7 - Boredom

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Three weeks had passed since killua started living with Aizawa. He had no longer problems reading, thanks to Aizawa and his roommates help. In just a couple of days Killua was able to reach a middle school level, and as you can imagine with his skills, He was easily able to surpass the kids his own age in only a week.
He wasn't the chosen successor of his family business for nothing.
Back at kukuroo mountain his mother homeschooled him till a university level, and he could speak about 15 or more languages, fluently. Resulting in him developing learning skills 100 times faster and better  than the average person.
So, he picked up on this pretty damn fast. Even though speaking and pronouncing always went easier........ but, it was still boring. What a drag.

Killua was sitting in his temporary room reading some stuff that was supposed to be useful for the written part of entrance exam, that was tomorrow. The physical part was two days later.
Finally something to look forward too.... These last three weeks had literally almost bored him to death. There was just nothing to DO!  He wasn't allowed to go anywhere without hero supervision.

Apparently the heroes didn't trust him enough yet. Even though they insisted it was for his own safety, Killua knew from the look In their eyes to the small tremble in their voice that that was a straight up lie.
He couldn't blame them though, they knew that he was strong. However, not how strong. they hadn't straight up asked about his strength, so he felt no obligation to tell them either. For now he let them think that his powers evolved around his sharp claws and bloodlust. After all, his quirk was officially named sharp claws on his new ID and papers.

He threw the book in his hands on the floor and smashed his head down in his pillow.
"Aaaaarrrghh!"  That's it! I've had it! I'm sneaking out.
Just then, when he got up from his bed on his way towards the window, Aizawas so called room-mate (yamada) suddenly barged into the room. His loud voice boomed between the walls and killua had to cover his ears, as a prevention from going deaf.

"Killua! DINNER!!!!"
With that Yamada smacked the door closed again and went down stairs, probably to the kitchen.
Damn. There goes that plan. Oh well, I'll just sneak out after midnight, it's more fun that way anyway.
He inwardly grinned at himself and his brilliant ideas. Of course he had snuck out a couple of other times, to explore and get away from the heroes. Although, tonight he had a feeling something interesting would happen. He was itching for some action.

With a sight he made his way down the stairs and into the living room. The table had been set and the smell of fish and saus hit his nostrils before he could even see the food, and his mouth immediately started to water. Killua hadn't realised how hungry he really was, and as if on que his stomach started rumbling.
Yamada sat at the table facing towards Aizawa who sat at the other side of the table. Plumping down on a chair at his regular spot, Killua without as much as a word , started stuffing his face with the delicious food.
"glad to see you like the food Killua." Aizawa sounded surprised. He'd never seen Killua with this kind of appetite, except when it came to chocolate. He must be exited for tomorrow
The hero thought

"Mfhis ifsh delifhiush!" He disclaimed With his mouth stuffed.
"YES! DELICIOUS! Shouta you're the best !!!"
"Yamada shut up. Stop being so loud!!!" Aizawa complained with his ears covered. Killua was just amused. He reminded him of a certain green head.

After his fourth plate Aizawa sighed.
"The written exam is tomorrow you know, so don't over do it. We don't want you to have an upset stomach tomorrow now do we?"
Swallowing his food in a huge gulp he grinned up at the two other males, looking at him with knitted eyebrows.
"Don't worry old man. Even food poisoning can't stop me from taking that exam tomorrow "

"Yeah, right. Of course." He rolled his eyes, probably at both his nickname and Killuas weird statement. The two males probably didn't know that Killua actually meant his words. How where they supposed to know he was immune to poisons and poisonings.?
Hehe well he wasn't about to tell them about that anyway. Like he didn't mention anything about his nen or other skills.

Sorry, short chapter 😂 the next one will follow Shortly 👌😇

Word count: 772

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