The Hero (Minho)

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( This I wrote my freshman year for the end of the year project, so i decided why not change it up a bit and post it, enjoy!!)

Screams filled the crisp winter air of Tapgol Park. Much of humankind running for their lives to the nearest shelter. Police surrounded the perimeter of Tapgol Park, the police chief standing at the main entrance. On his walky-talkies he commands his officers to be well aware and ready. The police chief was already calling for SWAT for backup to fight this hideous monster in the park; a blue furred creature with a body of a bear, head of a wolf and a tail of a fox. Eyes were as white as snow, and pupils a piercing ocean blue. The beastly creature has trashed much of the park with food scattered on the ground, trashcans floating in the lake, even blanket and kids toys ripped to shreds.

"Hold fire!" bellowed the Police Chief. The blue mammal snapped his head to the voice, growling with foam coming out of its mouth. It opens it mouth to roar but instead a giant red 10ft flame came out instead, before it even came close to hit the officers, a woman wearing a black uniform with purple and sliver tracings on it, a plum cape with a dark red rose emblem with green thorn vines on the back. She was skinny and about 5ft 3 with pitch black hair. She blocked the flame with her purple and silver shield that had black vines with thorns across it in a shape of an 'X'. "Its Nightingale." Spoke some individuals in the distance as the officers looked in shock.

The hero extended her free arm towards the grim creature. The Creature started to sprint towards the crowd but was stopped to twenty long vines extending from the earth and wrapping around the awful creature, securing it in place.

"Nightingale, we thank you so much." Said the police chief with gratitude in his voice. As Nightingale turned around to face the crowd, we witness her famous aqua blue eyes and dark red lipstick. Nightingale simply smiles at them.

"It's my job to protect not only the city but the world." And with that she zoomed off using roots and trees to get away into hiding.


A close friend to this hero, Minho, was sitting at home at his dining table waiting for his friend Lillian Quill, our hero; who is 20 years old, to arrive to their dinner date.

"Where is she?" he mumbled crossing his arms over his chest and turned his head to look out the window.

-..Back to our hero..-

Nightingale used the plants to get onto a building a few blocks away. Once on top of the building she found a greenhouse with many plants inside like Cherry Blossoms, all different types of Roses, Lily's etc. Lillian took off her suit to change into a red flannel, navy skinny jeans and white Converse. When the black hair girl took off her mask, there was a couple bright flashes in the distance. Quickly turning her head to spot a tall reporter. At the sudden realization that the reporter has been caught, he dashed out of the greenhouse quickly. When Lillian tried to run after him, but her flannel gets caught onto a rose bush.

As our hero makes her way into Minho's apartment, she hears his TV go off for the news report as she stands in the doorway. The new anchor starts off.

That night changed their friendship forever.

Weeks flew by; the days went by in seconds. Lillian moved to Brooklyn to try and hide herself since her unveiling. She owned a small apartment in this crowed city. At 3am a loud knock was heard at her door, Lillian got up to investigate who wanted to wake the sleeping hero. She grabbed her famous shield when her door swung open with a loud bang. The red culprit made his way to her and without a second thought held her in his strong arms.

"Don't you ever leave me again." Muffled the voice.

There is still much to be told of this hero's story but it can be saved for a later date.

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