3 Years Later...

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Hello Everyone, 

 3 years since my last post,

3 years since I've written something on this site,

Well, I'm back!

After thinking over time, this has been on the back of my mind of continuing to write but sadly not back in this book as I have said in the previous chapter my reasonings why. I have an original story that has been brewing in my mind for a long period of time that I'm ready to release out in the world. Besides me here to promote my other books and what not I have something else to discuss.

With that out of the way, I have been in thought about creating a discord server or anyone who wants to communicate, make friends, share books, continue to support and talk about SHINee and any other group within the kpop industry, etc. If anyone is interested let me know in the comments and if there are enough people wanting it ill make it. I want it to be welcoming for everyone and anyone. 

Lookout on my page for my new story maybe even a few SHINee references in there too!

See you soon ☺️

See you soon ☺️

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