writing mood when I'm at work..... I have no idea why! 😭 )

Word count  : 1023

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